j68 ~(ay,ft·f· .... Ofthe S& ND I Mo)&c. ser;;;;;;- . ~· as ~eare forbidden tohatchc~&~atrireegs, t~ings that will doeharme: fo are we a. fo mthe fame place, toweave.ffzders wehs, thmgs very finely fpun, but for 00 b d. I wearing; none the betterfor them. Our "''r>'tlf"'T~ muLl: be '&<r""""'u, 1vorker te:/l~ toJrlfitrjith, elfe are they not the right tllorkes. mg But ~opo> is not ehough; to bring in. Bring in, bringin, cries the hor}ltechu 1 daughters,till their skin crack: :Sur it is only fonhemfelves; and that is not rherighl For, it is notjingu~ar~•ommo~um (this ~rofit) our owne pnvate g.aine. Here is ;; another part, Here IS""' (that Is) .-on, whiCh ever a~gues a~ormnumtze; aprojit red!n. dingto m or~ than our{elves. For, """~{pov properly ts •ollAttttum,wheretherebe agreat maily; brmg every one his fiocke, and lay them together, arid make a comm banke f'?r them all.. lull:.as doe.the members in the naturall body. Every oneeo~~ ferres his feverallgift, gfjiu, and ..orke, to the generall benefit ofthe whole. Even they did in the Law. Some offeredgold; and othersji/ke,others tinneD· andfomas Ooatts haire;and'all to the furniture ofthe 'IabertMclt. And femblably we ; 0 by rog~: ther all thegraces, places, w~rkes, that we ~ave, and to imploy them totheadvance. J:ilent of the c~mmon f•zth,and to the fetttng forward ofthecommonf•lvati~n. · For, the fimmPnJalv•ti~n, is thepr~{it here meant. TheAp•Hlehimfelte faith it ' plaincly; notfeeking mine owne profit or benefit, but theprofit efmany. And ho 1 v~that they may have lands or leafes ~No:But that they may be {~tved, Which is the true profit, red~undi!lg ofall thefe,and which in the end will prove the belt profit: whic!t if:my attamenet,Wha JP tOtt profit htm, if he wmn' the whole world? To which port we be all bound :to which port, G o o fend us. And into this, as into the maineCijlcrne, do all thefe divi{ions,m411ifeJl•tiPJJ! and all run and emptie themfelves. Allgifts, offices, workes are forth1s. Yea, rhe61effetl Trinity it felfe, in their dividing, doe all aime at this. And this attained, all will bet() Pax ivterri!, the quiet and peaceable ordering of tHings here on earth; and toGlPri£ inex.-eljis,thehighplea!ure ofAlmighty Go n. Socome we about,and returne againe to the firll: point,we began with(that is)ra theblef!eJTrinity. 'Ftol('them arethefe·: and·if from th,m,forthem ;ifftomtheirgrtu, for theirgl~rie : theglory ofthem thargave, ordered, andwrcught : Gave thegifts to us; ordered the;l•ces for us; wrought the workes in us. Ifwe, theprofit; they, tbepraije: thetather, for that eveil that praife lhall redound . to our prljit alfo: the highefi profit ofall, the gaining of our Joules, and the gaining ofthem a refi inthehea~ venly kingdome with all the three Per{Ms. , Printedby :R.i£hard:Badger. ~t~*ittt~•·*··~~tt¥tt~~~t~~·~ ASER~