Sermon If· ofthe HoLY. GHosr. J)I · norherofthejlarres : and, in thejlarres, one dijftrethJi'om another inglory Goed yera .r.a · h H h 'd h ' 1Cortfid. everyone, rhoughnorfo per 1 e", oneasanot er.. er atma et e hrtghtSt~nnein · · . all hisglory,Heemadethedtmmeftffarre: all alJke from Hun; HehkerheFAthel' of a~~lides,He fers rhem downe in the plurall[lights]forrhattheo!lpolite(tenehr.e) is aplural!word(and indeed ha:h no lingular)for, they are many, an~ fo need many l'ghts to march rhcm. There IS the[en(es outward darkeneife, thel'e IS the darknefle ~f the inwArd man; both the darkenefle oftheunder(landingby ignorance and~""', and thedarkeneffc ofthe willandbeart by hatredandmaltce, I Iokn z.9. 'I'llere IS the darkenefcofadvcrjitie in this world, thehither darkeneJ!e; there 1s fome httle/ight in . ir: And rhere is the bla,·kneJ!e ofdarkene(Je,the utterdarkene(Jeofthe world to come, Inde 'i• no manner light at all. Norhing to befeene; bur, to behwd: nor to be heard, but Matth.s..,;: weepingand1vatiingandgnA}hingof reerh. .. . Tornarchthefe fo many darkn~stherebehoved to be as many lights ;and fo; Pattr lumimtm comes in, not lttminis. As, to match the manymiferiesofour nature, there were as manymercies requifite; and fo He, Pater mifericordiarurn,not miferi(~r- >Cor.1 .f: di~(withthe Apoft!e) ofmany, not of one alone. We need thenumher,as well asthe thing; to have amultitude,a plurality ofrmrcies, to haveplenteous redemption, to have Pfal.rJo.1: x<c'"'''"'~"""· great variety ofgrACe, and tlut over-aboundantgrace, tl!at wee might 1 If'·•·•<>· . rcfl: aifured,there is enough and enough, in the Father oflights,to mafter and to over: 1 ""· 1 ' 14 ' match any darkndfeofthe Prince ofdarkneife, what or how many fo ever. Shali I a1ewyou thefc lights~ Not thevifible, ofthe Sunne, Moone, and Stars; or fire or candle; I paife them. Belides them there is two in us; I. The light of Nature, for rebelling againfl:which, all that are without CH a 1sT luffer condemnation. Salomon cals it the candle ofthe Lordfear.-htng even the very bowels ( Prov. zo.) l' whictlthough itbedimmeandnorperfeet, yet goodit is: though lame, yer(as Me- - ph•bo)hu!.) it is Regia proles, of the hloudroyall. z• There isrhe light of GoD's ·Law : Lex,lux([aitbSalomon)totidemvrrbis,Prov.6.andhisFather, a lanthorneto Prov.6.>!; 7 his feet. Nay, inthenineteenth Pfalme what he faith at the fourth verfe,oftheSunne, Pfal.u9·' 0 f, at the eight, bee faith the fame, oftheLawofGov; ligkts, both. 3· Theltght ,p'"'·'9· ofprophecie, as of a ca11dle thatjbineth in a darke place. 4· There is the ,Ponderfu!lr !'Cr••.,, light ot His GojJell(SoSaint Peter calsit :) the proper light of this day. The tongues that defcended, fo many tongues, fo many lights; For,thctong11eis alight,and brings tolightwhatwasbeforehid in the hem. 5· And, from thcfeother, is the inward ltghtofgrace; whereby, GoD which commanded the light t~Jbine 011t ofdatkneJ!e, >Cor.oj.S. He it is that fhineth in our hearts; by the inward annoiming (which is theoile ofehis lmtpe) the light ofhis holyfpirit,chalingaway the darkeneife both ofour hearts and mindcs. 6. There is the light of Gomfon ofhis httlySpirit, a light fowen for the righteous herein this life. And 7· there is the light ofglory, which they lh~ll rc,pe, the ltghr where GoD dwelleth, and where wee lhall dwell with Him: . Even the inheritance ofthe Saints in light, when the righteous lhall jhinc M the s 111111 e; Col.J.u:. inthekingdomeoftheir Father, the Father of lights. Mofes's Candleftickewiih [even ~~d.~·;:~ . .ftalkes a11dlights in each ofthem. Of all which (even lights GoD is the Fathet,ac– knowledges thern all for Hischildren, and to !:lischildrenwill vouchfafc rhem all in their order. Now this onely rcmaineth, why He is not c31led the Author, but theFather ~f; Why Pdtti thefe I In this, is themanner oftheir defcending. And that is, forrhat, they proceed no<-<Ntbot, from Hrmper modum nattlr.e, as thechildfrom theFather; per modum t11Jandtionis, as the hwnes from theStmne. So both Father and light, fl1ew the manner oftheir corn- · mm~. Proper and natural! for Him it is,to give good. Goodthings come from Him as kmdly,as doe they; thereforefaid to be, nor the Author, theLordand Giver, but even the very Father of them. It is againfl his nature ro doe otherwife; ro prqcreare or fend fonhought, but good: His very loines, His bowels are all goodne(Je. FatherofdarknejJeHeecannotbe, being Fe~herof lig#ts, norofought;h.atis evil!, For they two (darkeand evt!l) are as neere '-lf kin, as light andgood. Thts 1s the meffage