of the Ho L Y Ga os T. 7H iflife (Pro. 14 • 27 .) thai: iswatt~. Faithcomes i~bloua; perfirieminfangr~inem Ipji. 111 (JiomanJ 3 • 15 .; throughf•tthtn Hublond. So;tS every on~ that!~ borneofthe spi. ."1rit. And to blow out f•ith lbll,.and never drawmfeart, IS fufp.tctous, ts not fafc. ThetrueJliration,thcbreathwg anghr, confilbng ofthde two; ts a figne ofthe right Spirit• c d h h. :r. f" ' Thenextfigndnthefamevenetoo: LA~ you caret eno'Ju zt_. F?r, fothe Spmh:& Apof/le faith theSptrit fpeakes evtdently: that ts,Hts n01fc and fpeech IS evtdeml~ .to tohn 3 :9• bedifiinguifued,from thofe of otherJPiritJ. His comming intonglfes this day,ihew. ' . eth no lelfe. Which figneoffpeechdoth beft and moft properly fort here, wtth a witnejfe. For, awitnejfe;what he bath to teftifie,fpeakes it out vocally. What noifethenis heard fromus~ What breathe we~ What fpeakeJ the Spirit maniftjlly fi·om our mouthes ~Ifcnrjing,and Gitttrnejfe,andmany a foule oath, Ifthis noife be heard from us:Ifwe breathmmao& c.edu,blufter out threatmng andjlaymg Ails 9. ,~ (thatnoile :) If ,.<>e)<,i)'@-, rotten,corrupt,obfccne communication come out of our lJphcf., .>g; mouthes; we are ofGalilee, andour veryJjmch bewrayeth m. This, is not the breath Mar. '"· 7 "' oftheSpirit; this, Hefpeakes not: evidently He fpeakesit not• .It is not the tp~gue , ofheaven, this : Notjicutdedtt SptrttuJeloqm, no. utterance of the SpmtJ gtvmg. Ails .. "' Some of CH ,._ xs T's watenvould.doe well, towalh thefe out ofour mouthes, The fpeech founding ofthe Spirit, is a figne ofthe trueSpitit. . . Thelaft(butthefureftofall)~mnia h,ec operAtur fpiriti<s. And the w~rkdsas . ~- deerely to b~diftinguilhed, as the fpeech. EachSpirit hath his proper worke,a~d is ~g~~-~· •. ,.; knowne by tt. Noman ever fawthe workes of the Dtvell come from thcSpmtof M"'', 4 j. · Go o. Be not deceived, theworkuofuncleanndfe come from noSpirit,butthe rmlames •·1• cleane ffiril. The workes ofCain, from theJPirit ofenvie: The workes of Dema<, 1 Cor.~-!~! from theJPirit ofthe world. All the grolfe errors ofour life from the f}ir# oferror. 1\ut this, this is the SpiritofTruth : And the breath, the fpeech, the operations of Him, beate wimelfe, that He is fo. Now, if He will depofe, that thewaterandh/qud, C R a , s ., came in, Hee came in , for us ; and wee our parts in them : in them, and in them both: and fo depoling, if we feele Hi5 brwk, heare Hisjjeech, ~ee His workes accoJ;"ding, wee may receive His wirnejfe then: For, His witnejfc_ u true. , . Now, that upon thisday, thedAy oftheSpirit, the Spirit maycomeandbea~ thts wttnejfe, to chriftJJ1!4ter and blend; there is to bewAter andblPud, for the Spirit tobearewitne/Je to. So was there (ever) as this day,in the churchof Chrift. Waier: a folemne Baptifme inmemory of the firft three thoufaml, this day, baptizedby Saint Ails,; 4 t; Peter. And bloud: never a more frequent Eucharifl,than at Pcntmft,iohonour ofthis Spmt, to which S. Paul made fuch hafte with his almu andofferings. Witnelfe the ACI"0·!~' great workes done byPentecoHa/L oblatims: which very oblations remaine in fome churches to this day. - Soarewenowcome tothe.Reverfali,tothe iafl:non (oiNm; and here it is. Notin IT f.' theSpmt a/Qne, but_in water and blou~, reciproc"e. As not thefe, without the spirit: fo Tho &<!crfai!; nenherthe Spmt Withoutthefe, thatls, without theSacr.sment, wherein thete be. So have we a perfect circle now. Neither in water,without bloNd; nor inb/qua' withouc 111•ter; ~or in themalonewirhout theSpirit; nor in theSpirit alone, withoutthem. ~htsday, CH a Is T comestousinblotld,inthe Sacramentofic([o,) :Sut(as ~e fatd_beforc) either isin other: Bloudisnot miniftred,but there is an ingredient of ~ epunfymg vertue ofwater withall in it : So, He comes in wAter, too. Yea, comes Inwa:er fit!!_; Co lye they inthe Text: water to goe before, with us. So did it, at the ~ry!nftl~Utton it felfe, ofthisSacrament. Thepitcher ofri>attr' and he thatCArried it, Mar.z-i."i r: asd nfiot 1 .n ~ainegiven fora iigne: went not before them, that were fent co make rea Y ont, rornoching. fi f It,had ameaning,that wAter·,arid it had an.ufe.their feet were waihed w•h it,& their •.. . }' . emg c'' 411t,they were~lwuevery whit, Manymake ready for it 1 tha( fee neither l•hn 'J· ~~ y uu ~ w~tq;