Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

71~ . OfthesE N D IN G • s;----.112 on n. but remember theirfuper, and know, there be fpirits ~ • Cor. '4·.1'· {u6jec1. So much for thefeventeenth andeighteenth Verfes. (} 7111 bee ~ But how now comewethus fuddenly,tothe{ignes ofthelatter day,andtotbed . th'M""b' hfelfe? Forthey follow clofe(you fee.) lt is fomewhat firange, that from E ayst r~~w~~r d.~. phetabunt, He is firaight at Doomes-day, without more adoe. 1 Pro. The reafons which Ifinde, the Fathers render of it, are thefe: Firll th joyning ofthem, is tO meete wirh another dreame that hath troubled the Chclo'e much. And that is, that it may be, there will beanotherpowring yet afrerthi urc • moreProphets rife Hill. Every otherwhile, fome fuch upttartj,lirits there are 15''~~ faine make us fo bcleeve. Here is a difcharge for them. 'vou No (faith Ioel) look for no more fuch dayes as this,afterthis: Therefore totb' day, hejoynes immediately; from thisday, He goesprefently to the latterday (a I He f!tid, you have all you {hall have.) When thispowringhath run fo farce asi; 1 ~ then commeth the end; when this is done,the world is done; No new f}irit no:e' effi•fion ; this, is the bfi. From C H .. I s 'I'' s departure,till His returne again~. fro~ this dayofPewtecoft (a great day and a notable) till the lafl great .mdnotablekyof•U betweene thefe two dayes, no morefuch Day· Therefore, in the beginning of th~ Text,He called them the!•ft dayes,bccau[e no dayes to come afrerthem.Nopowrin to be looked for, from this firfi day,ofthofelafi. No other bmthis tilldiesnO'II/. {imus novif!imomm, the very!aft day ofall; till Hepowre down~ fire 'to confum~ all flefo, that, by thefire this day kindled by thefeftery tongues, !hall not be brought to knowHim, and call upon Hh name. Afecondis, being to fpeake by and by offalvahitur,that we fhould be(avui.He would let us fee,·what it is we ihould befavedfrom. That helpeth much,tomak~ us efieeme ofourfavi!'g. Savulthen fr?mwhat~ From hlotld, andfire, andthe[mol– der of fmokq that ts, from the heav1e fignes !~ere: And from that (which is aft~r th~fe, and beyondall thefe farre) the Great and terrihle Day ofthe Lord. This lightof und'g, from whence, will make us apprize our faving at a higher rate, and thinke it worth our care, then, in that day tobe faved. And !aft, it is fet here,per modumftirmtli, to quicken us, Vtfcientes terrorem hunr; faith Saint Paul,chat entering into afad and fober confiderarion ofir, and theterrour of ir,wernight fiirup our felves by it, to prepare for it. Andfetit is betweeneboth, to difpofe usthebetter toboth. To chat which is pafl:(& prophetabtmi) eo awake our attention to that:and to that which foilowes(invocaverit)to kindle our derotion in that; and fobyboth, to make[t1re our{alvation. Theday ofthe Lord, th~Prophet cals it (dies Domini;) as it were oppolingir,ro diesfervitoourdayeshere. Asifhe faid, Thefeareyourdayes, and youufethem (indeed) as ifthey wereyour orvne. Youpowreoutyourfelvesimo allriot? andknO\V nootherpowringout but that :you fee not any great ufe ofprophefymg;thmk1t m1ght well enough be fpared: you fpeake your pleafures ofit, and fay, muftv pleni, or to likeeffeet,whenyoulifi, ThefeareyMr dayes. But, know this, wheRyoursare done, Go n haih Hisday too, and Hisday will come at !all:; and itwdlcome ur– ri~ly when it comes. . . !er.f.J'· When that day comes, howthen~ ~djet in nwif!imo, the Prophtts ~rdmary quefiion; WhatwiHyeedoc at the !aft, How will youbefaved, ill dse tllo, m.thill Day? . Th e Wefpeake fometime ofgreat dayes here: alas, finall in refpeCt oft~1s. er is matter offeare fometime in thcfe ofours: Nothil)g eo the terroroftins. Gfr lt is, and ~Zotable, as much for the feare, as for any thing eife init• This, a terrt t 0~~ indeed &quispoteftfl'.flinere, who >An abide it? faith Joel in this very c~apter. 7, 00 • to it then. On whomHep1wrethnor His Spirit here, on them Hew!llpowre 1 fm:. \vhat elfe there,cven the Phi~ls ofHis wrath : poflibly before,fome; butthcna ,ce · tainely. . tyouin And that you may not onely he:~re of this day, but fee fornewbat ropu mind~