Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

OftheSE N o 1 N G Sermon 10 ------------------------------------------: Ofthe Spirits powring. 7Je spi1it11. OF thethingpowredfirfi. Defpirittlmeo, the Spirit of Go o. Firll of Him give HimthehonourofHisowne DAy. ,tQ Th~Spirit, is ofHimf~lfeAuthor oflife, and hereis brought in, as Authorof Prophem. TheybotharemrheNtceneCreed; •the Lord, and Giver 1 (/ife, •and .,.hsfiake hy the Prophets. Lifeandfpeech have but one Inllrumenr,rhefpirit or breath both. Ofit, thefe foure. . . 1 Fropheciecan.c:ome~rom nonature~utrationa//: TheSpiritthcn,isnAtNrm. tto1~t~lit. And detennmate_llls, dt!hnet pl,amely her.e two wayes: 1 The Spirit, from Him whofethe Spmt ts; Him that faycs. de Spmtu~neo. •That which isf•nmd from Him, that pormth it ; Fnjiu a Fufore. Being thennaturarationalisdttermina/ HeisaPerfon(foraperfonis fodcfined.} ' • 2. Seco~dly, effnjion is a plaineproceedingofthat, which is powrd: as fpiwi. on ts fo too, m the very body ofthe word Spmt. So, a Per(oNprocteding. , 3 Thirdly, beinga Perfon, and yet beingpowredout,,He behoves to be God.No Per{on, Angel/, or Spmt, can bepowredoat, can be fopartmpate. Not at all: but not upon allflejh, not dilated fo farre. Go o onely can be that. So, the Perfon, the P"· ceeding,the Deity ofthe Holy Ghoft (all)inthefe words. And not aword ofall rhis mine : but rhus deduced, by Saint v1m6rofe, and before, byDydimmv!lex•ndri. muSaint Hieromes Mafter. 4 Bur fourthly, you will marke: It is not mySpirit, but ofmySpirit.Thewho\e Spirit, ftefh could nor hold: not allftefh. And parts it hath none. 1. Vnderftand then, of my Spirit, that is, of the gifts andgraces of the Spirit, Btames of thi$ light: flremm ofthispowring. Otherwhere, others: here, thegift ofprophuiwd tP!fgues. Luk•4_;,s. z WhichdeSpirituisalfofaid,rokeepihedifferencebetweene CH K tn •nd r:•1~t';~~~. *·. ~ponHim thC:Sfiritwas :T.he Spiritoff:!odupon Me,lafi yeare. Vponm,notthe - Spmt: but, tie Spmtll, of my Spmtonely, thts ycare. 2 Thc.Afl# Effumum. Dc:ut. J ~.l . Verfc::.3. The next is the a&., ejft~nda11n In it foure more : 1 The quality, inthat it is com: pared to a thing liquid,ju.ft/1, powred out. This feemes not proper. Powring is, as it had beenewater; He came injre. It would have beene lrindled, rather than;wed. True, but S.l'eter,inpropertermes makes his anfwerrefer,ro their llander:andchat was, th•t it rvtU nothinghutnt•v wine, aliquor. The[r objection being in aching li. tJNid,his anfwerbehovedro be accordingly. And well it might,fo: CH • 1st had fo exprelfed it: both lately in His promife, Tej/1411 be baptized with the Holy Ghofl withinfe•v daya: And formerly, tinder thetermes ofwaters oflife (Iohn Vll.)where Saint Ishns expolitionis, Thit He{pakeofthe Spirit. Not (then) given, bur rohee given, firaight upon Chriftsglorifying, which is now this very day. The Holy Ghoft then, is not all {ire. And this quality fals well with the two graces, of •propherif, and •invocatioll, here given. 'Prophecie: Mofes (the gr&at Prophet) likened it, to thedtw falltng •P· on the herbs, orthe raine powredon thegrajfe (Dent.J2.) And that likening is fo ufu. all, as [n111.:1 c.Moreh]theword in Hebrew for raine, is fo for aPreAcher, too; rhartc pofeth the Tranflators,which way to rurnc it : and even in that very Chapter ofIoel, whence this Text istaken. >And, invocatioiJis fo too; ap#1vring otll ofprayer, and ofthe very heart in prayer, l And the thirdofrhe latterday may bee taken in, too. Then there /hall be a powring forth alfoofall thephials ofrhewrathofGod. . . . 2 Thequality then firll:: the qr~antlly, no lelfe. For,powr111g IS aligne ofp/e~ty · ejfil!lf.IA/f)l