- <?fthe S & N D I N G Ser--;;;;;;-; truely it.is) the beginning of our wifedome, vvhen \vee beginne tobee tr~· Gcn.p o. .-4dam~ It was fo •. The firfi paflion we reade.of,.that was raifed in bim,that ~;:· In upon h•m after h1s fall was, I heardthy'Vozcetllthegarden,andlw.uafr•id Tugbr be~anne.his WiJ?dome,io his f~arc. There ?egan he to play. t~ewife-man,and ;of~:re thwke hnn of h1s folly commmed. Fea~e1s ~'1'3' ~·"'~:(as It ~well called) of rh e. tlmof abndleroour nature, to hold us m to refra1ne tro~evil!, Ifitniaybe:/"•· to check us and turne us about, and make us turne frotn It: Therefore, Feart Gnor, and depart from will (lightly) goetdgerher, asthewif"e, andtheq[ec7. yo ~~j fddome finclethem parted; So then, becaufe it is firfi, it is to fiand firil,~ndfiraa be regarded. · . . , to Another reafon; is bccaufe it is mofigener41l. For, i.tgo~s through all, heathen and all. It goestoommgente; For, tn Qmmgmte; there Is quztzmet. For that rh h~ve fo much fAith,as to fe4re, appeares by the 2'\ini'Vitesplainly. Nay lrgo•s ey I . b . . . b d I , • nor one y to smm gente, ut even to omm anzmante too,ro ealts an a! ; yea tb rhedul- ~u.,.~,;~J· l,fi beafi of all, toBalaam'sBt4}l : hecou~d not get her(fmiteher,fpur her,doewhat hee could to her) to runne upo~ thepeilnt of the_<~ng<ls fw<rd: that they are in worfe cafe than beafis that are vo1d of lt. So, fir!.ht ufeth ofall,and furrhefi it rea– cheth.of all. . . . . ~nd, this feare, I would not have men thinkemeanly of ir;. It is(wefee)thehoPf,\.ti•.to. gmnm!r Qfwifedome; and fo, both Father and Sonne, 'Davtd and bsalomunc ll !f.':::.:s. it. , But, if it have his full worke, to make us dcparr from evill, it is wifdome 10~. liEf>YJ l·6· plete;and th~t from Go o ~ owne mouth? ' lob 28. Therefore dE(ay bids lis make a •P··o!·' 8 · 1 4· tte<tfure of It, and ' Bleffid" the man, that •S ever thus Wife, that feareth alwayu ;·Iris fllccef.S. u , Salomon, Prov.erhsz8. For,how[oeverthc world goe, f this I am [Hreof, (fJith he)it f/?a/1goe wellwzth hzm that feareth Gsd,andcameth htmfelfereverentlyinhuPre/fna. · J!.om.s. 1 r; And care ~o.t for rh.em thattalke, they know not what, ofrbefiiritof 6ondage; 0 f the [even fpmts, wh1ch are thedi'Vijions of one and the fame Spirit,this day here fentdowne; thelafi the chiefe!l: of all, is the Spirit ~1 the feare of God. Efai n. So · it is theAlpha, and omega, fifjlandl".ft, beginningandend. Firfl andi•Jl(lam furej there is foveraigne ufe of ir. tial.+.,;; izl'fal.Jo.&. bM.1c,1.6.n. ~ ~om. ·'·J.&o~ Nor regard them not, that fay, ir pertaines not to theNew Ttjlamei<t; phanfying to rbemfelves, nothing mufi bedone, but out ofpurelo'Ve. For,even there it abiderh, · and t~o foveraigne ufes there are frill ofit,thofc two which before we named; •One, tdbegm; >the other, toprefer'Ve. . . 1 To Beginne: We fer it here as an introduflion,as thedAwning is to the day. Foi o» them, that arc in this dawning, thatfeare His name, on themjhaO the SNnne ofrighte· ~tif"nejfe ari(e. Itjs Malaehi faith it :irisCornelitu here lheweth ir. As rhehafeCmt, to the Temple : Not into theTemple atjirfl f/ep; but, come through theCwtlir/l, As the needle, to the t~reed(it is Saint Augt~.flint:) that, firfi enters, and drawesafrer it the thmd; and that fewesall fafitogether. ' Where,there happens a ftrange effect, that, not to feare, the next way is tofeareJ The kinde workeoffeare, is to make us ceaf~.fromJinne. t1e..jing .fromjinmbrings with it agoodlife; auoodlife, that,ever carries with it agoodtonfciewc~; andagoodcon– fcitnce cafis out fe:re. So that, upon the matter, the way, not to fme, i.s.to ftare.: and, that Go o, that brings light out of darke»ejfe,andglory out of humi11ry; He1t is, that alfo brings conjidm<e out offe•re. . . z This, for theintrodullion. And ever afrer, when faith is entrcd and all,1t •s a foveraigne mcanes to preferve them alfo. There is (as I hiivetold you)acompofitJon in the foule,much after that of the body. The heart,in the body,is fofull of he~te,lt would.flijle it fdfe and us foone, were it not,Go o hath provided rhc lungs,rog1ve lt coole ayre, to keepe it fromJlijling. Semblably in the fouleJaith is full o~ Spmt,reaiy enough ofit felfeto rake anunkindheat,favethat feare is by Go oordamed,t? cooe it and keepe it in ternper,to awake ourcare1!ill, and fee, it fleepe not in[ecu~me. It~;, good againfl faying in ones heat, a Non mO'Vebor (faith thePji:l.) Good agamil b Etjl omnes,nm ego :.St. Eeter found it fo. Goo.d (faith St. PAul) againll: ~ Nolialtttmfa~~d