Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 14. of the HoLYGHosT. But we take it onely as apropofition; with a little Item, at the end ofit. Ifwe aske thequeftions of Art concerning it, !d!!,-c, .f<!!-anta, ~ali6r !l!!,£? Ir is CategoricaU .– .fl.!!_anta? It is rmiverfa!l? ~alu? Fufr,tt IS afjirmatwe: then, true;[Errc mt]goes before it , So tme, as ro thmk~ the contrary, ~sa fbterror. . The rules of Logtke d!Vlde a our ha~ds, mto thefore .part (in Schooles,thcy caH-it St~bJ"1nm:)and mto theafter-part,wluch they .call Pr£dicatum. 1 • Thcfi 1 bjtc1tanherCls Omnedatttm;&c. Thepr£dtcatllm, de{tirft~meft, &c. The Sttbjefl is double:. 1 Datttm bonum, and .•Ilonum pcrfec1t~m? With anumver!:11! note to either: Every goodandevery perfeff, to. beefure; to take mall, to leave out none. 2 • Thepr.tdicatum, tlut Hands ofthree pomts: 1 Whence: • How: andl Fromwhom; from the FAther oflights. · · Thencomes theItem (I told you of) provifionally, ro meet with an objection, a rhotwhtthat might rife in our hearts peradventure: That is, itmay be, as thdights ofth~world, orrhecbiltfren, have their variations, their changes, [o theFather al[o may have them. Bu~~that He puts us outofdoubt oftoo, with as JlerernptO!Y ane~ gative: Beitwiththelights as it will; with the Htherof lights;wuh Go n, there is novariation, nochange; No not fo much as aj!JadoiVoftbem. In elfecr, as ifHe: ihould fay: from the Fat/moflights, which is rmcht,.geable; or from thermchangt– aMe FAtncroflights: and fo, itfhall be meerc affirmative; but that, there ist.Ma1or vi! in negatione, Deni•lltsftronger. . . . And all thefe he bnngs m, wtth a~lite trrare: and that not Without )ufr caufe• For, about this vcrfeand the points in it, therearc no leffe than feven (rmdry errours; I /hall note you them as I go, that you may avoid them. Together with fuch matter ofduty aslhall incidently fall in from each. Specially, touching the gift ofthe day; ,thcgiftofche Holy Ghoff. 74-7 I i; ..;... ,l To take the propofition in funder. The fubjecr lirfi: and that is double; I D.z; I; t tum,and •Dortum: and ei!hcr ofthem his proper Epithet;. ' Good, and •per- Ol the Propo. t feel. Ioyntly, ofboth together firfr: after~ feverally ofettherpart. ~'!f~; subftll Dat'!'~'' andDom1m, they borhcomc ofDo; G1ven th«y are both; Where(firfr). th«eofdouble becaufe ttts the Feaft ofTongue~, ro'fetaur tongue right. For; the world and the I Varum, and Holy Gho.ft fpeakenotonelanguage: Not with one tong11e both. ,There fhuuld not >Do••"'· elfe have needed any to have beene femdowne: The worldtalke$·ofall,as had: the 01 D•~•m & Holy Ghoff, asgiven. Looke to thl: Habe.udum (faith the world) thehaving: that is Don•mjoynilf !heSpmt ofthe Worlds. Reltgton; looke to Domtmand 'Datum, the giving: that IS Hts. The Heathen calls Hts venue~""ahabrt; that, comes ofhabrndo. The Chri. fiian(by Saint lames here)J'i,,,J<Jpn;.<a,datrtm and donum; all which come ofDando~ 'rhus doth the Holj Gho.ft frame our tdngues to fpcakc, if we will fpeake with the tongues ofthis day. They that doe nor, they arc ofGalilee, and their[pecchhewrAieth them frraight. . Will yo!! heare one ofthem ~Youknow who [aid,Soule tkorl haft enough(hafl:) Luke i ' ·'9· andyoukno:vwhofpak<;otherwifc, .~dhAbes qt~od nonacepifli? What but that 1 Cor•• . 7 • J~• haverecetvedl Rewvmg andgzvmg (you know) arerelarivrs 5 which, tbe other lmle thought of. You may know each, by their dialect. . From the ~egi~ning: Efauhe [aid, Habco bona plttrimafr~ter rni, I have good~ Gen·l!·f· ~nough: that ts lusphrafe of fpeech; that, the language of Edom. What fauh b~ob anheC:1me time~ ~!•11 asking him, what were all the dn;>'ves h~e met,They . (f: .C~tth he) the good dungs that Go nhathgrveti me.Havt(fatth Efa/1: )Grvenme Gen.Jl.6, · li~~~ ~aob.) 'U_onnt habeo l H.•ve_ f!~tl power to c~ucijie rliee, sndhave.not I p1wer tode- Ioha Io.•o. ·- - 1 ee i' You trllly know It, It 1s Ptlates vo1ce. But our SaV.tfflr Hec te)s ht.m: . , · Vu11 4 Non