Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Se'rlnorJI), ofthe ~oi..y GHosT; ~~~~~i~t~i~~$~~t~t~ti~t·t~i~itttt~ttt$ ~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FIRST,and before~lltbings; we~n4here? and finding we adore theholy, blefr: fed, tll'ld glonoJU Trmme: the Spmtm plame t.ermes,.the other two mno leffe The r,;,;,~ plaine, if weelooke~o?utthe VL Verfe of the V•Ch.tpter before, where the Ptrfon,k, .Apojllefairh: To tu thereubill one Goo,the Fath;r, of whom_artallthmgs, and weof Him;ando11e Lo ~ o I E sus CH it t s T,bywhomareallthmgs,andwebj Htm. So, by Go o, is intended the Father, the firft Perjim :·by L oR o, ~hcSonm,the(emzd: by the Spirit, the third, the ufuall terme or mle of the Holy Gbofl, all the B1ble through. Thefe three, as inT;initif:of Perfims here diftin~; So, in Vnitieof ef!ence; oneand the fame. For,though to each of thefethree,t~ere IS allowed a[the fame;] yetcome to theDeitie,and they arebot three[the fames] but one the[thefame;] one, and the fame GOd-htad, to be blejfed forever. 1 Once before, are thefethreeknownethusfol'emnlyto have met; atthecrM· tingof the world. • Once againe, at theBitpiifmeof C" RI s T ,the new creating it; 1 And here now the third ti1ne, at theBJptifme of the chHrch, with theHoly Ghofl. Where, as the manner is at all b<ipti{mes, each beftoweth afeverall gift, orlargeffe, on the patrie baptized (that is)on the Ch11rch; for whom, and for whofegood, all this dividing, and all thiSmanif<!fling is. Nay, for whom and for w~ofegood, the world it felfe was created, C H 1t l s ..- Himfelfc lla,Pti.trd, arid the !ioly Ghofl, thi; Day yifibly fent dowlfi, . . . . . The Trinitie Perfon.itl I deale withfirft, thatweemayknow, whereandfrorri whom,all the tell: iffue and proceed. All errors are tolerable, fave two; about AI piu;. the firft letter, and omega, the !aft; aboutprimumprincipium, andultimiHji11il; t~ firft beginwing,whenceall flow,and the !aftend, whereto all tend~ We erre againft the iirft, when we derivethings amiffe: we erreag~inft the fetond,when we referre therri amiffe: Divide them right, and refcrre them right, andall is righr. And the right de· riving is (as here) to bring all from the l:HeffedTrinitie. - From this Trinitie Per(onJU,comcs there here another (as I may call it) a Triniti~ mfl, of 1 gifts, •adminiflr~ti'ons, and 3operations. I will tell you, what is meant by each. I • . Bygifts, is meant the inward indowing, enabling, qualifying, where– by one, for his skill, is meet and fufficient for ought. A particular whereof to the number cif nine, isfetdowne,attheVIII. DC. and X. Verfcsafter. 2. Byadmini. ftwions, is rrieant the ounvardcalling, place, furyetion, or office, whereby one is au.· thotifed lawfully to deale Vlith ought. Of thefclikewi[e you have a lift eo the num· berof eight, at the XXVIII. verfe after. 3• By ~perations, is meamthceffecr, or worke done, \\•rought, or executed by the formerrw<l" (the skillof thegift,and the P•wer of the calling :) But, thefe are'infinite (workes : ) no fetting downe of them ; onely fo to bee ranged, as every calling tci know his ciwne proper work1, and fo to deale with it• . So have you three ~otienu from threeDi't!ifors : 'gifts, • affim, J w#rlu:r; from the 1 J?ather, 'SDnne, and l Holy Ghofl, referen~ jillgulaflngulii. •Gifts,they from the Sp~rit : • offim, they from C il R Is f theLord: l Workes,they fromGoJ theFatbtr, TheSpirit,Hegi~eswherewith: CH R. i:sT,Heappointswherein: The Father,Heworkeswhm-J!Jotlt, TheStiritgivesalltoa~: CH R,, :r,Heappoint:> all for all: Go o theFather w<irkes all mall ; · You are not (here) td thinke thefe three fo limited,as that all and every of them; c~cry of thet~ree,come not from all and every ierfonof theTrinitie. They come,– i,;t fromaf!, Our rule i~the workes oftheTrinitie (all,fave thofe that refteet upon.and wteene themfelveS·IIiiWard/y) aJJIHtward, tO any without them, aren~ver, Jwu/ed,, lat onedoth,all doe: ·