-----------~~~~-~~----~------~ Sermon~I'f:_·-~-=-=-_:_of_t_h::-: e :-::H_o-;:-L--;Y-;-G_H-:o;-:-:s -;T ·-:--~-----· :_ 7 _8_:_1 ~: (or as one well exprcfrit) n?t ii;t!e-/~,trnedAurelim,Bifh•pofgreat Car• t!Mge,andgrw.levned StUnt Auguflme,Bijbop ,of!mle Htppo. !h1s 1sa trefpaqe fure, againft the firfl: dwifton: wh1ch refpecterh not one!Ythegifts tnJPecu,but 10 mea[ure coo. Proportion theplaces, to theproportzon of the gifts : wluchpr•portton (we know) · both wayes broken, whether alowgift baveahzgh place,or arrch gt{t be let lye in ~spooreplace ;contrary tothemindeof C ij11. 1sT~ whowouldhavethedegreeof theplace as neere as co11ld be, to themeafrm ofthegift• Th;rcihould be but one G o o. In the Text, there i~m;; more. But)lereis ana~ ihcr. TheApojil~cals him theG6d6fthu world: who hath h1s '-•fY'I'''""•;whowork{s • Cor. 4 .4; too: and his workestend to de{4<"e, anddampifte the church, all h_e may. ,. 'J Nor, there is but oneLmlhere, todiTJide places. But by a]lirepatronat~«, other Lords there are, that makediviftons, andfubdiviftons ofthem: Ofwhom fhe poo"re (u6dividedplaceJ may fay(withEfay) 0 Loa o, otherLords beftdcstheehAdthe di}: Efay•'· !_~; peftng of*• . . . . . .. - So, t~ere isbut oneSpirit. Bur, anotherJ!trtt thc;re IS abroad mthe world. ~e thattarried CH a 1sT uptothetop ofthemountame,andtalktofTsbsd.tbu, as if M'\·4 ?; he hadgifts too. . I !hail be forry to make any otherdivifton ofgifts, than thofedfthe H6ly Ghod, But, made it mu£1: be,which the world hath made,and makes daily;and makes more accompt ofthem,than ofthefe here in the Texr. And indeed, fuchaccompt, as the Holy Ghoff may fit fiill, and keepe his giftsrindividedwellenough. 'the otherSpirit divides other m•nnergiftJ, than the81)/y Gpofl hathany. Thegiftsof,rheHoly Ghoft are donA peCJoru, c~meout ofthebreAjl : You would thinke, the others come out of thebreaffroo; but they comebut out oftheboforne. And in fPeculati~n we fay, rhe Holy Ghojis gifts are farre above thefe;but, inpractice, they are daily found to be far abovetheminpower. For,theWife-manfait:h, Dilaw•tvi~tmhominu, thefegifts ~ro!·!9·~~ ] haveapower tomakeaway through never fothtcke a preafe;power,to make tiny doore ftye6ftn afore them. They Cpeake ofgram : They make any, that come with them, moregracious, than thefe ofSaint Paul. Nay, they will difgrAce them,and mar their falhion quite. Butthen thofegifts hold not ofthis FeAjl, not ofPentteoft;but hold oftheFw1 ofSimd!<and It~de, they. TheChttrehhath joytled thofe two Sainrs,io oneFeafl: And the Divell (in many thingselfe, Gon'sApe) hathmadealikejoyning)ofhis too, in imitation ofthe true. His Simon, is Simon r...Magt«; not Simon Zelotts; and It~de, lt1dM I{cariot, not Iudatthe brother o{l4met; no kinne to him. Sim,ll, he came offround!y, <>e.~<>ivsy•~ x_p>if'<'T"-, offered frankely, would come to the price. And Iudd'f, All• s. 18.. hewould knowwhat they wouldgive, how thankf.vO they would be ; and it was done, M'" , 6 11 . andthere goeth a bargaine. Thefetwo are like enoughto~ree. And thus is theHo- -· • ly Ghofl defeated: boteghtiout,He and Hisgifts bySimo» frill. A'nd thus is C H11. I s T betrayed in Hisplaces >and that, by lNdM fl:ill. This wickedftattrnity ofSimm an(!! Iude, are thebaneofthe Churcb,untothisday. ltlda~, that fold CHars T, lik'e enoughtomakefaleofCH a Is T'splam. Simon, thatwouldbuythe B•lyGhoji (had He beene to be fold) as like to buy out the Holy Ghoftsgifts, as the Holj Ghoft Hunfelfe. And this fault io the firll concoill:ion,is never after amended iri the fecond. For, with fuch as thefe Go o will never co-operate: never corn~ there-any fruit of fuch. Eno~gh~ ifany rhingwereeaough. But thus CH 11. 1 s y'splt~m goeagainft C1< a Is T swtl!. I l' Thus have ye acaOingwithoutagift. What fay you nowtoagiftwithoutacal. ~ mg? Thofe,arenotfortheHo/y Ghoft: Thefecare as little for CH RI .-r. Some fuch there are ; no man mull: fay, butgifts they have, fuch as they be : but they care ~tgreatly for troublingthemfelves with any&4Uing.They are even as well without. th~"£ llndd~nme AS Gr-Jhoppers; hither and thither,burp/ace they will have none;yer. ~fingers1tch,and they cannot hold them . doing they mufl: be : and ifrhey have g~c ut the fag end of agift, have at the wo;ke ; be doing they will, oftheir owne ads(un.cald by any fo, that haveright to calk) Aod for default ofothers, even Yyy make