Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

734Dt'ttt 9·4 Ez.e!q6.a.., Luk.8,[J.i4o Ephc[.,,6, Pf:tl. zc7.z.o. To wh:ucnd a"!.' Ephcl.1.7, OftheS EN o r _N o Sermon 12 • grace, arewcnotwdl~ Whatdefirewemore,buttob~ L<~v, that f.uth: Say not, Itts {9r my roghteo~t[nejfe: TheProphets fay, It is notfo he fakes : The Apojllcfaith, Ifyo11 {eektto ejlablijh y011r owne righte~ufneffi, you are:your Yea, CH R lS T Himfclfefaith, Ifyou talke much ofit (with the Pharijie) Loa noo~e.' 1am,andthu I doc,there is not the poordl: Publican that goes by thcway,buthe~aU bC]ujliftedbe(oreyo11. And therefore be entreated I pray you,toampt ofaccept mcif· that fets all fafe; that, brings all to G o o, and there leaves it. · For; ifthis feat'er, this worker be acceptedand not in Himfelfe, inwhom the , who is it~ The dmttly, Be l1atb made m acceptedin His beloved H' ~· lov,edSonne: So Paul. And Saint Peter immediately in the very nextwords~h:; follow upon thefe) r ott know the word, thewordofthe WDrd, that wadn the beginni and made aU, and that in thefulnejfe oftime WttJ Jent andhealedall; Mijit verbum& j£ navit eos. In H1m. and_throu~h H1m all are accepted that have had, or !hall have the honour and happme!le ever lo to be. In whom then, we areaccepted, we fee. Now lafily,to what; and fo an end. That being foaccepted, orreceived(whether you will, both are one) you may receive, what~ plaine it is, it followes, the S.cra– me~t. But they toreceive the firft SMrament, that of Baptifme; for they were yet ia thm paganifme unbapttzed. Bm, they that are Chrifltansalready, and pafl the jtj, thcreremameth for them to recewe, none but thefecond. And that then isit. And that bound they are toreceive. For, though by fpeciall priviledgc foU:e are ajf~rfl Spirit" qtles aqt~a myftio. non tetigit, Sfrinkledwith the Ho 1 Y Gnos r, before they had theSprmklmgofwater; ofwh1ch number was Cornelite, and rhe£ein rhe Text: though,whiletheywereat the Sermon, the HOLY Gnosr came upon them; yet, to theSacrament they came though, we fee. Th~t, was tothem, and is, to us all, thesealeof Go os acceptatt~n. Thatjrjf, was them; butthechiefeand !aft, is this of ours. For, this is indeed the truereceiving, when one isreceivedto the Table,to eat and drinke, to take his repafr there : yeaMi accipiendnm inquoacceptm eft, to take, and to take into Him, that body, by theoblarion 1vhereof, •veare a!/(antlijied, and that bloud,in which, we haveallremi.fionoffinnes. In that ended they : in this, let us end. And thisacceptingwe defire of Go o :and ddiring itin .tn accepta61e time, Hee will heare us ; and this is that accepta6le time. For, ifthe yearc ofPentecojl thefiftitth yeare, were the acceptable yeare, as Luke 4.21. then the day ofPenteco.ftthej{titth day, thisday, is theamptable day forthe fame rcafon. Truly acceptable, as theDay, .whereon theHoly Ghoftwas firllreceived; and whcreon we may receive Himno1v againe; Whereon, accepttJ& eft is fulfilled both wayes: we, ofHim receivedto tr4CI, andHe ofm, HisJlejh andbloud, and with them, HisSpirit. He receiveth us tograce; and we receive ot HimgrdCe, andwith it, the influence ofHis Holy Spirit,whtchfhall fii\l follow us,and never leave us,till we beaccepti indeed,that is,receivedup toHun, in His kingdome ofglory. Whither bleffed are they that lhall bereceived. . A SER~