Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

of the Ho L v G Ii os T. , ail che manifold varietyofthegraces are to no purpofe, no more than a treafure r~'ded into never fomany bags, ifit be hidden and not manifeft, is toany profit or a~v\hebemr for it. Nay,it holds in all three. 1. In thegifts. Wearenotto;ake ' hY up butto fl:irre them up, and make them.burne. z. In thecallmg. We are not · .. !oe:e afl;amed ofir, but to profdfe it manife!l:~y, as he d!d, Non mepud~t JJva,gdii, llom.1_, 1 ~; lnrh•worke. We are nottoworke mward, 10 aback-roome; but to open our fhop, j,' ut ~ur wares and urterrhem. Divided and not manifefted(thatis) the tongues a~~~loven, butthey havenojire; nothing,togiveligktby. And iight ltisthatma- ._ 'kethmanife.Jl· Which light is not to behid~nderabnjheU, but to befet upo~a candle- Mat.~.zf, fiick. or(as this Fea!l:g1ves) not to be kept mthe fhadow, but brought our mro the Sun~e; the bright and White Srmne ofthis Day. . . ': ; . . . . Manifel!ed then. And why ~ Fdr""'Jl';;,,, norhmg 1s to be donemvame : but m ~ vaine ifw no end. To fomeend then. Fer ,.u,.,. <>el,•l: and <>el< is herein the Text. P"fl<in,; Jrfal;notimo a wife man (much le!fe, into the Mely wife Go o) to kc:epealltl-]is di– vidmgandmanifefting, and all tono end. To know that end then, t~at w'erunne not jovaine labour nor mvame, have not thegifts, take not on us thecAIImg, doenot the wDrkes i~.vaine, receive '?ot thegrAce of God in vaine, naY,, receive not our owneJoules in >Cor.G. ,; v 4 ine. Elfe,we fall upon the other capital! error,abour Omega,ab9ut ourultimHsjini<. To know our part then. For, Ignorantiquem portllm petat, nullm (t,·umJm eft ventm, Ht that knovm not whither he i< 6ound>mwindin the skic i5goodfor him. To know our end then, whirherto referre all. Thegift is for thecalling, and they both forrhc; W#rke,and they all threeare for manifeffation. . Butthen cake heed ofmakingmMJi(e{lation,the endofit{e/fe,and g-oe no further; There are rbat mak~ that their end; that doe ir,~"""'f'"~·,.,, (rhe ApOftles word). to make afaire !hew, to fpread their feathers is all the ufe famehave oftheir diviflon• C" a 1sT's kindred would have made it CaB. 1s l''s end, and fl10uldred him for 7 ward ro it : Ifyou cari doe, -M theyf~y you can doe, then~etyou up to.Hie~uf.alerA,[eeke Iohn 7;j; tomanifoft yout felfethere, that you may beknownefor fuch: Wm cred1t, and become fAmous. But C a R I • l' came to another end. And the Chri!rians rule is, Nothing/or 1/&ineglory, eitherby provoking, or by emulation.It is but Omicron, this i irisnot 0111ega. . . . , Whereforethenarewetomanifeft? rr0.. l uv~if"' here is ourpart;thisisout end, toprofit withal!. Whether Paul,v!potlo; orCephtU; whethergifts,places, or rmkes, all are forthis. This, is the end ofall. Farehey are from thisend, that have ufe ofall three.But <>e}<uvf<P'f"-'· not <TVf'f•'a• (that is) not to doegood, but eodo aJhrewdtuniewirhall, now and then. Nay,that will not fiicketo boal! (one there was chat did fo; ofwhom the Pfalme, f0idgloriaris? l'Cal J~.l:· was made) how they are able to doe one ti difpleafure by their plMe, and pay him home, ifneed be. As ifofjcitJmcame ofofficimdo,ofl!anding in another mans lighr, ofdomg other men hurt. Otherw1fe (I tru!l:) themfelves take no hurt by their offices. But take this for a rule, theApoftlegives ittwo feverall times: Tbtre i< nopower • Cor• ru: gi~en tu any to dejfmllion, or to doeHarme ;foredijicationit is, all that is; to do good •Cor.r~.,o, With, and thewn to bemademanifeft. Wemay not hatch ~ockAtrife egsto doe mif- EI•YfN· chtefe unto any, as they doe to fuch as eate them. Ilut ~11 <>e);Tl UVft~Sf''· It is a compound word,and we willtake it_in peeces. Firfr, ~f"• wh1ch i~ to 1 6ring, tO >bring in, to l bringforth, to +bring wit6. Tobring i"~ what~ What profit is there(faith the PfalmeO To bring infomeprojit. To Pfai.J<J.-;;,, rmg forth, what ~ What fmit bad you (f.1ith the Apcffle?) To bring forth lome Rom· 6 ·••· {"'~ To bring with it, what~ That I may receive mimowne with advantage(faith Lukez 1 ,, 3, E~-~ a_t gave theTAlents_:) To bring~ithit fame advantage. Away wirhall (faith ' (; 1 11 1Dlob)of wh1ch ttmaybee [atd,ttdtd me »ogood, nogoodwneofit. Thefe T~blP1· Bme vana & nonprofuturA away with them (faith Samttel) never lookeafrerthem. ,., MltuNC, ht what fa1t? Go n by His Prophet? Ego fmn Dem tutu docens te utilia ; He tea- r Sam.u.u, ~1. .eth us norlung, butthat which will doe u;good. And what by the t.Apoftlc? Thefe ~C•r•t• 7., ungs aregoudandprojitablefor mcn, when he was in the Themeofzoudwvrkes. For, "·!· __, . Yyyz. as