Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

714 Uj the SENDING Sermon 11 , -4- 'tlie p:lrtit'S upnwbom. Su·1tr o~nntw ~4Tittm. 1 Lor. 9 g. lohnx. J<t• l Suptrurrttm. Vcd<H· Luke f.U. lohnlO.:.a. !a.mcs 1. 17. Vcrrq; inro this Elmmmity,powring the fpirit, which from His ji<Jh, was powr~ day ,Jt•permnem carnun, "P~n aiLJlrfh. Which ficly brings in the next, Su•tr :~~ 'S tarnem. ' 11 n On whom thispo111ri11gis (which is the !all: point:) Super omnemcarnem.lnwh· there ar~three points, as thewords are three: ' Carnem fir!l: (that is)mm. For fZ Go n take care for oxen (faith the LApof/le) or foony jlejh, but ours~ No,notf~r anyJlefh; but thejlefh which theWord did take. And, for that He doth. . But, we areSpirit too, as well asjlejh: and_,inreafon,Spirit onSpirit, were more kmdly. There ts neerer alliance betweene them. Yet you !hall findethe other part (€efh) is flill chofen. 1 Fir£1:, to magnifie His mercy the more, that parr is fingled out, that feemeth further removed; nay,rhat.ts m.deed qutte oppofi:ctorheSptrit of Go o here pow– red our. For, whausjlefo? lmf'"clauned(X L. of E[ay) It iJgralfe. And nor gra. men, butfll'num, that •sgra/Je wztherzngand fit forrhe Scithe. Is that theworfi ~ 1 would it were: But caro peccati,ftnft•ILJlcjh fcts it further off, yet. Yponfmfalljlejh Hefhould havepowredfomewhat elfe, than His f}irit. ' So, two oppofitions: 'Flrjh and Spirit abfolutcly in themfelves. 'Then ft•· fn!Lflefh, and the Holy Spirit. All which commcnds his love the more, thusto~om· bine things fo much oppofite. Thisftrft. And withal! (that, which right now I touched) to !hew the introduCliontothis conjunClion c;>fthefe fo farre in oppolition citherto orher,even vrrbum carofac7Hm, that made thtsfymbolifme. By wluch, agate ofhope was opened to us(by His incar· nonon) inJfem, ofourin{piration, whichthis day came in rem. For,His.flejh exaltrd tothe right handofGedremembred us, rhat were .flejiJofHisJlefh, and derived downe ehis founraine ofliving water to it, {aliens in vitAm £ternam; Springing, and raifin<> us with it,whence it came (for, water will ever rife as high as the place fromwhenc~ it came) that is, up to heaven, up toeternai!Life. z Super, upot1 it. Ypen it, is without, on rhe outfide ofit. Hadnotfundamin, beene better thanfundamfuptr: Into them, than t~pon them r Not a whit. Indeed,borh wayes,I finde thr Spirit given. At CH a I s r' baptifme,theDwt. tame upon Him• .At His refurreC1ion, inftifflavit, Hebreathedinto them. And fohath He parred His Sacramm~s: B~pti{mc is effimdam [uper, "!""m, from without: the Holy Et~charijl, that is comedtte; that goethin. Vpon the matter, both come roone. If it bepowred on, itJokes in,pieras to the very centre ofthefoule(as, inBaptifme,ftn is walhed thence,by it.) Ifir be breaehtd in, it is no fooncr at theheart, but it workes forth, out it comes againe: Out atthe nofihrils inbreath; out at thewrefl inthebea· tingofthe;u![e. So,both (incffeCl) are one. I But lt is Super here, for thefereafons: Fir!l:, that we may know, thegramof theSpirit, they are;~"~" fromwithout. Insu, that is, in ourflefh,they grow not :ntl· ther rhey nor anygood thins,el[e. And not onely ·~~~"·from wirhom; bur S. I•mts 1us ;,,.,h,too,ftom above,from the.F'ather ofltgiJts. Both thefe are m{uper: and but for thefe wee might fall into a phan!ie, they grew within us and fprung from us, which (G o o knoweth) they doe not. . . . . . . z Anotherreafon is, forthat [ upm] is the Prepofinon properromltlallo», !nro any ne111 offtce. So is the manner, by fome fuch outward ceremonieup011,t0 mmate. By 11nnointmg, orpowring oile t~pon. By induing[induemini]pumng fome robe.o~ other enfigne up~n. By ;,pofttion or layiTJg hands, t~pon. All upon. Baptifme (whlc is the Sacrament of our initiation) is therefore fo done. So, the Dovecame•J 0 " C H R xs T. The tongt~ts (here) 11pon thefe, to enter them, either, into their new offices. . . 1; h a· A third (!all: but notleafi) to enure them to tlus Prepolipon{rtper, w l.C md ny can but evill brooke.Noji•per, no Jt•periorit~ they; all eveD,allequa/1 ;fello~et!~f fi!Lowes. Theright. ha,ds of fill~wfhtp, 1fyouw1ll ; but not fo much, ~s tmf 0 1 1110 hen hands,fr•per. For,tf[uper, then (uhfollowes: ift~pon, then we tmder, 1faliove, t we