*t '*tttt#ttttt~tttttt -~ -~-~~-t'*~t~*'~~~-- "''' '*' .***''''''** ••••*•''''''''tttfttttt A SERMON P RE'_A; CHED BEFORE THE ICINGS MAl ESTIE AT WHITE~ H.A.LL,ontheiV. oflune,J. V.Mocxx. beillg WHtTSVNDAY. (\*) I IOHN. CHAP· v. VER.Vl. Hie eft, qui venit per aquam & languinein, I E sus · CaR Is Tu s: non in aqua folum, fed in aqua & fanguine. Et fpiritus eft, qui teftificatur~ quoniam S P u r T us eft veritas. ; This is that h sus C a RIs T, that came byrMter andblourl: not hy 'Water onely, but hy water and Moud. Anditis the Spirit that bearethwitnefe ;for, theSpiritis truth. I Sis lE sus CaR Is T; anditisthe Spirit. So, the verfe (you fee)linkcth C a 1\ Is T and theSpirit together; is a pa!fage from the one to' t~Jeother. Linketh them, and fo (confcquenrly) hnketh this Feall: oftheSpirit prefent,with thofe of CH 1\ Is T thataregonebefore; and under ~ne, flJe\yeth_the convenience ofhaving the Spi· nt,anarucle mour Creed;and ofhaving this day, afeajl in our Calendar. For though C H R I s T have done all, that He had to doe; all is not done, that is to doe, till the Spirit come too. Weehavenothingto . . . l11ew wee want our tej/e; afpeciall part of our ev_tdence Is lack10g: that when all is done, ifthis be not, nothi!lg is done. CaR I sT wuhou; water, water without blored; His water and bloud, and He, without the Spi– rit, availe us nothing. The Spirit we are to have : and thisday we have it: and, for Ttt 4 the 735_