-.-A· SERMON PREACHED B·EFOR.E THE :KINGS MAIESTIR A'"t RVMSEY,; ON THE V. OF .llfl-. GPST; .:AN. 'DOM. MDCVII; -- - - ("'l') . . . - J\ .I ~ -..--1 II SAM. Chap.XVIII. Ver.XXXII~ Cui refpondens Cvs HI; &c. rVf nd c Vs HI anfoered, The enemies of my io~d the l\j_ngi and .ali that rife againff'Thee) t9 doe thee hurt) bee as tba~ youngrmanis. 1 17J AT y011ng indn w~s Ahfalom: And he ~as now hangingupenan oke, with three dam throt~gh him. Like htm doth Cuj/ii wifh, Afl may bee, that doe as hce did (that is) bee the Kings enemies, and rife up againft him; For I finde in theText a dangerous treafon plotted againll King Da'llid: plotted, but defeated; and v.fbfalom the Au– thor'Of it, brought to a wretched end. Goc;>d . newes thereof b'rou<>ht by Ct</hi that faw Jr. And thargoodnewes"bere concluded with this wilh, Tlw a!J the Kings enemies may (peed no better , no otherwife than hce [ped. For all che world, like glad tydings doth this Day affoord us .' in alike memorable example of Go o's ju!l: proceeding, againft.a couple <:>fltketreacherous wretches. A barbarous and bloudy trealon they Imagi– ned agam!l: our Soveraigne. Go o brought their mifthiefe upon their owne heads~ Et f afft funtfimt Ab[nlom. And \Ve are here now eo·retie\Y with joy; the memory of · . thefe