- Sermon u. ofthe HoL Y GHosT. Yemay hearethemfpeakc (at the thirteenth verfe :)Wellfartthi; fame goodmrii wine. the(ego~d ftllurveshave beme altt, andndrv_they canJleakenothmg but outlandifh: '1 · 1 b ke" Greeke or Latinc they had, and11orv 0111 tt comes. 7H fQme rtt e ro " . d - - t h d' · · I' Thus, that which wasmdeedgran emtractt 11m, t ey turne mtogr~11de t 11 d 1 Bn- ""'' Of the great Myflerieof this day, theymade.a rneeremockcne. Thofe, th~t _ . wtrc baptizedwith theHoly GhoJf, they traduc<.'d, as 1f theyha~foufed themfelvcs!n Matth.;.u. new wine. Here is theHoly Ghoftnve!comemto the world. Th1s.ufe d~th the Dcvlll keof fomcmenswitsand rongues, topowrecontcmptonthat, wh1ch Godpow- ~~h fon(l,all that-ever they c~n; eve~ to worke def!itc to the Spirit.of Grace, . H, b.io.>g. Jiein" ro make an apologte for h1mfelfe; and the reft, (and mdeed, for the Holy rbe summ 1 ; chojl) S~nt reter fi1ft prayes audience (at theXIV' verfc.) 'Fhe~ tells them foberly, they milfe thematter quite(at th'e XV.) It was roe earlyday~ tofaftcn anyfuch fufpition, upon any fuch men as they were (to be~one, beforewmc m the mornmg.) Bm this he !lands not on; as not worth the anfwenng. 'Here (at thisver(t) hetells them, it was no liquor,this fpedaf!y, no fuch as they furmifed. If it were any,if they would needs have it one,it was the Prophet foelr,and none other. Something powredsn, nothingpowredin. Nothing, bur theejfi'.fion of the Holy Ghoff. This is ic, thatwls fpokenby rhe Prophe~ Ioel._ So, habemu<jirmiorcm fermomm prophelzcum : and th1s,wh.1ch ~eemed to happen -• Pet.•· •~; thus on thefudden, it was long lince foretold; and alleages for lt th1s text of the Prophet, that fuch a thing therejhoutdcometaffc, an ejfufion oftheSpirit,and that a ftrange . one. And this they would find it to be 1this Prophecie (of theSpirit powrd) this qay fulfilled in their cares. Of which Text, thefpeciall points be two: 'OftheSfirits powring: • Of the 'l'beDii#J"'; endwhereto. . Thefirfr I reduce to thefefoure. 'TheThing: •the AEf: .l the Partie by h>hom: I : '4 the Parties up~n whom. •DeSpiritttmeo, isthething; •Ejfimd~m, thca6t. -; Dicit Dominus, the partie by whom. 4 Sttper omnem carnem, the parries upon whom it is powted. I I.-_._, Then the end whereto. And in that foure more. Thelaff endof all in the !all: word ofall,falvabitur. That, is the very end: anda bleffed end;if by any meaneswe may attaine to it. Then arethere three other conduCting to this. Two maine ones_; and one accefforie_, but yet as neceffarie as rhe other. ' Clofe toir, in the end,there is calling on the ~meof the Lo R o : He, that calleth on theName of the Lord,ft,.libee fawd. l And fanheft from it at the beginning, tbereispr#;hetabrmt; to call uponus to that end: Andmy fervants ]hallprophecie. +And, betwcene both rhefe, there isa Memor411dumof the Great Day of the L o R o. Which is not from the matter neither, notmorethanneeds. Forthen (at that day}-welhall fiand moftinnecd of[avi11g: if we perilh then, we perilhfore,;er. And the mention and memorie of tharDay,will make us not deJPi(e;ro;hecyi11g, nor forger invocatidn; but be both more attentive in hming of ;rophtcit, and more devor•tincalli1Jgonthe~meofthe Lo R o. So it maywell goe for athird conduCl:ing meanes; to our fa!varion. ' . Now, to bring this totl:eDay. This Citis faid) ihalltbeiilthelafl dayes. Which With St. Peter here; am! With Sr. Paul (Heb.1.x.) yea and with theRabbinsthem--' felves,arerhedayesoftheMljl'iah. So, of ourMljl'iah CH 1\ x s T (to us) andof noneother. 0 f whofe dayes, this is the very !aft. For, having done his err:md, Hec :vas to goe up againe,and tof~nd HisSpirit downe,to doe bis,-another while :which IS theworke of thisday. As His firft then,thetakingofourjlejh,[oHis laft,rhegivi11g of Hrs Spirit.: tl1e giving it abundantiy,which is theejfimdamhere. . It rcmamerh, that wee pray roH1m, who thus, of HisSpiritpOJimdfortht[us day; thatHcewould vouchfafeonthe fame day to powre of it on us here :that wee may fo hold thisFeafl (the memorieof ir) andfo hearethewords of this Pruphe– ~:· ,as may bee toHisgo~dAmptanu,and-our owpe' (4ving inthc great Day, the Day 'J '"eLol\ o, . Rrr'4 Of