7:1.8 OjtheS END Iltlo Sermonn ~--------------------~------------------------------- . Gal.a.a. Gal. z.6. Amos;.a. Pfal.>-ti.zo. W-Alls 8.11· •Ytr[t :z.. <AI1Sl7·H• > Poftiot : WhomGod accepteth, latvtry Nlf.. tinbtrbat ftarelb,&,. bearewith it,itisthe HoLy· G H os ·r's owne terme)the dunghill,toft~ Princes. So is itl in His judgements; which light as heavie, yea, more heavie othe' while, on the great, than on thefmall; and fhew thatth:!tway and every way thet~ is with Him no refpeC!ofperfons. And, no man hath bettere,.perience ofthi; than he that fpake it, thanPrter bimfelfe, that without any refpeC!, ofapoore Ftfoe; 11, 4 ,. was accepted to bean Apof/le, the chiefeoftiJt Apojlles. s. Pattl faith well: What thej were in times pajl, it makes no matter, GodACcepts no mans perfon, This they are how. ~hat !hallwe fay thm ~ Th~t,thoughhe.could not but know the gcnerali trurb ofth1s; yet was he once ofthemmde, that tl11Sgenerall truth m1ght admit offame exceptions; one at the lean. Not~ ofperfonr, true: but Nations are not Ptrfon 1 ; It held not in them. Of one 'l'{ation, Codacceptedbeforeothers, and that Nation wasrhe Je~ves. Tottonely have I knotvneofall the Nations ofthe eart!. (faith GoD in.dmot,) And Non tAliterfecit omni Nationi : whichnorJtaliter, they tooketo beofthenature ofanentaile, tov1brahamsf eed; that Go o was tied to them, andfo to accept of In11nagente, beforeand more thal'l of all the reil. This hJd runne in Saint Peters head, and more than his. But now, herecomes 2 newComperi: Be perceives, he was wrong: And ifyou aske, how heeperceivedit ~ By relationofCemeluu's vifionofthcAngell; andby conferring it with his owne.He faw, his vifionwas now come to palfe: tMofdsuncleane btrds andbeajls arc become tleaneall; all, robe eaten, now: and the Gentileswhom he held for no lelfeunclcane to bee eaten with, and to beegone in tmto, All in onegreat}heet; omnigenteand all: That theNationalfo comes robe undcrilood underrhe wordperfon,no lelfethanthe reil; and none to be refpeC!edor acceptedofGod, for being in one corner ofrhe}heet, (that is, ofonccountrey) more than of ant>thcr; that,in CH 11 I 'r,neirher Iewnor Gentile; all is one: and theblacke '.'Ethiopian, or the b white Italian, 'rhe Areopagite in his long robe; or theCentNriOJJ in his jhort mantle or military habit; all conditions,•ll Nations, are inallperfqns. Godhathjhttt ttp all in unbeleefe, that He might bavemmJ apon .tt. And good reafon for it, if it be bur that oftheApof/les owneftarning (G•I. 5. I 7.) If the Law 1vhich camefoure hundredyeares after, couldnot dtfannllthe covm4nt 1nade with Abraham fo lmg befm; by the fame, nay,by a better confequence,neither could thecovmant withv1brahamm•ke thepromtft o(Godofnone effeCt; the pro· mife, that was made in Paradi{e, more than foure times foure hundred yeares before that of Abrahams, rothe1woman and to her wholefeed. The vi[ton, St. Pettr faw, was at loppe : hec was gone as farre from Iewri1, as there was any land; hard to the Sea-fide, to thevery parting place, where they \QOo fed ufually, when they went to the lands of the Gentiles . Ion.u loofed thence. And, in aTanners houfe it was: That,asroSimon the Tanner it was all one,hc madelearher indifferently,of theBadger, as well as of thefoeeps skinne; as the skinnes waeroSt· t!lon theT•nner,fo the meat lhou!d be toSimm the Apojlle. And it was alinnmilieet; .which very li~>nen fhewed, they were all cleane: For, in linnen the Iewes wrJppedthe firfl-barne of their deane be4ls, ifany happened to die before they came to be offered, and fo buriedit: bur, at no hand,any uncleane beajls ever in linnen. But now,m/mnm, all: that,if one cleane, ali : AndCo, no Perfon, Caflmg, Countrie exceptedw,or4CftpteJ of, more than another. Well then, noper/on. But,we like not this deftrt~tlive Divinitie, that tels us ';pat He doth not, and tell us not, what He dorh•mpt. If norrhcperfo~, northef"J~1 '1X.1tion, What~ Accepts He nothing~ Ye> :IneveryNation, ifanyp.erfollthe~e ~ ' thatftareth Go n and rvorketh righteou(~>ejfe; He that brings the[ewlth htm, lS (t Go o) aper[o11 acceptable; Such, He will notlet lye,buttake them up,and lay them up, whereeverhefindesthem. . h ke Salomon, in effect, [aid as much long before, at the end of his long Serroon,theG11 of thePreather. Will ye (faith he) hcare theSumme of aft Sermons t Feare k~ {there is, hee that foam Him) and kupe Hiu~mmandements(thatis, he;h•t.~o~tr.e 1) rf$"1tiJ1JIIt;r