___,..,– Sermon n. 'of the Ho L i' GH os T. ;;hmeath. But nofub with.forr:e: fubmit neither head, norJjirit to any._yet,Jtper Ne, [aid CH R 1 s r !aft y~are . and it may become any th~t becameHtm :. H may well becumefieptrcarnem. Superthenmu!l:lbnd, and be !l:ood upon : Confiifion will 715 come ifit be not. . ·. Su er carnem, {uper omnem camem. rpmjlefh, and ttpGn alljlefh: Not,fomeone: 2 . I !s.nen 1 aione: In regard ofwhom, this omnem IS herefpeC!al!y put in. For Supcromntn.: not ew. J""' ,. .. b c b / ' · A ' '"'"""· the hadinamannerengronedtheSpmt erore, _ yan~nta tteromm. ndyet,upon ., ;he~ too; {or, upon their fonnes and thetr dareg~ters (as 1t foll<:weth :) ~ut upon them, Pfal. , 47,,~; ; no more thanupon any other. Th1s IS a lecond preroganve of this Day. The fi~ft,'eju11d4m, that is. ' Before,fparing!y fprip]ded; now,plentifi<llypowred. • Now againe,{r;per omnem : Before, 11pon butfome; now mdtlferemly, ttponaU, . . For fo, whenwelayAll, we mcane?nDnf M exc!uded,but nowmay have it.Hehath Ails •r. 9 : . putno dijference betwmu them and tu (faith Samt Peter.) 'l{gn eft diflmc1eo(faith Same Rom. ••· '•" ,Paul.) Thepartition i;throwne downe now. Go but to the letter ofthe Text,Alljlejh. Eph•••, ... ,•NoSexbarren; upon{onnesandupondaughters: fo .ettherSex. 'NoAge: upo!) yotmgmenandlipon~!d: The one vifions; the other, dreamu. l Noco?'diti,on: on fervants, as-well as fennes; onharJtNaids, no lelfe thandaughters. 4 No '1\ation : for (ifye marke)theSpirit is powredtwice :repon theirfonms, in this; and againe, upon His fervants, in the next verfe. Hisferv.:nts,whether they be their {onnes or not ; w\l~fe V<•fc ,e; {onnes[oeverthey be: though thefonnuofthem,.that are (perhaps) firangers to tlle nrlt covenant. (And yet, even then, GoD hadt;ver his fervanrs,as.well,out ofthat N.ation,asinit.) . . ·' , . 1 Now,in fignethat thus[uponalljlgll;] theyheard them fpeake rhe tongues ofall Ails • { i ftejh, even ofevery Nation tmderheaven. That, where bef?re, a few in Ittrie; now Pf'l.7 6·'h·'! many, all the world over: No longer now, .:l'{gttu tn lltd.ea Deru; Hi4wayj/11u!dbe kn•wne upon earth, Htsfavmg health among all Nattons. yet, not pr~mzfcue rho~gh,_wichoutall manner limitation•. No :_cli_eTe'xt limits it. I mu!l:agamepuryoummmde,ofrhetwo pewrzngsmenuoned m1t. One, the ft~ileromnem carnem, in this the XV. verfe: The other, thefecond, (tper {ervos meos, in the next (the XVIII.) AndJi•per)ervos meos IS the quahfymg, ofjilper omnem c•r– nem. Vpon 41/jle)b (that is)al/fuch tt< willbe my fervants; as will give in their names ro that end; .uwillca!!tpon me: ~icrmque invoc&verit, [o concludes Ioe!. As will beleeveandbe baptized, lo concludes Saint Peter; here, hisSermm. This gives rhel):l thec~pacirie,makes them veffe!s meet to receive this effufion. Bywhich, a,il'Ttsrkes, I ewes, Infiiels,arcout oftheomnem: and counterfeit ChrijliAn:s, too; that profeffe to ferve Him, but all the world fees whom they ferve. And by this, muchftefo is cu,~ offfrom omnem carmm.But fo with this qualifying,uponall. For, any other, I kno1~ iior. And this forrhepo1vring. . An'a no1v, Ytqitidejfie(tohc ~Towbar end,all this~ For iris not to be imagined . tt'' thispowdngwas cafuall,as the turning over ofatub: nor,that theSpirit did runwaft: ·h,••d• thmitwere, i1t qteid perditio h£c? Anendirhad. And that followes now: ..And vvhem~, , ' Jor~r.Jons, &c. TheSpirit is given romany ertds; manymiddle, but one/aff; and that S•l~•'""!' bft 1s in the !all: word,falvahitnr,th~ End thcri ofthisp01vring,is the{a!vationofman. hnde. r.Mavkinde was upori the,pomt to peri01, and theSpirit was powred, as a preCtous6alme or w•ter, to recoverand to fave jr.So,tlieendofall is(and marke irwell) that theJPirit mayfavethefte{h,by thefpiritttalizing it. Not theftejh defr~oythe Spi~ "'!bycarnalizing it. Not thefi'e{h weigh downe theSpirit;to earth, hither; but the Sprrrtlifc up thefitjh, thithertoheaven, whence it came. . _ _T 0 thida!l:,here arethreemiddle COnducingends more: l l'ropheciefir!J: : slnVO• Mtd,.UtO th.1' eatzon, laft: bothwhich are well her~ rq)re[emed; three wayes: 'Inthe tongues (the :"d; ., {ym6~te ofthe Ho L y G H o '. T, tlus day:) The one, Prophecie, be_mg Gods tongue .~;~~~;" tous · the other, Invocatrsn, be1ng our tongue to G 0 D. • In thcSpmt (Both bemg acts oftheSpir#l or brwh:)Prophecie breathes it intoUS:Prayer breathff it OUt againe, >~ Iij