14-4 ...... Picb.~.l•· Zach. IJ ~~ ~ar.r4,14- , OftbeS I£ NDIHtr Se~. rv.~ur norfitther; _It Were well; they did: theirfeet w?uld bewa[hed; fo~ hands, tiHnlltlcencte, that are togoe to H1s.d/tar. In znnomme, that is, ina!ledtr purpofe ofkeepmg our felves deane :So, to come. For, to come and nor with haft purpofe, better not come at all. To finde afeeling of this purpofe before a ~ ar marke well the fucce!fe and effeCt, that cloth follow after. For, ifit faile us c~n~· ro ally, c:br!ft did not come. For, when He comes, though it be inhloNd,yer Hec rnu– with iliater atthe fame time. Ev«r, in both: never,in one alone. omes Hisbloudis not onlydrinlu, t6nourijh; but mediciNe, to purge. Tonmijh the mart, which is faint and weake(G o o woq) but to take downe the old,which is~~~~ in moft. It is the proi?er effect of His bloud; it cloth &lenfeour con[ciences.from dt~d worke:r, toJtrve the levmgGod. Which ifwe finde it doth,~hr!ft is com~ to us,as He is to come. And rhe Spirit~ ·come, and puts H1stejle. And1fwe have H1s Tefte, we may goeour way in peace· we have kept a right Fcaft to Him, and to the memorie ofHis comming. ' Evenfocome LoRD I • susl andc~me 0 Blejfed Spirit,andbe.rtdlitntffetl DltrSpi'rit; that C ·HRI s 1'S WAttr;andHJsb/o,.d, wehaveourpartinborh;both, in the fDHntDne o;med for finne 14nti f~r uncleannejfe, Amlm the.bloudofthe Ne~ Tejlament, theLegacie whereof, is everlafiing life in thy king– dome ofglory. Whither, CH-. Is.,. tharpaidthepur. &hAje; and theSpirit,that giveth th.efeifin,vouch. · faf~to brillg wall. · ..