--------------~~~-----=~------------~------~~ S~m~_rz_.____~o~f'_th_e~fl~o __ L_Y_G~H_o_s_T_. ____________ ~7_I~7-- v;.xxvi1I.) Let.a dreamegoefor adrwne, an.d let my word(faith the Lord) he fliktllllf my 1 vord: f!!!tdpale£ ad trtttwm, What mmgle youchaffi andwhe 4 t? We are 1 yno point ofreligion upon them, now: Prophwe, Preachmg1s lt, we to hold our fcl:es unto now. As for vifi~ns a_nd dreames, tra~feant; let,them g.oe•. But then, (orpropheeie mthis ~enfe ofopenmg or mterpretmgScnptures; is the Spirit powred 11 pon aftJlcfb, [o ~ Is thiSofloel, aprocla•namn for hb.my ofpreaching; that all y 011 g andold,mm-{er·vants and matd-fervants, may fall to it~ Nay: thejbeeJc.'<, S;int Pant rooke order, fort hat betimcs; cutthem off, .with his Nolo mulieres. !C•!: 'Htl Jlut what for the rell <may they ~ For, to thiS fcnfe bath thiS Scnpture beene wre- · fieci'by the-Ent111ifiajls offormer ages; and frill is, by the A_n•baprifls now. And by miflaking ofit, way given toafoule error, as ,fall were leqloofe, all m~glu claune, and rake upon them (forfooth)to prophefie: . Norhino elfe th1s but a mahc1ous dev1ce ofthe dJvell,tb powre contempt upon this oifr. F~r (indeed) bring it ro this once,and what was this day falfely lurmifed, will~hen bejufilyaflirmed,muHoplerli (or cerebrovacui, whether you will; but muflo flmi) drunkm Prophetsthen, indeed: h.owbeit not with wine (as E(ay faith) but with Efap.. ••! another as heady a humor, and that dorh intoxicate the braine as much as any mufie, or""" wine: Even of {elfe·Col1ceited ignor&nce, whereofthe world growes too full. But it was no part ofJoels meaning, nor Saint Peters neither, to give way to this phrmfie. . . . . . , No~ Is1t not plame nheSpmt tspowredttpon aftjlejh. True, but not upon all,to trophejie though. The Text warrants no fuch thing. In the one place it is: Andyour '[onnesfhal/ : In theorher, vi_ndmy[trvants (ha(l: Bur, neither is ir, all theirfonnes: norAil Hu(ervants./ball. Ne1rher (mdeed)can lt be. There mult be fome formes;and fome fervants, toprophefie to :towhom rbefe Prop~ets may be fent: to whom this prophecie may come. All jlefh m~y not be Cllt ?ut mtotongtm; fome left for eares: , • .• fome anditors needs. Elfc acycloptan ChurchWill grow upon us, where all werejje4• A-., •l'ltt lm, no body he~rd another. . . . . '•JI• ·,,J'M§; How rhen, !hall the spirit hepowredupon d!ljlefh l well enough. The Spirit of propiJe(te,isnotall GoJs /}irit; Hee hath more befide•. Ifthe f!iritorgraceof pro. plmieupon{omc: tbeSpiritof$race andprayer(in Zacharie) upo?therell:. So, be- Zcob. u.r!Ol ; cweene them both, theSpmt will beuponaftjle(h, and the propofioon hold true: Pra- · ···· phetabu11t mufi not make us forgetinvocaverit. All the(pirit goes not away in Pro. phefring; fome left for chat roo: and there is theqtticunque ( fl.!!jcunque invoca-cmit) and no where elfe. Bm ifSaint Peter will nor ferve, Saint P.atd11ull: He is plaine,Temay allprophe. • Cor. iof.Ji; fieo~eby one : What, the skiJ>pers ofHollandand all~ I crow nor. But (all) rhere,is p!Jme. wll, that is, allth41 be Prophets. And, I wilh, with all my hearr(as did Mo{es) chat all Go D s people were Prephets: but, till they be fo,I wi~1 they may not N=·''·'l' frophejic; no more would Mofesneither. Now,in thefame Epifile,SaincPaul holds ufor agreat abfurdity, ro hold, all .re Prephett. With akinde of indignation, hee a!kcsir, What are allProphets? No more than all Apuflles; as much t'one as t'9tber. 1 cor.u..,; Then, 1fall be not Propt.cts ;all maynorprophefie (fure.) For, wirhrheApoftlemthe · · fameplace,theoperation (that is,the aE1 ofprophe(ying) theadminiflration (that is,the •ffi<eor calltng) and thegrace (rhat is, theenablinggift) thefe three, are ever to goe together, Noact in rhc Church lawfully done, without them all. Then the Apo· llles[you all may] is, all1011 may that have tbegift. - F And not, you that have it neither (rhegiji) unlefle you have the calling too: asor,as God{entgifts, fo Heg~vemenalfoJbmeApBffles,fome Prophets. Menforgifts; 1 Cor ;.., 1• Hwell, asgiftsfor men. Mifit, m CH R z S"t, as well as unx1t (lafi yeare.)And,in · 11 fervams, vocavll, as well as Talenta dedtt. Not to be parred, thefe. Mat.>f.li, n•cl I conclude them. Etprophetabunt: butluch as have becme at the doreoftheTaber- . rh e,~s have beene the(em ofthe Frophets; men fetapart forthac end. And yet even they~ fo, fo, as they take ·not themfelves at!iberry, toprophe .fie wharfoevertakes em lntbe tongLJe; rhedmtmes pftheir owne heads,or the vijions ofthm owwe hearts; Sf1 But