_..._. .... ACTS CHAP. x. V£ R. XXXlV, XXXV. :t\p-eriens autem P ET R us os fuum,dixic: Inveritateconi~ peri, quia non eft perfonarumacceptor D & us: Sed, in omnigente, qui timetEum, &operatur"jufticiarn; acceptus eft Illi. · -- Then PETER opened hu mouth, andfoid: Ofa truth! per# cei"Ve, that Go n unoaccepterofpeifOnn " 'But in e"Very ~ionhe that fe~treth Him, andwor{ethrighte~ oufneffi, uacceptedwith Him• · Forget nor, that we ceiebrate, toda.9', the comm1ng of the Ho L Y G H o s r : and I goe not from it. Youlhall fiadin the next Chapter,atthejifteenth,th1r, to thuText ,belonge:ha Comming of the Holy Gho{f. For,at the uttenng <if thefe very words,as St. Pe– ter began tofpe•!c: them, the ffoly Ghoft fdlupon allthat heard them. Ir 15 (mdeed) the fec<i'1d Cole.nnecom– ming of the Holy Gh6jf, That,in rhefecondCh•pter; was thejirs1; and this, the {mndthat ever wJs. Of which twaine; this 1s the Comming th~c cdtnes home tous: andrhat,rwo wayes:' O~e,m: _ _ ref~eCl: of the Parties, on whom: •,The other, mre-, the Ttme~ w;wl fhe Parties : .For,_thofe, whom the Holy Ghoft cameon tilnun wereGe,.ttles mdeed, butyecProfefytes, thatis,halfe Ierm : Out of every Na. · _ _""' der hcavm lbutthat•aiJleU lcrtJfalem to worjbip: And the fame wai thecafe of A~ts -~·'\I Sff -a Yl~