s;;;;;;;-_r_r-:~~~~~:...!.o--;{;t-;h;-e;;H~ - -;0~--L;Y~--:G:::; ·_--:~-H~O- ·_s~T-_.- , ::~;~~~~~:::_:_7~-1:_5'-=- ~,Ecce signa: .Terrible ligues !hall co_me upon earth,fworda_ndfire: from. rhefiuordpowringout ofhlolld; from fire, a chohng vapour offmok~, or{as the fle– hrew is) a pillar offmoke: wh1ch then dothpalmzzare, g,oeth up fi~a1ghtlikea pi,llar or a palme-rree,when thefire e~qea(eth more and more: for when lt abareth,it bowhthehead and decaic;th; wh•ch this !hall m:vcrdoe. _. . er Nay further, wMders in heavm.Forthe[e t~ngl!tS ofh_eaven thus defJ?ifed,heavm lhallfhew itfelfedifplea[ed, too ;the ltghts o~ peaven(as 1t were) for att~eput out,. for contempt ofthe .heavenly !tght, th1s day kmdled. TheSun darke,_as •fhe h1d his face: tbetMomeredtte h~oud, as iffheblulhed, at our great want ofregard, inthis~ a point fo neerely concermng us. ...· · .. For (indeed)thc[eEclip(es_,xhough they have their caufes in nature, as therain~' !Jowalfo bath: Yet, what hinders,but as therainbow, [e they may befignes too, and . have their meaning in;Scripture, alligned; and eventhi~ meaning here. This I fee; that all ~ejhare [mitten with a kindeof hor~orand heavmelfe; when ~hey happent~ fall out: as ifthey portended fomewhat; as 1f,that they portended, were nor good: for dies atri, they have becne and are reckoned, all the world over. , . . . But the[eare bz1t the beginnings ofevils,fcarce thedawningofrhat day: Bur,wheq M"·••· 8· thed•y it felfecommerh, the great day, then it willpowredowne, and wh!" (f;~irh Ioel) may abide it? A faireltem forthem,that defpi[eProphecies ;and fo doing,make void the Counfell of Go n, againfi their owne foules. . , . , I havemuch marvaikd, why on this Sunday (Whit-fmday, as we call it) theday 'ofthe white Stm, the Prophet fhould prefent che Black Sunwe thus, unto -ys. But the Pr~phetdidnothing, but asinlpired by the HoLY G.Hos -r: whic/1. makes mee thinke be thougbt thejir_eofthat day,would make thefire of this burne tLecleete~·: and, that powringdowne make this powring palfe the readier: that be thought that day, agood meditation forthis; and for [uch.l conimend it to you, and fo leave it : Andcome to Invocaverit, the enely meanes left us now, eo efcape ir. I dare not endwithPropheiAbimt, or with this; I d~re not omit, bptjoyne invo~ ~ i:A'!'erit to them•. For what~ FromPtQphetabHnt, come wee ~o Salva~tur firaighr, ~ic2q•• Without anymedtHmberweene~ No,we mu,{hake Ii/vocav_ent IQ our way; no pallin_g i1m.auerir. cofolvation,but by and through it. For what~ isthepowring of the {jlirit, to end in preaching; andpreaching reend in it felfe (as it doth with us; acircle ofpreachingand · !n effect nothing elfe) burpoure in prophefying enough, andthen all is fafe~ No: t\Je~t; Is another yet, as needful!, naymoreneedfull.co be .called on (as the current ofour Age runs)and that is, Cattingon the nameofthe Lord• . · . . -. . ". This, it grieveth me tafee; how light it·is fer; nay, to fee how buf}e the devill hathbeene, to,powre contempt on ir, to bring it in dilgrace with difgracefull termes : to make nothing of mvint Service, as if it might bee well Ipared, and itwocaverit (here) be firicken out. . . , , . , ·.. . But mar_ke this Text well; ,and this invo,:atien, wee make fo·flight .account of, lhckes clofe,1s [o locked fall: toSalvabitur: clo[er and fall:cr, than we are aware of •. Two errors thercbe, andI wilh themreformed: One, as ifProphefyingwere ali we ha_d ro doe; we might difpenfe with invocation, let it goe, leav_e it to the ~me, "fhat1sanerrour: Prophefying is not all; Invoca'imit i_s tO come in coo: we to joyne them, and joynt!y to ob[erve ch~m, to make aconfci~nte0fboth.: It.is the oratory I[prayer powredout ofour hearts, !hall[.we 110; no lelfe than the Oratory ofpreaching, powredm at our tare!.· . .. _Theotheris,ofthem that doenot wholly reject it,yet fo deprei(e ~t,as_ ifin com– pan[onofProphefying,ic were little worth. Yet (we fee) by the.frame ofthis Texr,i.t ~_rrhe h1gher end: the calling on us byprophecie, is.but th;J,t 1 ve 01oulg caf/on th_e name Pr the L ~ ~ v. All prop~e{ying, a!! prwhing, _is but. to this eng,__ .A,nd mde~ a lhtcte ~sbut grat:agra!~ d~ta .• and (ever)gr~tu dattHS forgratum famns; a part b 0 afpeC!all part whereof1smvocAtton. 'There 1s.then as aconfc1ence to be madeof · oth >foalik~ confciencetobe made ofb.oth : not t.o fee LIP the 0oe, and magnifie i~, Sssz ' ani! 1i. -' ... ...