'**tttttt#ttt* ~-~'*** **'****''"''' ''*'*** ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ••• A SERMO-N P RE' A~. ~HED BEFORE THE ICINGS MAIESTIE AT GREEN~ VVICH, on the XX. of May, 11. 'D.Mn cxxr. · bei11g WHtl'SVNDAY. j. •; lAM. CHAP· I. VER. XVI, XVII~ Nolite icaque errare fratres mei dilecrifsimi: 9mne datum optimum, & omne donum perfeCl:um ~~fur!um eft, defcendens a P A T R E lumin~~' apud quem non eft tranfmutatio, n~c vicifsitudinis obum: bratio. · ·- '~ P.rre not my leere brethren~ Everygoodthing;'andC'Peryperfef!: gift is from abo~e, andconi;. ' , met? dorPne from _the FATH ER oflights, 'nlith_whom is n~ ' > var~ablenejfe, nettherjhadoll>ing by turning. N D, ifevery good giving andeverjperfoE! gift,' what giving [o good, or what giftfo perfe.Cl:,.as the gift of gifts, this da.yes gift~ t,he gift efthe Holy Ghofl? There a,reinit,all the points inthe Text. It isfrom above; It defcended'lli/ibly this day: and from the Fath" of lights; to many tongues, fo many lights ; which kindled fuch a light in the world on this day,, as to this day is not put our, norfhall ever be,to the worlds end. 745 Firfr, the Ho L y, G a os T .is ofc fiiled by this very name or title, o(tl~e'giftofGod. If yee knewthegiftofGod(faith our SAVI_oult) IObn~.to; to the woman at the wels fide. What. g,ft was . ~zat~ It. thewaterof!ife. Thatwaterwasthe spirit: This ~efpakeof Iohn7• 3 ~;' fie Spmt ~aim John, who knew his minde bcfr)·as then, not y~t gtven; but .· nce(as upontlus day) fentintothe world. , , · . Vuu 3 Secondly~