Sermon 13. of the Ho L Y G Ho s T. 7F . And Jafl, the reverfall to .this., as nor rhefe, without rh.espirit; So, not l I I; the spirit, withdut .thefe (that ts) not wttliourrheSMraments, whtch are themonll" ,.e~ts;.artdpledges ofthefe•. And fo, that we en~eavour, that theSpirit, on thisday (the dty of the Spmt) ma~ come ro .us, and gtve Hts !liJtneffe, that C lt R I , T is cometo us, and comeeo us mthem ; mthem both; to our comfort both here, and eternally. THus it is written and thusitbehoved, thatHethatwasro come, I • su5 the ·i. SAvIouR of the world, when H~came, !hould come in waterandbtoud. chriili ·arti Htsnamewasfocalled (Ins us) fa!ththeLAnge//;rofhewHeelhould (ave, Th"\'r,. !liJp"ple frBm their fins. To fave us from them, by taking them :I way: For, Hie eft wastocomelii onm/6 frllctH< (faithEfai, and it is a ground with us,) All thefruit we have, is the taking ~=~~.and awar if our finne. Take that away, the refiwillfollGwofitfelfe:that(indeed)is Matth.•.:~~~ all in all. Ef•.•H· To takeaway linne, two things ate to be taken a\vay; For,infinne,~re theft two; 1 Rwm, and •Macula;(asall Divines agree) thegt~i!t,and thefoyleorJPot. Theguiti, to which Ptiwifhment is due : The (Jot, ..yhereby wee grow loathfome in Go o s eyes, aqd even in mens, too. For, even before them, Shame and Reproach follov.r ftnne. Take thefe two away, and finne is gone. ~rid r~ere is no people, under hea– ven,but have fenfe of thefe two; and noReltgtdn1s, dr ever was, but laboured tore-. movethemboth. To takeawayfoyle, water ism<ilt fit: To takeawayguiti, 6l9ud. No punifhmenr; for anyguilt, goes further thanbloud. Therefore had the he.athen their lujlrations,for the foyle; which were ever by water (--donee mej!Hminevhlo Abluero;) and their ex– piAtio»s, for t!Jegui/t by /hedding Of b/oiedever ({angt~i1Jt p/acJjlis;) WithOUt ;'vhich they held no remijion offinnes. · .. . The Iewes,they likewife had theirJfrir:kling water for the trncletinneffi : had their Num.t.r: , , fl•ine (acrifii:~ the btoudwhereof done on their p'ofls, the defirdyer pafl~d by them, Exod......, theguilt by it being firfi taken away. Bur the Pnphet tells us, Nowater(no, tiot {illdw.wdtef, and puttoitniireand Icr.i.u; Borith and fidleri fope, never fo much) can enter into the foble; to take away the fleines of it. And rhe Apoftie he reil us: It 1'las impojfible,the blottddf bidls orgoats Heb.Jo. 4 ; }hollld.fatisfe fer the fins of men; Thewater had not the venue, to get out thofej}ots : norrhebloud, the value, to make f.1risfJClion ro Go o, for manstrefNife~ Donec:venit q11i venturus erat,Till He came th~r was to come; Shilo, with a6/oud, Gen·t9;;.;; and awater, which(becaufe it was the bloudarid ri>attr of thcSonneof God; and [o of Go o) by his divine power, infufed into both; gavethewater[uch a piercing force) andgave the bloudfo inefiimable high avalue,as was able to workc to put an· e.nd to that which neitherthewajbings, nor offeringsof Natt!re, or of the Lawcould nddtus of. Thus, in rvater and btoudwas Hero come, that was ro take finneaway. . Thus was He to come, and rhus did He come: did con1,e divcrfe wayes.Inh!oud, i the hl,.d of HiJ Cirmmcifion; in water, thewater of His Bapti(me. n·egan fo,and fo Tha~Hcdi<i e_nded: Inwater, thewaterof Hisjlrong crying andteates 9 whereby J.fe made {upplica· focome. tiOnto G0 D for us; inbloud, the6/oudof His pallion, thebloud of Getbfemane, His· bioudy(weat ;thcbloudof Gabbatha, of thefco~~rges andthon<JeS; the bloudof Golgoth.-, Ma!th. , 6 • 36 • ofHish<nd•andfeetdigged. Thus came He. ._. . . Ioh.,,.q. Yer1s tt none of thefe,Saint John pointerh to': (thefe were at feverall mnes :)bur,. .'7., J he Pmms ro His comming in both together ar ohce. This place oft~~ EpfJile, refcrrs· to that place ofthe OcJPell,where at once,with one blo\v,Hisfidebemg opened,there came