Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

73:Z. Mauh.5.t. s. 16. Ver(e ~. l· OftheS&NDING Sermonu,, ofrighte~ufnejfeheadd~s, •hegavemuchalmes,.and ·~ at the thmeench verfe, that he was found lfAjlmg at the ntnth hourc(that is) three after-noone. In thefe three, 11.Almes, •Prayer, and l Fafting, ll:ood his wsrke; <t righteortfnejfe : In thefe three; for befides thefe we finde not any other. They be r(/ fame, and inthe fame order,as they were figured in the three ohlations oftheu, e firll: fruits oftheGentiles, there in the Gofpell, as the Fathers allot them: 1 Gold rlf.'• is, for Almis, •Incenfe, that is Prayer; and l <..Myrrhe, bitter myrrhe, foi111ork;s~f UJ.fortijicatio11, as Fafting and fuch like; as bitter totheftejb, as 111yrrhe tothetaile: . bothhitter, but, wholefome, both. :But (Without all figure) they are the fame three, and fiand jufiin the fame order, thatheretheydoe, where our S,v roua teacheth them !irerally,·and chat under th~nameofrigbteoufneffi (Mat,6,) 1 Aim" firft: that hee begins with at the firfi verfe, and fo here it is fir.ft : • then, ro Pray~ nexr,ac the fifth verfe: land after that, toFa.fting, even as iris here too. Corntlizu's - workeswerethefethree; •gavealmes, •prayedduly, l was found at hisfajfby the Angel/. This is all wee finde; more wee finde not fpecified: and thefweeno 1 v • thefewouldferve,.ifweewoulddoethem. Thefe,in Him, were;thefame inus' will beampted. ' ' ti. OfGodsae– ttP-tatiotr. lie.&c.Uac– 'tpttd. f!eb.u.C:. Pfa'! :.Cor.i. u. And now,of Go n's acceptatiDII'o ·Ampting is but aquelnt terme borrowed from the Latine. It is no more thanreceivingor taking. 1 Firfi then, cleere it is Hewill take them; but, where they bee to take : But where theyarenot, tahthemHec cannot. In vainc lhall we looke for accepwionofthat, which is nQt. Weare rhen to fee, there be fomcgiven; fome, for Him to take. Takeus He cannot, iftherebenot Corneliuishand to take us by: Come up in rememhrance they cannot,ifnonewere done to remember: For, memori,.e.ftf'«teritm~m,and all ours are yet to come (l feare) in phant4.{i; rather thanin memoria. Our almes,alas,they are lhrunke up pittifully :pr•J– tr, [wallowed up with hearingLeflnres : and for the third, feaft (ifyouwill)conti· nually; buc,fa.P, aslittle as may be; and, ofmoll: I might fay, not at all. The want ofchefe, the bane ofour Age. He firetcheth out Hish.rnd,co receivealma ;He bow. eth downe Hiscare to receiveprayer; He beholdeth withHiseyes, to take us fafti•g: There is none to give them, and fo He ca.,not rmive them. But, by this amptHs eJI (here) we fee,howwcmightbe.~ccepti. It is befideche Text; yet ifyeaske, Here is feare, and here areworku, whereis faith all this while, withoutwhichit isimpofihletopleafe Gon, ort~beucceptedof Rim? Had hee no faith? Yes, hee would not have [pent hisgoods, orcha/lened his hody, without foJ:tle faith: at leafi, callupon Go n he .couid not, onwhom he hdcevednot. Therefore heheleeved, fure : TheGentiles Creedat!call:, That aGon thm zs ; th~t {D11ght Re willhe; that,He willnot faile them that feeke Rim,h11t borhregArdand rt>VArdtbe1JI. The 'l'{inivites Creedat leaft: in whofe feart, there was faithandhopecoo: ~is fcit, who canitell, whether Go n, andacceptofapoore Gentile ? Thereis nothing knowne to the conrrarie, and rhere be prefidents for tt. _ AndCo he turned, and [et himfelfe to feeke GoJ, by the tbree wayes we remem• bted. AndthoN Lordneverfailejf them that (eeke Thet,but Accepttjl them,notacmdzrl tothAt they hAve not; butaccording to that they have, though it beeburawJH'tngmzn ~· they have. Godforbid,but concupifcence lhould be of equal! powe.r eo.good,~re tt is to evil!. If you will reach it further to f~ith in C " R r s r: hvmg mgarn ona· !\lOng rhc Ierm,he could not choofe but have heard fomewharofHim,romove htm, to throw himfelfedowne before Him,and He tooke him up, AmptM eJitU1. . I, Thejlaxt did hut {moke, ·Ca a r s r qt~mcheJitl'ot. Crackesthereweremr reed, but He hrake it not though ; but kindled the one,and bound up rheorher: hn 1~ that lirde ftrengch hehad, tookehim, asHccfoundhim ; androokeorder,c 1151 bring him neererthe wayesof his l:Jlvation, llul