,Joh,t9.~i·~ Zach.9.11. Zach.13.•· (}/the SE N D I N G Setitfon 13; c-ame forth bloudandwaterboth. Bl~rid, Sangui; Teflamenti faithZa9h: 9· theBI,ud f Hr; !'eflament, whereby He fet H1s gu~lty pn~oners free. Water(fauh the fame z: cham 13.) fons Domut I{rael; a foumame wh1cl) he opened to the Houfeof lfraet for finne, andfor uncleanne!fe. The one,bl•ud, the,,~,, th~ ranfome or priceof h' taking away the guilt; theother,water, the""''' /aver of oilrnewbirth,fromour t 5 ginall corruption. . . or1~. H&c Jtmt Ecdeft.e gemin4 (.tmimcnt.l(taithAugufline.) Thefe ate(not tr~o ofth Sacraments; fo there might bemore, but) the twin-SAcraments of the Church, Soe but t 1 Po of that kind; two farm"' memortafls left us; mbaptifme,of tbewater·intb' Cup, of the 'l{srv Tejlament,of th,eblortd,He then came in. ' e. 3 Thus did C" a 1 'Tcome:di~anddothfrill. Forthewordisnot•.>i>.S.·,,refer:. Thathecomes ring to the ~ime pafr, buto'>l.i•, wluch refpecteth .even the prefentalfo. Camenot fo fh\l. once; but frill arid ever commeth fo. :newater frill. runnes; for He ~penedafoun– kleb-'l·'•· taine neverto bedr~wendry; And Hts malf• fangut~tJIS not fpem neuher; for,it il f ang11u &term ftrderu, andfo ..ternm' of theeverla.flmg Covenant; andfo,irfe!fela– ~b~ . And that this His comming to' us, he melnes, the order lhew~tb; For wheni~ came from Him, it came in another order; blo11d, came firfr, and then Jlhlle/ fee the Gofpell. But here in theEpiftle, when he comes to us; water is firll, and thenhloua', Joh.• 9 ·H· Blo11d and water, the orderqt~liadfe: Water atidhl~t~d, quoadnos, Everrous, in water firfr, But what meanes this, not inwater only, !Jut in water andbtoud? Tofay[inwatti and bloud] wasplaine enough, .ooe would c~inke. Our r.ule is i~ Logike,.?{gnfofft~ &tt altemm,oportef utmmqnejierttn Copt~latlvu. Our rule mDlVlmtie, What Godhat!J joyned, no mavpre{11me to fever. Yer, when he had faid, inWater and6/osd, He comes ~>tth.,9.6, over with them againe, with Hisnon inaqu~ folr)m,Not in water onely,butinwmr oml bloud. What mcanes th is,but to make it yet more plain,that there mightbeno mif· raking, no flipping of the collar; that one of them will not ferve ourtume; but, a> once He came,fofrill and ever He is to come in them both. 4 And asHee to come to us, fo wee tocome to Him. He to us in both,weto Him; 'IhJtwcan: for both. Heenorro us, in either alone; wenottoHim, for either alone, For,iffoc ~~~o~:~~~th. either alone,wee make fuperfluous His comming in the other; we quefiion His wife– dome, as if Hee camein more than needed, as if any thiag Hee came in, might well enough be (pared. No,we need both, we have ufe of both,and fo to come to Him for them both. , 'Apoc,•.••· Among the profimda Satan£, this was one; whenhe could not g''"' keepeHi* out : by a new Stratagem,he fought'""'"'''"'''· filvere Je(um(asthe Fathers reJd the vcrfe of the Chapter next before) that is,to take Him in peem. W·hen be could not prevaileinfetting up a falfe; hefet fomeon wprke,totake infunderrhetrue. Was it not thus~ did they not fo/vere,di!folve,take i!) funder HisNatures: made Him come as onlyman;asSAmofatmru : made Him come, asonely GoD; asS4bellim ? Dijfolvedthey not His perfon; made Himcome intwo,as 'J{J{fQriiiJ f And, is not this (here) a plainedi!folving alfo ~ He comming intirely in both,torakeHim by halves, take of Him what they lifr, what they cbinke will ferve theircurnes, and leave the other,and let it!ye~ So takeparsprotot~, apeece of le{ tH for the whole,as if they meant to be faved bySynecdoche. . . · Which very taking Hirninpeeces, makes Him, thatheisnottbetrue. Fonf the comming in both twaine, make HimHieeft iHe; the taking away of either, turnes Him iotoalium Iefum;and Co,Hic noneft ille. This youmay calli • s u • CH RI sr, butthisisnotthat 1• sus CH Ill ST,St.llhnhis ~"~"' taughtus. Therewasa fort of Heretikes, in the Primitive Church, were fo all for water, cared folittlefor His comming inbloud, as they minifrered the Communion in nothing but water, and arc therefore called Hydropoca.Jiat.., orv1qNarii. Therewereorbers : Burirwerea world to rake up old errors: what needwee~ Have we not now, that frame tothem· fclvesaC HIlls T withoutwater,oraCHl\HT withouthl,ud,andfofeellletohold ~ - - - 41NA