Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 15. ofthe HoLY GHosT, ;hird: having both rhefel to apply himfelfe toComeworke; and namely 1 that worke, that belongs to hiscafling. In a~ord; every one to linde lumfelfe w1th atift, in a c•Uing, about aJVork Not havmg thegift, not to affeCt or enterthecalling, nor ha·. ving the calling, not ro vemure upon the JVorke. . . . . . By all meanes wee are ro avo1d to fru!l:are this meeting ofrh«TTJntty, To doe them this honour, to think all the three abfolurc;ly_ needfull, and no_t any oft_he thre~ ore than needs. The Wi(dome of Goo, as tt IS never wantmg lll any tlung rhat ~eeds; ( 0 neither is it l•vi)h in any thingmorerhan_needs. And mdeed1 to !1old any ofthe three fitperjlttous, is (in effeet) to call mque!l:10n, whet~er fomt perfon 10 the Trinity bee not fl•perj!Nous; namely, thatper[on, whofe dlVI!ion we fe.eme to fer fo light by. All three thenare to be had:_ We cannot miffcanyofthe~. If we mijft rhegi{t, all will be doneunskilfully: 1fthecallmg, all d1forderly: tftheworlu, all unprofitably, and to no purpofe. Then, nbt to leave ?Ut,.orro !cape ?Ver thegift 1 rharis aconremptofrhe Spirit: Norrhecalltng; that tsa trefpaffe agam!l: CH& In: Norrhe JVork; that is an affront to Go o Himfelfe. So much for con}tmflim: now for feriaiim. 759 All tobe had,and in this order to be had,as hercrhey frand marlhalled, Thegift z lir!l:; then rheca//ingtoaurhorize; then theworkeromake upall. But thegift, be- ~!'/::';;:~'!t fore thecallmg; and the callmg, after thegt{i : thegt{t and calhng both, before we be 4 ". allowed rotakc any workc in hand. The mtmber nor abated, theordernot inverted. · Neither thecalling, before thegift; nor theworke, before tbecalling andgift both be had. But every and each, in his order, and rurne. This order kept, the Cht~rch will flourilh, the Common.wealth profper, and all theworld be the better. Wee have done with eonjttnf!im, and feriatim; and now we fall ro feorjim, to the feverall divifions. And firfi, to the Spirits, (that is) the gifts, and. the nature of them. The word is x•fl<f"L7•. It is a wo_rd of the chrifl~An fryle: you !hall not read it i_rl 2;::.1~ any Heathen Author. Wee tur~e 1_r, Ot(ts•. Gifins fomew~at roo lh~rt: x~P"I'"lS , x•p~'<f"L1~ more than agift. But lirfi; a gift tt ts; Ir IS not enough With us ChrijlMns, that a Th'i:.rj{tt, . thing beehad: wirhrheHeathenman, iris: heecaresfornomore :heecallsit'i;•<~ Sure hee is, hee hath it; and that is all hee lookes after : The chrijlian J~dds further how ht hath ir : harh it not of himfelfe, fpins not his rhreed as the Spider cloth, out of himfelfc; buthathitof another, andhathitof gift. Itisgivm him : Vnicuif}tle datur (it is the XI. verje.) T• every one t5 given. So, in!l:ead of vfriflotles word, ;·~"' habite, hee puts Saint lames word, J''"' or N1"~": it is a gift, with Iam.t•• t. Him. And how a gift? Not Do, ttt des; give him as good a thing for it, a'nd fo was Freigi{lt.' ,. well wonhy of lt. No, bur of free gift. Andfo toSainrlamcs his word Jhl 1 nl'•• which 'is no more but agift, be aclds Sr•. Pauls here; xdP"I'"· wherein thereis xdp", (that is) gr.ce, and fo agtace gift, orgiftof grace. This word,the pride of our nature digefrs nor wdl: ~.;.,, and ~,.i.mrouch rieere: Nature ts eafily puft orbloJVne ttp: but, xdp·~~· bath a pricke in it fonhebladdcr9f our pride : as if, either of ourfelves we had ir, and received lt not ; or rec~ived ir, bur it was becaure we ear.rrd it. No : it is gratis ""Pifli<on~ur parr: andgrati< data, on His: freely given of Him, freely received by !!,; us; and that 1s x'P"f"Lnghr. . Freely given by Him; Who is that~ TheSpirit. the natural! marifedes,hee Gi~~by•hn. hath afoulc ; and that is all theSpirtt, he takes notice of, and is therefore calledani. spmr. m_alu homo(thar is)nothing ?ut fou~e: that, is all his Spirit. TheChrijlia/1 rake<>,noludc , 1 ; llceof another Sptrtt, rhatts nor h1s owne; (thatts) G 0 o s,Spirit, tbeBiJly .Ghojl,: and that he IS beholdenro Him,who is one a11dthe fame Spirit. Elfe,fo manym~q;fo manyJ}mts, Bm,rhisis but ontand the fame Spirit, , . Vcrfc u: Wh1ch one,and thef•me Spirit makes alfo again!l: Paga~<ifme. Fov,tb~y h~dmne ... Mtt[es, and thm Gra,;es,and (I wot not how many) Gods and qoddejfes b't'fi\ks. 'We · Xxx 4 goe;