Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

726 . Of the S E Nn 1 lll o Sermon 12 , ~~~----------~------------------------ Ch'l'· "·~· not: at C4art~, w~ fee, it was not fo. And they, that in the next Chapter~ coram,to·anfwe~ th1~ Sermon: Sure they feem.e(as then) not to have beene fully pe~ f\vaded, that Samt Peter couldpercesveall thmgs, andnot rntjfe tn any. . Iqb) though in rmfery, yet in fcorne faith to forne in his time, Indeedyou,yotlare theonely men,you perceweall. Mofesdtd notfo: there was acafe, wherem heew Num.q.lf. nefc:ens qrmlde eo f.cere deberet, Mofes knew not, what he fhoulddo,T{ym 15 , Tbe~! '· , was a cafe, whereofEiijhawasfametofay, Et Domrnusno~ nunciavttmth 1, Gon ],'.~ ..... 'sKangs~. •7· hadnotfhewedtthtm (z Reg.,...) But when GoD dtd, m1ghr not011ofesandh Qoth havefaid, as Peterdothhere, ofAtruth,before, I dtd not, but now I doe pemrv:~ Yea, but this is Old Teftament. Iohnai. h- , And, was it not in theNew? T_here, C~iphas he faith, Tufh, youpmeivemthing, He perceivedalL But Ceph,u hefatth, hepercewednot all: For, herehenowfaith heperceiveth fomethmg, and ~11 hts m"pm's came n'ot at once. So faith Pet~r; and :•_Cor. I H· fo PAi<l, v/1/'otJr knowledgeurnpArt, and folS all ourprophefymgtoo, aod puts him– felfe in the number. lohn4-'f· John tJ-7· lohn lG_;u. of.atruth then weJerceive,_Saint Peter ~omes nothing neere his SHmJf~r(that ~vo~ldbe.) Hepermvesall tha~ IS to be p~rcetved, at once: can~ave nJthi~g added to Jus ~nowledge;from the fir£1: mnant,hetS fet downe 11< Cathedra; can have OOOC\V comperi; his mrnperi's come in all together; gets CAifht«'s knowledge by fitting in Ceph,u'schaire. (They begin to [come thistha:rofelves,now,and pray him to gee agood Generalt Cormc.ell about him; and he fhall perceive things never the worfe.) . But, it is not this only, they differ in: In fomething beGde. For, Peter tooke c 11 • neliiu upftomthegrormd; His Succe!lor let Corneluu's Lord .tndMafter, lye l!ill hard. ly. Nota Captaine ofC4Area, he; but even C4.trhimfelfe. ofatruthwemayptr· cei-venothing likeceph'IH in this neither. · · T.hewom~n,at the well-Gde,faid,theMefi,u,when He comes,HewiU tell'" •ll.Yet; when He came,He told them not all at once. Even toT,;es l'etrm, Hefaid, Tunt{cti modo,fcies a11tempoft h;<c; and ofthofePoft h~c·s, this here was one. As they jhouldbe ableto beare(for, all, they werenotthcnable:) And as itfhould be for tlmn; for, it was not for them to know a!l,Notthe times .tndfe~f~ns,and[uch other things astheh ther hnd!"t in his ownepower. I fpeake it for this, that even fome, that are fJrre enough fromRome, yet with their newper[peflive, they thinke,theyperceiveAll. G o D s Jecret decrees,the number and order ofthem deerely ; are inde~d too bold, and too huGe with them. Luther iaid well, chat every one ofus hathby nature aPope in his belly, and thir.kesheper– aivcs great matters. Even they, that beleeve it not of Rome, areeaGly broughttCl beleeve it ofthemfclve5. And out they come with their Comperi's, withtheirgtcat confidence propound them. But,Comperi is one thing: In veritate comperi, another comperi,they may fay;and that may be doubted of: bur, inveriwe comperi, that isit. Wemay take up th« Text apointfurther.In veritate comperi will bearctwofen· fes. ' 0 ne, I perceive that, I did not, before: 'Theother, Iperceivetbat, tbeconlr4rJ whereof,! did con.-eivebefore. Not toperceive is but to be ignoranp Bur Saint Peter, in this, had notonely beene ignorant, but had pofitively held rhe quite contrary ;AI oppojitHm, fl!<_odnm ex omnigmteat any hand. At the fourteenth vei'febefore,for the Iewijh meats{wefee) hecome!l:swirh Go n: Not I Lord ;No hwbenijbmeat; I ne: ver eat any. And at the twenty eight, no leffe unlawful! ro eat with Heathenmen. Ignorance is butprivative: this,ispofiti-ve, and fo, an error. Anemr in thegreat Myjferie ofgodlineffe,apart wheredfwaspreAchedHlltotfgc Gentiles; tliat they alfohad their part in CH R I s T. And, this is not his error alone: The ApoJflesandBrethrm fcemeto have beene in the fame; they convmted himfor his newComperi,and hee was faine to anfwer forir. That for the time, generally it 1t2s (this error;) and(for ought we know)Saint Stephen,that was !l:oned beforethis,departed theworld,mthe opinion ofIn un}.,notomnigente: for, thcn(fure)thistnltbwas notperceived, not m ceived publikdy. · _Thea