·~~7_6~4---c~~~~~O~if_m_e_S~E~N_n_r_N_o __________S_e~ It ~ii1 ~~~be amilfe,if we willlookc_Yet a littlefurther ~n~o this war~ !i'~>"~<'• whtchts more thantll'•· Forhl""'"', Is not every workc: 1t tsanin.wro 11 ght ' /s A worke wropght Gym fo, as in tu alfo. And both, it may be. For ,,.d,.and"'or 1 ' loh.r_f.s< 'Eiap,,u ; b ,; 11-IIJ>f take not away, one theother. So then yourfelves, asbyfomeotherbeiid " felves; and that is G ci o, whois faid here to workeall in all. eour Allin all. Ifwe take itat theuttermofi cxtenr,it will reach,then we mu{\b aware to fever thedife8,or deformitie of the workefrom theworkit felfe .as IV ellell may. 0Uovi11g, istheworke; halting, isthedeformity. Moving, that~o~esef we ~he route, iswroughtbyit:halting (thedeformity) not from the route when rohm inovj~g comes; bur that is caufed by themokednejfeof the leg. s~\s the e'IJiU ~~~/ worke: Thedife8, from"":; theworke, from Go o,and that His. 1 . But, ofall our. good, all our well-wrought workes, oft~em, we fay norone! ' Stne Me mhtlpot'.flu facere, Wee ~an doe none of them without Htm: But further,werJ.' Wtth the Prophet, n.omme, omma ~per anojlra operatU< et lnnobu : In them, Hedoth not only c~-oper~te wtth~s from Wt~~out;but,evenfrom within (as Imayfay)in-o,c 1 • rate themmus; ...,;,;.;""' workmgtn yor1. Then, 1f theregoeanorherWorktm•nto them belides our felves,we arenot to take them wholly toour{elves.But ifthlt other Workeman be Go n ; we will allow Him for the principall Workeman: at the bit. That, ~po~ the whole matter, if our abiliti_cbc but ofgift; if our calling, beebut a fervtce..; tf our veryworke, but <.1,.,,.., a tlung wrought tn 11<; cectdit liaby/Qn,pride falsto the ground: thefe three havelayd it flat. But belidcs this, there are ,three points more in ;,1,.;;.o. I will touch them fir!l: '1 .I~"" they are [aid to bewrbught ;.to fhew,our worlw fhouldnotbeskrewedftomm 1 woond out ofus with famewrinch from withor1t,without which noihing wouldcome. from us by our will, if we could otherwife choofe: 'E<•n'"'""' thefe properly. But l"n'""'"'' fromwit,hin:hath theprincipi11m motl#,there and thence: And fo,are naturall nnd kindly workes. 2 Next, fromwithin: To fhew,they are not taken on-works, doneinbypocrifie .: So theoi•tfide faire, what is within, icskills nor. But,that there be truth intheinw41d parts ;that thereit bewrought, and that thence it come. 3 And !all:, if it be an,,,,,.. .,, it hath an energie (thatis) aworke·ma~ip,Cucha; that the gift appeares in it. For energie implies, it is not doneutCtJnque, butworte· 191anli!udone. Elfe there is an aergie,burno energie in it. And even the very word [of divifion] comes to as much. Dividing, impliesskillto hit the joynt,right: For, that, is todivide. To cut at venture, quitebelide the joynt, it skils not where, throughskin and bones and all; that,is to choppeand m~ngle,and not todivide. Divifimharhart, ever. And this for Go n s divifton, the diviflon of workes, And fo nowyouhave all three. . We have fer downe the order; Will you now reflect upon ka little,and feethe variation of the compajfe,and fee how thefedivifions are all put out oforder; and who be in, and whobe out at every one of them ~ Firfl:, where thegi,ft and thecafftHgare (and fo are to bee)Relatives, neither without the other; There are men ofn~gifts (tofpeakeof) that mayfeemeto have cometoo late, ;or to have beeneawayqm~e,at thefirfl: ofrheSpirits dealing: No fhare they have ofit; yet whardoethey~.Famly {hide over thegifts; .never care for them ; and il:ep into the .:ailingover thegifts•~nd fo over theHoly Ghojls head. Where they fhould beginne withthegift,.rhe.firitdu~ they begin with,is to get them agoodplace. Let thegift come afrer,iflt:"tll: otlf tt doe not, it skills not greatly. They arewell: they lye (oaking intbebrct?,mth:£rne time. This neglect of thegift, in effect is a plainecontempt of theSptrtt, ~st t ere werenogreatneedofthe Holy Ghojl. f Thus it fhould be: As one fpecds at the firll: divilion,fo hdhould atthefecon • lf nogracefrom theSpirit; noplac~with C u R r s T• If fomeone, but~ml<fneon:~ let hisplacebee according. Hee with the twu mites, not in thep14ceof htmwtth ftv~