Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

750 bftheSx Nn 1N G . Sermon 14 , i111tes to every one (the Spirit) but prgr1t '•tJIIlt; as it~ wife". er~ . And this you may o_bferve: th~ Scripmremaketh choice (ever) of words foun: dmg thts way. He gtves tt;Hecafls tt not about,at all adventure. He opens His hand !trunnes not through His fingers•.S!nt~~n habetfacilem, non.Perforatum,.: Hisbofom~ Is open enough, yet hath no hole mtt, to drop through agam(t Hts wtll. He{ent 8 . :Aa, to. '36. Word(it came not by hap,) that is, CH "' 1 s T. And I wiUfendycu •nit her Comfi ~ ~·;,~·/~~6' ter,thatis·, rhe H11ly GhPj. Nor He neither. ofHis ewnewiU He begat us: thc/b;. the words that follow. . :J"heV. :£rm. It is the fifterror, to afcribe to fortuneeither dittum or donum. Errenotthen·a l:he place is from above,fo themanner, defcendens; not decidoos; they come,they ~! ~~~ . . . . !From 'whom Whence, wefee, andhow: N_ow,fromwhom. The party in a word is G 0 0 , He .Apwllumi- hadfaidasmuchbefore{VerfeV.) If any lackervifdowe, lethimaskeitofGod- 8 0111 n•m- . comes He (here)to ufe this fomewhat unufuall terme, theFatheroflightsdthad WhY l•min•" becne (to ourthinking)more proper, to have faid, from Go o theA•thorof 4 11good ~light. things. No; there is reafon for it. For fay 1they are,they camedownefrom.bove: · when we call up our eyes thither,we can fee no furrher,our fightcan reach no higher than the ltghts l than the lights.there above. And fo, fome you have, char ho!Q. th~y come from them,deluminih~«,from the lights:chatfuch aconjunc1ionor ajjeCiof thcm,fuch a·csn.ftellattun~ ~r{'orofcope,[uch apojitto»_offuc~ and fuchP/4mts, produce very much good. Tht>tSIOAflrologte, but not 10 Theologte. M•'~w•.l.(ofwhich word come the Pl•mtr) faith Saintiames, Wander not afterthewande(ingllars :d: /,;minibiu, is notit;dep•tre luminumis the right. So, the Father of lig!Jts was pur-· pofely chofen, to draw us ftom the lights. That,notthey,4iheyarenot(noc,the &hildren;j TheF•ther, He it is, from whom they come. The lights: No, the!)' He Heb.' .I~; made to doe fervice. Nay, the Angdsabove them, He made to beminiJlringfpiritr JhoVI..Erm for our good. Benotdecei~ed,with this neither:.To lift up our eyestotnehoftof heaven, and no further, but beyond them, to the Father of them all, and thenyou ;~re where you lhould be. This may be one reafon. But further ifyou ask,Why not ratherofallgo1d;asH.c began; why is He gone from that t.erme, to this oflight? The anfwer is ealie. Ifwe con. 1 • 3 , fpea'ke ofgifts,ligh.t iris princrps donornm Dei, the lirfigift Goo bellowed upon the 4· world,and fo ..yill fit welj.Ifof.good;the fir!!: thing ofwhich it isfaid, vidit pemqut!l J,onA, was ligjit : ~nd fo, fit that way too. Ifyou [peake ofper(ea;foperfeaitis,asit is defired for it felfe, we rake comfortin feeing it, we delight to fee it,though we fee nothing by it, nothing but the light it felfe (obferved by Salomon, Eccl. II. 5~) ,A.nd forgsod: fuch is tnenearene!fe ofaffinitie,fuch(I may fay) the con-natura; John P•· lity bctweene light andgood; as they woulq n9t be one without the other• . All that ~t.S ·' 1 • goodis, loves thelight, would come fo thelight; would be made manifefi, defiresno b14jhefltohide ir,butac.ndleflicle, to lhew itforth to all the world. Th:~t rheymJght be fearched with lanthornes; to have the fecrets; the hidden corners of their he<ns looked inro, thattheFathlr .<iflights w<,>uld grant them fo to be. . , loha •·1· Forptrfec1:[oplrfet1a thing is the/ight,asGedHimlelfeisfai~ tobelit6t:l z,h, I.V. His SonnLour Saviour, to be light oflightt, thetrueligh! rhat fightneth tvery M~ thatcQmmethinto the world• .HisSpirit, light; fo is our Coltec1: God11,!Jt&has Hpentlus Jay hajl tAught the be.trts ofthyfa#kfu!lpe/Jple, by fending tu them the ltght of thy Holy Spirit. The Angels that ~e good, beAngels of{ight. Yea, w,hatf0ever here on eart~ i. s,m. u.t7· is perfeCt: the King is called, thdigbtofI{rael; T~e Apojlles calle~,.Luw rnsndt; Mu.s.••· and theSaints ofGod, where.ever they bein the world, tbinear lightSJnlt• Tharup~ on thematter,Fatherofgood,andFatherBflight, is all one. C ~hy r.m;••,.; Paterluminiswould have ferved,ifwe refpect but this;but the nature. What .aY not{ilmi•"· youto the number~ Irislumi!1um: why, of lights in the plt~rall? Thatis,cogtvf light towhat we[aid before, ofthe diverfe degrees ofthegivings,and ofthegifts 0 d GM. In the firmament; tbereis otie light of theStmne, another ofthe<.Moone, ~t