Sennon 11••. of the Ho L v GHo s T. 7H Bur now;!ell one erro: be~etanother,and.the b._fi prove worfe than the firfi,take And,b"' 4 this with you. When al11s fa1d that can be fatd,allts but amptmgfor ~11 this. That rtpllil. He was, and wdhall beac~epted,. thatg1ves usfome hea1t: And, that ltls butACC<p· ted, that takesaway:ill fclfe-~oncettof ou~ fdves. For,I knownot how,,f webebut ccepted we take upon us fira1ght,and falltnto a phanlie, that well worthy wewere,or ~lfe we fuould not. Alt11m (~pmcomes,andwe fwellllraight; in~omu~h as we can~ notbee gorren toam/'t of thisacceptm eft, toacceptof any acceptatt~n; hu: grow toa higher lfraine of ment andcondtgmtte, and I wot not what. To pncke rh1s bladder;· allis {hue up wirh thisA«Tk Out of~hichword, wearetocakenot~Ccof 1his: it is neirherourfeaie,nor ourworkes; all1s but Go ns graetotU a~ceptatton. . .Arid, it is riot, as they well obferve, J<d9-, but .r..,;,, not ~<•TI§J-;a.:ceptdn/m; u t6 leacceptedof Him; _a~if Go n could neither will norchoofe: No, it is J\J>.TI<ondy, that is, bur acceptahzlu, at moll, bur a capACIIte char He may be; !ayes nonecefi'ztze,that HemRft beACcepted. The Schoolemenexprelfeir well;at times,By11ondeerit Dem, Go o willnot6et wantingto fuch, will ticcept ihem: Bllt, rion tmetllr_Duu, He is ~ot fo botmd,bur, if He would, He might refufc; and that He doth nor,. 1r1s but of H1s mceregoodmffe: All tfC but accepted. . . .. TheFathers, thus; (Iname Sr. .Auguf1ineforrhe Latine:) Hoc h,,het, nonpoll, tltu hz>mAwi meriti,fedordo c1njilii divini : That thus it is, it is no weight or worth.of roans merit; iris but the very1rden.ndcour[eo{Go D sdealiwg: His fJvourabledeA· /mg,that and norhiz:g elfe,thatthere is any acceptit~g at all. The Gree~e Fohers, thus; (I name chrJfofl'ome forthem:) Iris .,..,.~r,,,, not &; i., (that is) dignatio,not rlig· nitA.: dignAtio Acceptanti<, nor digilitas opcrantu. Digni habebuntur, faith rhe Goj}.ed~ and the.Epijfleboth; theGoffell,Ltlkezo. theEpijlle, zThejf.1. Go o counts them Luk.••·J~; wmhy,gndHi<fo ~ounting makes then: worthy : make~ thei_IJ fo, if or fo they a~e not of • lllc~•.s, themfelves, or Without it; but, by 1r,fo theyare. H1s tak1ng our worlres of rsghteot~Jweffewell in worth, is their worth. There was another Cel!tttrion (belide this in the Ap~flle) the Centnrion in the Go{- pell; the Elders of the I ewes were at dignme.ft;about him; dignifiedhim highly: bur,,: be ind~nifi'dhimfelfe as faft, was at his non fltm digntM twice, neither worthy that Vcrfc '· C H 1\ r s T fhould come tohim, nor that hee ro chrijf. And eventhus it was ever with all from the beginning: Job (another timens Deum,hu like wtts not ztpon earth,yet lob 1 .s. thus, he) Etji juflm fuero non lev~bocap"t, !Aithot~gh he were jrifl, hewoztld downe with hi< crejl for all that; and what~ Et deprecabor It~dicemmeum, and .pleadnorhing,ll:and upon no termes, bur deale onely by way of Sripplication; and that is the f.1fefi way. And why fo ~ Forrerebar omnia opera mea(faith hee) he durfi nor truft any of rhem. .And why not~ For the contint~alldroppingof our comtption, upon thewebbe of our we!Ldoing, fiaincs it fo, as if he would il:and fireining them, h_echat now doth accept them, might julllye.-.cept to them, for many exceptions there lye againfi rh:m. Hec that rakes them mightierthem lie, as not worth the raking up; For,if heihould ran· fack them, they would fcarce prove worth the raking up; but yet takethemup !-lee 9· 1 f. g.;3• doth, atidreward rbem; Borh,forrhepra1e of theglory if Hisgrac.e : To theglerie of thepraife ofwhichgracebe 311 this fpoken. Ephef.a.~. . All which tends ro this(for dur \vork is this,our labourthis, this is nlf in alf,roget men rod"welt, and yet not ••eene w(ll of their we/1-doiwg : ) To joyne firft,timet and 0 /""!•r, toftare, and yet to doegood; and when we have donegocd, yet ro feare, with lob, tor DAvids rcafon, Cognofcirmu impr:r(eClr1m no{lmm. Then to joyne againe operhtllr, and a,cceptme.ft. •For, that isit if we could_hir on it: we cannot; but, th~ds ir, t O'ugh. l-orthmkeyou, wee t angermen ro this~ No : doe we evil!, wee w1ll not ~now n,wcexcufe,wc leffen ic; Doe we ,veil? we knowit ~lraight; nay weover.lmow, nd over-p;ife lt. No remcd1c, mmt 1t mufl be,andhtreltmufi be :Reward,we can– llotsk>llof; vfcceptU< efl is nothing, <.Amptedwill nor ferve : \VC will know, how . Weelh,,ll beaccepted, ot merit or of gra>e. Fond men! fo we be .rmpted,though of Ttt 3 grMe,