72.0 · OftheS E N n 1 z. o Sennon 11 , ~--------~--~----~-------------- Mat.1·'~· ;l._ukCll-•6, l,om, IO,l4o j TiULJo,lJo and to turoe our backe on the other, and vilifie it. For, howfoever we~ words ofinvocation ;yet what our conceipt is, our deeds !hew. 00 I love not to dafh one religious duty againfi anotber;or (as it were) to fend chal lengcsbetweenethem. But, as much as the Text faith, fo much may Hay: and tl • is, that it haththreefiecia/Jprerogatives, by this verfe of thePr~phet. lat I Firfi,it is ejfimdam(ours) proper!y ; and ejfundamfpiritttm meum, the powrin out of ottr !Jirit (toanfwcr that of Go» s Spirit in the Text.) Prophetabrmt isn! ours, none ofour acr, but the acr ofanother. The fireame of ourtimestendsallt t this. To make religion nothing, but anauricrtlar profefion, amatter ofcafe amee~ fedentary thing: and our felves,meerdypajl'ive in it; fit fiill, and hearea se:mon,and two Anthems, and be faved : as tf, by the acr ofthe ftg,eer, or of the Preacher 'wee fhould fobe(for, thefebetheir ~fu)and we doe nothing our fdves, burjitand f•f. fer : without fo much as any thmg done by us, anyelfundamon our pms at all· not fo much as this, ofcalling on the name of the Lord. ' z The fecond: This hath thequicunque. We would faine have it,qnicunquepr6phetiam audiverit,he that heares fo many Sermons a weeke, cannot choofe but be fa. ved: Butit will not be. No: here fiand we preaching, and huring Sermons· and· neither they that heareprophefJing, nay, nor they thatprophifterhemfelves, can :Uake a qtticunqr~eofeither. Witnelfe, Domine, innominttuo,prspheta'IJimm,and Lax J> thoubaftpreached in ltlrflmts, and yet it would doe them no good: Nefcio 'IJDS was ~m~bill~ ' And yet how f<tine would fome be aprophef"ying!'It would not fave them thou~h they were • and is.it not aprepollerous delire ~ wee love to meddle wirh that p~rtaines not to us, and will doe us no good :that, which is our duty,and would doe 11 s good, that care we not for. . Tong11es were givenforprophecie. True: but, noquicunqttethere, for all that: but towhom none are given topropbifte, to them ye.t are there given to invocale. And there c?mes it_in, theqr~ictmqtte lies the~e : de Spiritu meo{tper oiiJnem carnem,here it comes 10; at mvocat1m, not at the other. Let It fuffice; It is not qt•icunqueprophttt· 'Vtrit here, fl!!icunqt•e invocaverit it is. ·TheProphet faith it, theAp~les fay it both, .. .:,~, ; •.,Peter, here; Paul, Rom.X.X.III. , Lafi, this is fure; invocaverit is 'x'.~" '""'Fiu, it fiands neerefi, it joynes clofef! tofalvabitttr: Both one breath, one fentence: the words touch, there is nothing be· tweeneThem. SAlvabitur is not joyned hard toprophetabunt; it is removed farther olf. 'roJnvocaverit it is ;llpegree neerer at leafi. Nay,thevery next ofall. The Text lhewes this (in a fort) but the thing it felfe more: for when all comes to all, when we are even at lafi cafi,{~lvabitttr or nofalvabitur, then, as ifthere were fome fpeciall vercue in invocaverit, we are called upon, to ufe a few words or /ignes to this end, arid fo Cent out ofthe world with invocaverit in our mouthes. Dying,we call upon men for it; living, we fufferthem to neglecrir. It was not for nothing, it • fiandsfo clofe,it even touches{alvation: It is(we fee) the very immediate aCt next before it. And yet I would not leave you in any errour concerning it :To end this point; fhall invocaverit fervethen ~needs there nothing but it~ nofaith, nolife?Saint Par1l anfwers this home: He is direcr (X. Romans) HDw can they callupon Himttnlef(e they beleeve? So,invoCAtiDn prefuppoferhfaith. And as peremptory he is, I! Ttm.II. Let every one that calleth on(Nay, that butnameth) the name ofthe LoR n, depul fro"' iniquity: fo,it prefuppofeth life too.For, }f1Wincline towickednejfeinm hearts, Go» .viUnot heare m. No in-vocatio, (that) nottrttly (ocaUed; apr!YVocationrather. But putthe(et~o,{aithand~mditab iniquitateto ir,and fo, who localleth npm h~m, I will put h1m 11! good Sureties, oneProphet, and two<..Ap1]les, both to alfure htm, he]ballbe{avtf. • And that isit, we all delire,to befavea.Saved,indelinitely.Apply it to any dan~ gers, not in theDay •fthe Lordonely, but even in this our Day: For, [ometer~tble aayes