Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

__ 7~4-~--~--~~--0-~_w_e_~_s_E_N_n_I_N_o __________se~~ 1Cor.oo.,6. fromthewpofb/efingdrankedownehisownebanc. All, for want~~· eft. So is it with theword, and with any meanes elfe. "''" :~/:::::,~; But let the teftimonieofthe Spirit come,thewater becomes aWeU,[printin tternlly; theflefh and bloud, meat tbatperijheth not, but endureth toli(e everlajlinl"P11 And even in nature we fee this: Water, if it be not aqua viva, have notafl .. to move it, and make it runne, it fiands and putrifies: andbloud, if nofpirit int"~1 congea~es and growes corrupt and fou!e, as the bloud of a Thefpirit hcl~ peththls,andupongoodreafondoth!t. For, CH 1t Is T bemgconceived byth spirit, it was mo!l: meet,all ofG./(rifl lhould be conceived the fame way. That wh· h conceivedHim, fhould impregnate His water, !hould animate Hisbloud, fhould give :h vivijcat,the life and vigor,to them both. It is theSpirit then,thatgiveth the witnef!ie . • Therrutbof Now, inaWitwejfe, above all it is required,he be true: theS•irit u'itm as He. Hoswotntl!<• • h h' r.tfi Th . . h h Wh c ,Jh J' ' e Iohn 14 .6. 1st etrut tt;e e. espmt, t etrut ? y Ha IST 1Jlt ofHimfelfe,I an:thetmth. ~ll thebet~er: for, Verum vero con(onat, one truth will well fort with, Wll! uphold, w1ll make proofe one ofanother, as thefe two doe prove either other reciprocally. TheS;zrzt, CH 1t IS1's proofe: CH Jti s 1', theSpirits.Causr 1 Iohn i ,; theSpirits : Ever1 ffirit thAt confef[eth not C H 1t I s T, is not the true SJirit. T~ Spmt CH .. 1sT s: CH a r s 1', 1fHe have oot theTe.fte of tll.e Spirit, is not the true C H a I s T. Alwayes, theTruth is the be!l: witnejfe. And, ifHe betheTruth onHisteHe, you may beare yourfelf~. Not fo, onwpter, orblond: without Him' they may well deceive us, and befalfa and faiiAcia,as wanting thcTrnth, ifHe ifth~ Spirit be wanting. ' "rh" truth to It will thenmuch concerne us, tobe fure, theSt,irit, on whofe teDimMiewe 're be knownc! · r 1'· ~ thus wholly to rtlye, thatthatfpirit be thetruth. And, it is the maine pointofall to be able to difcerne thespirit, that is thetruth: becaufe, as there isaStirit oftrHth,'io 1 Iobn.-f 6 • is there afpirit or errour abroad in the world ; yea, many fuch/}iritr: and the Apo· '~Cor. ~'-·•· fl/e.whotels us ofaliHmlefum, in the fameverfe tels us ofaliumjpi.Yitum,too. Webe then totrie, whichf!irit is the truth; that fothe(firit on whofe witneffcwe rea our felves, be the truth. How take we notice ofthe fpirit l How knew they the AngrU was come downeinto the poole ofBethe{d.t, but by the fiirring and moving ofthe ByHis fpjri1u- wattr l So by fiirring up in us fpirituall motions,holy purpofes and de!ires,is the SJi. i1\:o;~~ns.. ritscomming knowne. Specially, if they doe not vani!h againe. Fofiftheydoe, 0 • then wasittomeotherflatuousmatter, which will quiver inrheveines,(andunskilfull people call it the life.bloud ;) but the Spirit it was not. TheSpirits motioo, rhe pulfe, is not for a while, and then ceafeth; but is perpetual!, holds as long as life holds, though intermittent fometime, for feme little fpace. Bynewncll'e of Yet hold wee it not fafe, to lay overmuch weight upon good motions, which lite. may come ofdivers caufes, and ofwhich (good motions there areas many inM!, as inheAven. The fure!l:way is to lay it onthat, ourS A v1o u 1\ and His v!po}lltsfo John 6. GJ. often lay it, that is, onSpiritm vivi)icat. The life is ever the be!l: indicantjtgn eoft~e ~ Cor·l· 6 • Spirit. ~vumfupervenijfe{piritnm, niVA vituatiQ, that anewSpmt IS come, a new courfe oflife is the be!l: dcro.onfiration. The notes of th·ltlifc. Iohn 3.8. :sTim.4.t. aCor.J~.u. ,&Breath. Now, li(e is befi knowne, by vitall actions. Three the Scripturecountcth: 'Spiritm ubi VttltfpirAt, bybreath : • Spirit11s manifeHt loquit11r, byfpm~ : 1 Om»ta h,ec optrAturuntu idemquefpiritm, by theworh :(thefe three.) . I The neerell:and mo!l: proper note oftheSpirit is {piration,or hruthmg.In bre~· thingthereis a double act: 'thereisasy.flole, a drawing in oftheayre(andthat;s cold) agreeth with C H u s T in water : there comes a coole breath ever from t .e !VAter. • And there is a Dia.flcle,a fending forth ofthebrwh; and thar(weknow)JS warme,andagrceth with CH .. 1sT inbloud. For,li/oudisit,thatfendethawarme vapour into allthelirmnes. · but Agreeableto thefe two,have you the twoSpirits,which upon rhe matter,arethe thetwoactsofoneandthefamespirit: 1 Infpired, theSfiritoffwe,E[a.II.Z• ' feareof Go 0 , • out-breathed, the Spirit of(aith, ~ Cor.4.u. Faith ill CH •/ •_r• Fearecomesin water : [o faithSalomun; the Feareof Go o isfMsvtt.e,thewe!fpn~