Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

760 Of the S& N n 1 ~a Sermon 15 ; goe but toone. All ours comeftomone, fmm rhc [&"!eSpirit; All our~ fromYllity. All our diver'jity is from idemitie. All our divifions from integrith; fr~ 15 one and the fame enmef}mt. A freegift,fromthefteespmt;agz{tofgmefr Ill theSpirit ofgrace, So, from G o o ,not from our felves: for C H R i s -r, nor for om felves : by theSpirit, not by either our nature, or induftrie, not alone: For Withour theSpirit, all our natureand indull:rie will vanilh, and nought come of the~. out Thus it ll:ands. The Heathen man thankes his ownewit and ll:udy, for his le ning; and we fedude them not: But,this we!ay: When all is 9one :virhall our p~::; · natlirall, and all our afls habztttafl,tf theHoly Ghoft come not wtth Htsgraces f}imu I! •1 Cor. 14 . 1• no good will come of them. Therefore, we to feeke afrer f)iriiuaflgifts, and(<>•"~ :O<eh.• uo. (it is thev1poftles word) zealoufty<o feeke them. For, though theSpirit give. yerw mull: fue anap,.y forthem. Zecharit makes but oneSpirit of thefetwo, 1 G;aceand • Prayer. Prayer, as thebreathing o/11 : Grace, as the drawing in :.Bothmake bur one breathing. To pray, then: and (morethanrop:ay) tG~irrethemrip; thewordis ••-<Noropil'v,to blow them, and make them burne, as IS ufed to be done to fire. and asis to be done to thefierie tongrmofthis day : Elfe you will have but ab!•zeof;hem;and all elfe, but cinders,co!Jandcomfortlejfe geere (God knowes.) But fd all are to befui– ters,and to labour,to have a part in this dealing. l!y way of 'Di· From theSpirit then they come: but by way of divifion. Nor;fo asfomc all· ~ifioo. fome, never a whit; but by way ofdi;;iJ!on. The nature w.he:eof is,neirhet allgijis: vcrr 117 , to one ; nor onegift, to all : But (as ttfollowes) ''"'"o/• unrcmqt~e,to each fome :nei· rher donNm hominilnu,onegift ro4/lmm : nor donahomini,tt/1gifts to oneman: bur do· nahominihtu, gifts tomen: Every onehispartof thedividem; For, fuch isrhe Jaiv of dividing. . a•l(i•J· Which divifion is of two forts: 1 either ofthe thirig it fdfeinkind, •orofrhci meafrm. I. Thekind; which the Apoftle fpeakes ofin thefeventhChapttr,aOO. fe'"emh ver[t; To every one isgiven huj}eciaU, andpropergift ; to one in this kind, to another in tl1at. Go o fo tempering, As the natural! body, thatinir, theeydhouldnot havethegifr togoe,but tofee; and thefoot notto fee,but rogoe: And as the great bo. (!. IGng--s.s. dy of the world; In it, Hirams country lhould yeeld excellent timher andjlonr, u . and Salomons Countrey, good wheat andoyle, which is the ground of ~11 commem: So, the f}irituaflbody ;;that in it, Pat</ !hould beedeepe learned, v1pello !houldbe of hetterj}eech: one need another; one fupplie the need of another; ones abundance,the others want. oin»mflm· But divifim is not of the kindonly,butofrhemeafurealfo. Diverfenmfgm there be in one and the fame ki,J. Every one faith thev1poffle, (Ephef-4-7·) accor· ding (not to thegift, but) to tlie meafureof thegift of CH RI s T. For, tofomegave r~~~~9~{j: S· He talents (f.1ith Saint c..Matthew;) To fome, but pot~nds (faith Saint Luke:) Great odds. And of either, to one gave Heftve, toanorherthree, toathirdbutm:ina different degreefenlibly. To each,hisportion in aproportion : His Ghomerrhe law calls it; the Gofpdl, his dimenfum, And rememberthis well. For,notonlyrhckind will come to be confidered, but themeafure too,when we come to fee,who be in,and whobe out at the Spiritsdivifion. And fomuch for the Spirit. -.The ,.14"' If we have done with thegifts wecometorheplaces: For whererheSpiritends; ~"alli•t· CH11 s ~ beginnes. Soas,ifnogift; fray hereandgoeno furrher;nevermeddle with the cafling, or worke. But what ifweehaveagift; maylvenorf~llrowo~kl firaight ~ No, but acalling isfirll:tobe had,yer wepurfonhour hand to tt. Whtch Hcb,f.i; nemoflbi fu,.,it, 11iji qui vocatl/4, 'l{gman, ID takeon him, tmlejfe he he caUeti: Though a gift then, though agoodgift, not (eo ipfo) to thinke himfelfe fufficiently warranted to fallaworking. Theregoesmoretoit, thanfo. Wemull:paffe CH RI sr s hands too, and not leapeover His head. For,after the Ho 1 y GHosT harhdonewtrh us, CH ll 1 s T willappointevery one of us his cafling. Which are dl' . Ofwhichdivifion theground is,rhat every man is not,hand overhead,confufed· viitdfor o•dec ly to meddle with every matter; but all isto be done><;' .,;;,,orderly. Each to know sCor.rt--~o, . hisowne. The very word [divijion] impliethordtr, Whw:weereaddivifioni. {am~ I