Sermon rz.. ofthe HoLY GHOST, 729 --~~~~~--~~----------~~ ~ll: things that be, He leaves them not dell:itute. t e Ifnot them, His halfe-farthingcreatures, much lclfe men (as Hee is pleafedto li alte with the leall:) more worth than 11WIJ Sparrowes. So, G o D argues with Iona· J~e made fuch adoe for hisgourd, which Jtrung ttf in osenight,•nd••itheredin ano~ Ion•.._, 0 , 1 !i tber,Jb•nllinot Go o fiare T{j_nive,wherei»therewerefo many thoufands, that knew mt thei; right handftom their left, Gentiles though they wer~. . . And if his careextend to all men, and He makeHts rametofaU, andHuf•mne to Ma~f.if. fhine upo;thewillamiunkinde, !hall Heno~bring rhe raine ofH u Word, (as M~[ts c~ls Deuq•. •; ir Deut p.)ro fall on them, and make Hts Sunneofrtghteo.u[neffi(as Mala•htcais It) Mal+~, · to'arife :ponthemihat.feare Him ? A viewwhereof~emay rake in this familie here: even ofrheSunne ofrtghtmif'ne/Je,the Whtte Sumu,nllng upon one that feared G o 1>. withallh%houfh~ld,gavemuch almes andprayed to Goddady. Written by him, this: bur not written for himo,ety, that it wasWhit-funday wirlt him; but for us alfo, to whom itjhalllikewi{e be, ~fwe bedegmtec,neli.C,exprelfe and follow him in that, whtch wasacceptedofmHtm. Twopoints we have to proceed on: 1 The firll:, hereis a point ne111ly percei-rml TheDiv~i,; by Saint Peter. •Thefecond,What th•t w.u. A point newly perceived,in thefe, 1 In · 11eriwe wnperi, ofatmth I perceive. • What the point was in thefe, thAt in every N4tion,&c. In that Saint Peter faith, Tmely I 11owperceive, as if before he had not (as-indeed J,: hehad not : For, he l'ras in th~ mindc before, that but in unJgente ; but nowhe perceives, that In omwigemeisthe truer tenet:) That, even to Saint Peter, there were fome things incomperta, fomething not perceived ar lirll:, that came to beperceived after. Then, an inlhace : What that was. And it was, about Go os accejting: 1 ~ Borhwayes: Pri'tlative,what Goo ac,·eptsnot; Pofitiv,, w)latHeacapts; Acc.pts - -• 11ot per(ons, thatis once : But, accepts offueh M feare him, and worke righteou[»e/[e, of · what N•tion[1wer (be he an Italian;) ofwhat condition lo ever (be he a Cmturion: J, All isone.. . . • . .I Ofwluch two,the one[fo•re J IS anaffetlto»wlthm,of the heart.The other[111or~ keth righuoufoe/Je] is an aC!ionwithout, ofthe hand. Corneliuls heart, and Cornelim's hand:thefetheybe. Whence welhalllearne three points more: 1 One, howwe may beacceptedto GoD, ifwe be, asCornelius here was; and I would, wefo were: 'The other, that, when all is done, all is but accepting though. Except He could, to ourfeareandworkesboth, and fo,is not.bound; but accept He will though, .ofHis graceandgoodnelfe,and (as it followes immediately the next verfc) for"His words fake which He fent, preachingpeace, by Ie{tu, who ir Lordover ~11. · . The latl:, whereuntoACcepted: and that (as appeareth in theXL vrr. verfe) was I rr; to theSacrament,and by it, tothe remifion 1fjinses,andmthereceiving theH~ly Ghofl tnamore ample meafure. opus diei, the proper ofthis Day. · oPatruth1pfrceive. He that faith, Of.oruth I percei:venow, in effect (as it wer:} i ' . fatth; before, He dtd no: fo. For, Ipercewe Do.,, IS the fpeech ofone that IS Apoint ltiiii/J come topercewtng 9fthAt, which before he perceived not. . perctivtJ. , On this we pitch lirfi. That.fogreat an Apojlle, for all Tu es Petrst, and .Rog.wi ~~·~~~~; . Phte, and P•fce oves m.eM, doth mgenuoully confelfe,that (now) he had found that; Luke "·J•.' 'h tch ttll now, he had not. For, fince the beginning ofthe Chapter, he had not. So loba ~~'~ h hallhtscompm'swerenotyercomein. By like, hischAire wasnoryermade, or e ad not yet takenhanfell ofit~ :Buthow it comcsto palfe after, at Rome, I know . not ~