Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

751. Verfe 'J· l!phe[.6.J•· OjtheS .E No 1 IJI o s;;;;;; fage (faith Saint John) that we heard ofhim, and that we declare to you t~ is light, audinHim is n~ darkentjft at all. Neither in Him, norft•ma;1~. at 0 • 1 f · L · fik' d ·ntln•di. cat, et never any ay1t; et It never m emtoyou.:Tempte Hee is not with . Tempt He dothnot t~ evil!. Afcribe it not to Pater lrtminum, but to Prince,; lVII!, rnm; to the Prince ofdarkenejfe,not to the Father oflights. But,afcribeal!J.,Jf,ir.. the fmalleft lfarke to the grcatelt beame, from the leatl:goodgiving to theb 'tm mof'rperfeEigiftofall, to Him; to thePatheroflights. So wee fee, •wh/ti h~~ • why ltghts; l why the :fauer of ltghts. Somuch for thePr.edicateandwi t' Propofillon. oe 1r;· And all this may be: and yet all this being (it feemes)fome replymaybemade The 11 , and fiand with the Appflles terme oflights well enough. That, what befalsrhelrght' · 'IheVl~~ror. thechildrm, may alfo befall the FMher of them. The great and moll: perfeCllrg~ in this world, is the Sunne in the firmament; and two things evidently befall him \he two in the Text: D•r"!>•fol variation He admits, declines and goes downe and leaves U5 in the darke; that is Hisparal/,,xe, in His motion from Eall: to Weft. And turning He admi~s; turnes backe, goes from us, and leaves us to long winter nights; that 1s H1s 7f'""'m H1s mononfrom Nonh to South. One of tbefe Hedochevery day: the oth~r _every yeare•. ~ucce!lively rcmovmg from one hemifpherero the other; when It IS light there, It JS darke here. Succc!lively turning from one Tropikt to another; when the dayes be long there, they be fhort here: And, ifwefl1a!l fly any tb10gofrhe (/Jadow here? rhat way wee loofe'Hun too mparr, by inrerpofing of the clouds, when the day IS ovcr-caf'r. So, rhe mght 1s H1s parallaxe: thewin· tcr Hts , 1 ,.,.»; darke weather H1sjbadow atleafi, Shado,ves doe bunake Him away in part, that is not good. But darkeneffe takes Him away cleane; thar,is perfeCtly cvill. Iob4.t8. l:.xod 3 .14. Mal.j.6. That it may be~venfo with theFathcroflights,as with this it is. Goodandt<~•iU come from Himalternu vicibus,by turne ; and as darkenrffi and light fuccelfwdy, from them. That it may fare with Him as with the Hearhen It~piter: who had(fay they) in his Entrie, twogreatjtus, both full, one ofgood, the other ofevil/; andthat he ferved them out into the world, borhofrhegood and ofthe evi//ashefawcaufe1 but commonly for one ofgood, two ofevil/ at leaf'r. It was morethan requifite, he lhould cleare this objeCl:ion. So doth he ;denieth both (all three ifyou will.) That though of man, it be truly laid by Iob,Hemverron– tinu<s m oneflay : though the lights of heaven have their par.llaxes: yea, theAngd< ofheav&Ji, He found notfted(a:1nef!e in them: Yet, for Go o, He is fubjeet to none ofthem. He is Ego[Nm,quifum: that is(faith Malaehi) EgoDeus, & nonm•tor.We are not what we wer.:: a whilefince, nor what we (hall be; a while after, fcarcewhat we are: for every moment makes us varie. With Go o, it ri nothing q. Hm< th•t He is, He u andchangeth not. He changes not His tenor, Hee changes not !1•s Ioho. ¥.58. tenfe; keepes nor our Grammar rules, bath one by Hrmfelfe: Nor, beforeAbr<oam w.u, I was; but,hefore Abraham was, I am. . . Yet are therevaryings andch•nges,it cannotbe denied.We fee them dar/y.True, burrhe p0int isper quem, on whom rolay them. Not, on Go o. Seemesrhereany ""m.•., 7 • recej[e? It is weforfake Him,not is the}hip that moves,though rhey that bem it thinke the land goes from them, not they from it. Seemesthere anyvarratton, :tS thatofthenight~ Iris 11mbra terr£ makes it; the lightmakesitnot. Is there any thing refemblingajhadow ? A "Vapour rifes from us, makes the cloud; wh1ch IS asa pent.hou{ebetweene, and takes Himf~o~ our fight. That :vapour is our luJI.: Thefi~' is theapudquem. Is anytempted~ lt!Shtsownclllfldoth"; that,enafesh1mtO b ' thatbrings us to thejhadortJ ofdeath. It is not G o o. No more than Hee can n~: tempted no more can Hetempt any. Ifwe finde any change,theapudis wtth us, Him· ~echange,Heisunchanged. Manwallm in a vaine foadow: Hiswayesare Pf•I.J,.•. the t;r;th, He ~annot deny Himfelfc~ Eirhel