Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

s;;;,;-; 4 =·====~~of;t_hT · e~;I:J~o~L=-,y=-::::-0~~::-H~O:"~~T~.~=~~==:====·7 =,~~ ~,themort-peij'ellly evil/it is;th' mote'it isfmtn'b({~rll ;.Either rlfesfrqm the lleame of ou:.nature corru~ted.; or.(yetlower,) aft;ends as a_groife fmo~e,f~QI'!l the bottomldfe ptt, from thePnnce.of darkneife, ~$ fuU of '}Jary!ngand tur;ung intQ all Jhapes and {haddowes,lls Go D_ 1s fan;~!r9ro \>.o14,wl).o.1s uruforroeandconftane inallhiscour{es. · · _,.,, .· -• l '· ·,,, ·- Shall we~ no~ cralf ~~aliinto ~h~f~m~e;ti~e·e,;.;,'~~d ~he_verities by themfelves andpppofe each toeach~ The fitfl:'error: to bee alu::or havmg l never fpeake odt. The veritie: that all isgiv!ng,orgifts; to be font •.Thefecond ,_ ror: rothinke, great matters onely are g1ven; the meaner weehaveof ourfelves~ Theveritie: PerfeCI, as well asgood; andgoodasperfetl; they beegwen both: The third error : to thinke, they are from us, not el[ewhere from others. Theveritie :. they are ;~.a,, they grow not in us,wee fpin them not out of our [elves. The fourth error: they bee from below; wee gather them here. Theveritie: they be from;,., that is above, not here beneath. The fifth emr; to thinke, that from thencethey fall promifcue, catch who catch may, hap-hazard. Theveritie :they fall not by chance; theyJefcendbyprovulence, and that regularly.The fixth error; they de[cend then from thejfArreior planets. The veritie ;' not from them, or either of them, but from the Father of them. The feventh ~nd !aft errMr: to thinke, that by turnes,Hee (ends one whilegood; orhe_~ whilebad;.~a!ld fovaries and char;ge~. The'!Jeritie; -.H«: doth neither• The lights may 11ar#;,_Heeisirwar,ia~te: they may change; Hee iS unchangeable : cunftant alwayes, and like Himfelfe: Now, out lelfons fl'Olll thefe. .Tiicdui!~. · x And is ie thus~And are theygiven? Then,qteidglori~ru? let us have no boa: fling. Are they given; why forget you theGiver r Let Him be had iri memory,He is worthy fo to be had. 2. Be thegiving, as well as thegift; and thegood, as theperfe£1,of gift, both~ Then, acknowledge it in both,take the one as al'ledge,make the one as afreppe to the other. 3· Are~hey fromfomewher~elfe,n?t from our ~elves~ Ptll.~· ~-'· Leame then to fay, and to [ay With feehng, Z(gn nobrs Domme, qura nonanobrs. · '4. Are they from on high? Lookeriotdownetcithegroundthen, asfwinetothe t~cornes, they find lying there, and never once up to the tree they came from. Looke vp :the very frame of our bodygives that way. It is natures checkto us, to have our head beare upward, and our heartgroveUbelow. 5· Doe they defcelld? Afcribethem; thentopr1rpofe,not to timeorchance. NoTable,to fortrme([aith rheProphet.) 6. Are !•. · they from the Father of lights? .Then never goe to thechildren : A jignio&a:li nolite Ro.n,... , 9 • tiznere: Neitherfeare nor hopi for any thin"fromanylightof them all. 7· Are Ioh.•l·'.· His gifts without repentAnce ? Varies He not'/"'WhomHe loves, dotfi.Hecloviitu the .end l Let our fervice be fotoo,not wavering: 0 that we changed fi·omHim,n0miire than Hee from us! Not fromthelightof grace, tothejhadowofJinne,asweedoe full often! . . But above all, that which Is e:" totJ ji1bjlantia; that if we finde any want ofan'y gwmgor gift, goodorperfeCI, thts T~xtgives us light, whither to looke, to whom to repaire for the£?: To theFather of lights. And evenfo let us doe. <.Adp~trem lrt. m:num, cum prtmo lumme. Let the ltghteveryday, [ofooneaswcfeeit,putusin mmdero get us to theFather of lzghts. v!fcendat oratio, defcendet miferatio, let our prayergoeup to H1m, that His gra~e may come d~wnerous: foto lighten us in our wa~es _and work~s, that we.e maymthe end, co1n<;;~o'dwell with Him;,in the Jighe whiCh ts~... -~Jvl~o;•~v, light-whe~eofthere i~ no e.velttide,tbe Sunm rvhereof'never Jets, norkno\yestroptk~,theonly thing we mtlfe,and wiih fo·rinourlights hereprimum&, anteemnza. d Bur,if wefue for any,chiefly for the bell,the moll perfee!gift of all, which this ~ydefcended and was given. Thisday was,and any day may be,but chiefly this day will begwento any,that willdejire, as our sa;;iour promifcth(LukeXI.) andwillbe• ,;, 1; as good as His word. · · .\Vithin us there is no Spirit but our owne, and that I~Jls 4fter envie, and t, 11, ; •• 5 • Xxx oilicr