Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

~I 1 3 4 Lukc19.z.o. Ion:t• 4.;. • Ilt. 'J,"h:TripiiJ aCluJ.ll. I Dividing. Oftbe s ... N D i N 0 se;;;;;;;;, makenom?readoe,but ca~the'!'(elves' lay their 1rvne hAnds upon their ;;;;;;h;;i_ utter!y agamll: C ~ "' I s T s mmde,_and rule. And fo over C H >. r s r's head h 1 ' come, from thegijho theworke, Without anycaUmg at all. t ey . W: ell in thefe two they have fomewhat yet: Either acaUi~g withoutagi(t gift wuhout acallmg. Wh~t fay you to them, .that have neither; butfetch't01.a runforallthat,a~dleapeqmreoverg:fiandcaUmg, C i! li. Is T andtlieHi/ G~~lt (both) and chop mto theworke at the firll: dath~ That put themfelvesinro bud a;ojl which they have, nor callih~ to .i' Yet no man can keepethe~e f, 5 • meddletheywill, and m church-matters fpmally: there,fooneft ofall : And'~~~ us Catechi{111es, andcompofe us Treatifes ;fer out prayers and newP{almu as if t forreiner were free, and might fet up with us. Good Lml, wlw thepom~hurcb{,1. fors in tbio kinde! . • : Yet have you afourth, no leff'e ill than any ofthefe. And thefebefuchasha · gifts and callingsboth, it cannot be denied; yet fall thort at theworke, Worke ~e at all. Wrap up their talmt :fBldit up fairdy inanapkin, and l~ty-ithy them, Lerrh .t calling lyefaUiw: get them into IonM gourd, and fit gazing there; or inro Ezelci:;: caldmt, andlyefoaktngthere•.Worke who will, andworke Go o in whom He will· inthem He thall workenothing: N othing.Cfo)to any pu.blike good•.Thefe have grea; accompt to make to Goo, for thus treadmg under their foot H1s dzvi{ion, Nay to'all tliree: to GHRis1' alfoforthecontemptofHiscaUing; androtheHolyahJtoo &~~~~ , So have you i aa/ling and nogift; •a gift,andnocaUing; lneithergift nor caUi,.g, but worke for all that; 4 bothgift,and calling, and no worke notfotallthat. All awry; all inobliquity, for wamof obferving theordtr hereeilablilhed. Thefe ~hliqzlities to avoid~ It is thewill of Go u; that this Trinity ReaUlhould meer; and grow intoYnity a~ the perfonall it felfe cloth : that fo this here, onearthbeneath, may gtow,andbe conformed to that there, inhea'IJenabove. The former three divifions, in the former three Verfes, all meet in theVnity, and manifd/ation, in this fourth Verfe: which is theSpiritJ unity. And fo come we now about to the Sfirit againe. For,alltb~ dividing is not enough :But when, thedoles anddivijions ofall threeis done, thenbe· gins theSpirit anew. For, thefe mull: not be concealed, but beall manifefted. And that mufi be by the tongues ofthisday. Which isir,that giveth the Holy Ghojlarnore fpeciall inrereft than the reil:, and makes the Feall: to be His. For hitherto, theyhad as good a part as :"'e·. . . . . . . . .. . . . Ifyou markeu, dwzdmgandg•,mg, rs a krnd oftnj}mng, or brtAthtllgm; ul/e. ringandmanifejling, a kinde of hrwbing out againc ofthat was inj}ired. And thefe cwo aretwonaturall and kindly aC'ts ofthe Spirit in us, ByBreAthingin, to receive; by hrwbing out, toutter it out, or manifeft it. , . . ., And it hath good coherence, and followes upon theworkewell (this11111Pifijlltl· ';m.) For, every mans rvorke is to make him manifell:. No better way to rake true no.· tice ofany, than by it. Iris not Loquere; itis operAre, 11t te C Hl r s T faith not Allrihmor(ermoni6m; but operibuuredite(that is) o~uliuredite. For, wprfces be 'maoifell: and may he feene. . It followes welllikewife upondivijim. For, I. Firll:, divijiondothmake m4111· [eft. Thingsthat are propounded in groffe, eo ipfoare obfcurc; andaretherefore d~· vided, that they may more difiinetly, and plainely appeare. 2. Andfccond, m•n~> feftation it felfe is nothing but dividing. For, what isdividedunto us by the ~hree Ptr· fons, it is required, that we {houlddivide 11nto others; and our divzdmg ttamong others, is that, which here is calledmanife.fting. That which we remve, when we makemanifeft,we are faid todivide, and to dill:ribute that which came unrous from lhcformer threedivijions. • llut thisisfure without m~nifejling,all dh1ijion5availe nothing,all the ••M•"~~o: 'l.d1Jft