Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

~e HoLY GH:osr, '· . 739 - rota or r.,,., fawmis,againf!: Sainr Iohns, non In fo!a(Rat.) . aqu 4 J' ' 1 ' 6 h r: I · 11 · d t: 11 l See you fome, that powre out t em.e vcs mto a nor, ~n •o owuncltanneffi ,. .. m with grudine(fe~ CH n Is T mwaterwoulddoewellforfuch; and they care Ep.l•1·' '' j;afr for it; by their.good will wo_~l~ hav~ none come up~n ~hem; would not bee 1ane would beastheyare,as fiv'memthexrwa#ow:tllthexrltfelong, No water ~h~y; 'but b!o11d, alinuch as you will. Frame tothemfelves a CH R I sT withou~ ivater,all inGlo11d. . . '· · · This is that c" KI s·T, thatcommeth: How comes Hee~ whatbringsHee ~ Comes He inblond, brings He good fl:ore of that, that we may fl:rike off the guilt of our old[core~ Heis welcomecommingfo. But He comes withwatertoo. Nay,they canfpare that (with the Cergejites,td pray Him to be gone,to depart frorri their coaj!s) Mat!h,8·f.i; they love 6/oudwithout water, are all for comfott (as they call it) nothing for clean~ oetfe of li(e. In fo!o fangHine, thcfe. . . Seeyou fome other (not many, yet fdme) carefull to tlwr weake power,to con.: z. • ·taine themfelves,yet through humane frailty overtaken other \vhile : CH a I s Tin hlo11dcomes for thefe, for thefe ia fpeciall, and alas they dare not come neere it (not His bfo,.d) as utterly unworthy of it. Thefeare but few, in comparifon of rhofe other, the foli-Jang,.ines. Yet, fome fuch there are,and for them bath Saint Johndi– rected theletter of this Text in this ordedvhich it fl:ailds; that C H 11. !: , TcAme not in ~~ater alone, but came inbtot~d, too. ., Timorous trembling confciences :thinke,they have riever water en.ough: ifthey Jirid about ~hem any undeane thing, they are quite call: powne, utterly dejected ftraighr: as xf thatCH R I s ':were Iohn Baftzf!,th~t came mwateralone: nay,were turned intoUUDfcs, that had hxs name of bemg taken out of thewatu- 1 as ifHe came allinwAter, nay wereallwater, had not a dr,op of btu11din Him. Thefe feetriero hold in aquA fola; whereas C a R I s T bath ~othwaterand Mo~d,_of each alike much,no lclfe of the one,than ofthe other: Camembl~Nd,an~ came mIt for theni,andto them doth moll: readily apply it,that makemofl: fpareof It. . . . But,the greater number by farre are thofe,iri theother e:x:treame,thatarenothing timorous, farre enough from that; dilfolu~e,and care not howmany foule blotches they have, fo they may have theguilt andpsmijhmenttakenaway : heJre, there is rt– 'tnifion of finnu inHisb!IHd; fo,lye at Hisveinescontinually likehurfe.leeches,fo as if it we.J.C poJiib!e, they would notleave a drop of hlondinHim. As for his wAter, they have no ufe ofir;nor delire have any,letthat run )Vafl:; are all for b!oud,would notcare,if all the water weredreined from Him, nay if (as the waters of iEgypt) ali His were turned intobloud. Forgiven, that they would be; Cleant they care not to be ; afmuch b!oud, as littlewater as you will• . Both thefewould be looked to,but this la• ter more, .as the predominant errour of ciurage, whereiri thewaieris even at the low.' water-marke. Now, for thefe, we turnerhenon [oluin (as by good warrantwe may) both wayes; it is equ11ly true, Not in b!oudalone(heareyou) Gzzt in bloudandwater. Wi!lyotz have nu water i then muil you have no C a 1. Is T: For C a R Is T came inwater. And further weeadde, that as inwaterAndblozzdborh,fo in wAter firfl:(for fo it lieth in _the Text), and that which fl:ands firfl:: ~e to pa!fethcirough firll:; water, quoadnos,xs the firll beforebloNd: Thereto begmm Go n sname. Tak~;,thatwich youtoo. · They then, that have learned C >t R 1sT ari~ht areto come to Him tor born) With the wotilan of Samaria, Lord give tu sf thu wAter : with them of Caperna· Iori: 4 ;r?.' •m, Lord, gtve us 1jthzsbread, of th•sCup ~fthe'l{fwTejl4mentinThy6!oud. To . 6.34.' , come to Him for b!oud, forthe forgivene!fe of ourfinnes through faith in hisbloud. 1 C~r,,_,,,r, T?come to Him for water af ~ell,for the taking out ofrhe fieynes. Yea (even asiif .d fatd) Hattrzetu .aqtza< ctem ga~dis de (ontibiU ~4fvatoris, evenwith joj to draw waters Bf•H!·i\ ' from the foumames of Mr Savtour : With more joy to drawwater, than to draw bluud fromHtm. . But_(indced) to look well into the matter, they cannot be feparate i they aremixf; Clthens mother. Thm is amixture ofthe U~ui in thew.iter ; th;re is fo,ofthewater. ~t!