Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

. ~- 7 4-o Uj the. S & ~ n 1No Sermon 14 • in the blor1d :we can minifier no wAter, without blo11d : nor blot~d, with~ b,apti{me weare wafhed with water:Thar water is nor wirhourbloud. Thebio11d fe· 0 lnftcad ofnitre. He hath wafhed usfrom ourJinnes in.His bloud (Apoc.x.5.) (wajh~~ They made thetr ro~es whttetnthe bloud~(the Lambe (Apoc.7.14-) Newajhing,nowhJ. tmg, by water, without blotld• .And, mtheEttcharijl, we are made drmk ofthe6l d 9fthe NewTe.ftament: but, iri that bloud, there is water.: for thebloud of C" ~ 1 ou purijieth mjromo11r Jimw. Now,ropurijie, isavertue properly belonging ton ter, whicl~ yet _is in the bloud: and f'trifJing referresro J)cts,_notto guilt pro;~: Gal.J.8. Acts •5·9· Rom.8.:.o. l1. Ioh.:;.3•. J\pOC.I~·4: Rom.•1·H• rioh.1.1 . l oh.5.J4. Iy. So; mher 1S mother; Therefore, the 'oncett of feparauon, let 11 alone for ever. . , To take heed then ofdreining CH R 1 s .,.'s water fromHisbloud; or abflraCli His b/oudfrom His water; afbringing in the refrringenr ({ola) into either. Every 0~ ofus, for liis owne part, thus to doe. But how{oever meq frame phanfiesto them felves \as frame they will, doe what we can) that our doctrine belookedro'; wear~ not to reach I JS sus:~Hlli s .,., but that I ll s us CH I\ x.s .,., _that thus camein both. That our J?tvtmty then; on_the one fide, be nor waterifh, Without all heart or comfort; prefennng CH 1t I s.,. mwateronely,romakefeare, where none is. Nor on the other, that we frame not our felvcs aJanguine Divinitie, void offeare quite' and bring in C HR I s .,. all inbloud,blo11dand nothing elfe; with littlewater or non~ at all; for feare ofEx nimi~ f}e defPeratio. ' . Faith, as it juffijieth (faith Saint Part!;) there is bloud: So irpurijieth theheut (faith Saint Peter;) there iswater. Hope, as it (4veth(faith Saint Paul;) bloud: So it clean(eth(faith Saint John;) water. In vaine we flatter ourfelves;ifrhey doerheone and not the. other. Doe we make grace ofnoneejfot1? chat; we maynor (Ga/. 2: tdt.) Doewemat<e the Law ofnone efftt1, byf•ith? that, we maynorneirher (Rom. 3.xo.) not, this day fpecially, the Fea.ftofthe Ldw, andSpirit, both: butratherefia– blifh it•.Befr, if it could .befet right, the Songof <..Mofes and of the L•mbe: it is the harmonic of heaven. If we teachNe peccetu (water;) To teach alfo (bloud) Siq•it autem pucaverit (with Sainclohn,) It we fay Salvm {aC/110es (bl111d;) tofay Noli amplitl~peccare (water) wichall, with C H I\ I s 'r Himfelfe. This is that I • s us C H 1t 1 s .,., and the true doctrine of Him :neitherdilu11,' :!Od fo evil! for the heart; nor tentans caput, and fa fuming up to the head : Neither ·s cammoniate, tormenting the confcien'e; nor yet opi•te, fiupifying it, and making it fenfeleffe. And fo much, for C H K 1 s .,._s doublemmning. It. Well, when C" i 1 s 'T iuDme~and thuscome,maywebe gone,havcwe.done~ Thespil'its Done! weeareinthe midll:of thc:verfe; beforeweemakeanendof ir,itrnullbec f"'· Whitfontide. This spirit is to come too. So, a newqrli venit; t~atcornesinboth thofe, andcomes in theSpirit; befides. Andanew non folum; notinwaterandbloud only, bur in theSpirit withall. . , loh,•.9·lo· Not,that CH R 1 s .,. faid not truly,confummatttmdl,that He bath not doneall. . . . Yes, _to doe that was robee done, C" RI s T was enough; needs nofupphe; The 'H~; w,r.,J[<. Spirit comes nor, ro doe; comes but to teHijie. That, interAliA, JS one of Hij Offices, .. . . 'Awirnt{fo , And,aWitmjJ'e is requifire. There is no matter ofweight with us,if it be fped auf thcre!ltobcc. thentically (efpeciallyaTq'lament) buritiswithaTdle. And Goo dorhnoreu His greatworkes, butfo : of whid1, this Comming is one, evenrhe greatefio a6• "'""1·'7· Neither ofHis_Te.ftaments, without one: As Go o innawrele(tnothtm(elfe_wrt;~ Ol!t witnejJ'e (faith the LApo.ftle:) So netth~r CH 1t I S'r,tnGra~:e. As then, mr e· llf•yi.,,;; Old tefiament, Ad Legem& tePimoniu11' (fatrhE{ay 8.) So,m_ rhe New, AdEvA;~» lirtm& tq'limonium, to the Goj}ell, to C Ha I s T and chetefrtmome,calls SadJn~ f her~. CH R 1 s'r alfo tohavehis:l'efle:Wetocallforir;andif itbe,alle ,ora. us,ro be able to fimv it. Awit: