774 Ofthe CoNs PI RA~-~ E~ Sermon 1 , _:"----.:.::=- rh&glad tydings; and withalI,to prayCujl!i's prayer,and all to fayAm~l thelike cnd,ma¥ ~ver come 10 the like :J.ttCIJI_PlS· La!l: yeare wee changed b:no~t wotil; JJ~vtd mt? lames:. \\lechange oo morertow, but the number- cneintot e Th~memit< of wry Lord, be a thAtyount man, faith cll[bi. Say \VC, The ~i1mliel·./"0• Lcrfi1'he "fthofc tivd young menwere ; t hoferwo bwfmnin mifchiefi: I will 00~ ;ur tldn,rhat honoqr, to name them ; nomore than Cujhi did him here. oe . , Thi::\vo\d}!we reade, a~a:prayer; they·may alfo bc..i:ejld,as aprophecie: l:<.irhcr .Let;hem-be'; of; theyfh~lt_lm t# rhi:tyoungt("ltn i{(~ol"; the verbe is~he future tctife.' They. h:we no.orher.\Vay ,u~ H:e~r'ew; to exp.Je!fe thmO}'Wtvt bur fo: t:!mthard lr is) many ~imes t?f.~y whether lt be apraytr ?r apredzc1ton 1 that fo runnes mthefururc; and, for ougt1t I know, 1t mull: be left to the dtfcreuon ofthe Tranllator to tak which he will,fince it may be both. As, lfal.2t:eitherrhc Kingjhallre}jJce:by wae .o'iforetelling: oryet the Kzng U)Qyce by Wt!') ifwifh!nt·. ·'F~e fure way 1s, to take k ~oth wa¥C:S' fo, ,wefuall be fm:e'oor to mt!feCujlnsmeamng. And fowill we dde (oforfo W(: may doe) even rake :t both wiyes; forms both: bothagoodpraw and :ir~ucprap!;ecie. _And prayera.ndproph;cre fon well roget~er: ·o ,;, ,;,,,.,,.n~';;,.., (t:~ith rhe P}ilofopher:)Ajftfltoneij..-tlefacsunt opmzones(fauh theSchoole.ma•.)Our wijhes wewould alwayes J.lave DJ"ilw.s, ando~urprayenur_ne into the nature ofa frt– diflion; whatwe.prayfor rightly, we would glagly pcrfwadeourfelveslliallbee cerrai?ly. f ·- • ' 'rhiDivif•~ . Ofthis Prophetlcail prayer then. I As apray~r, fir(i': J tlien, as apr~fhecie.Pray~ · I. tns of.two fort~·:_ ~Jor~or ,~ag4znfl. ·As; •for~lod : [Q, "'.azainjl evil!~both,thingf andperfons. Thts Jsag.unft, a kmde ofpray,er t m,decd, iln tmprecatz~n. Two things give forrh themfelvcs in the prayer : 1 T(lep11Ytie.i, again!l: ivnorn it is; •and the wijh it felfe,what it is. Th,eparties are 1 lirrorheKings 'enemies: •then,thofe that ri{e II. III. up agsinH him (that is) the Kings rebels. Two dlverfe kindes: neither fupedluous. For, there be no talltologies inScripttm: no doubling the point there,.but withfom~ advantage ever. . . . . • . i!Jewi01 is,that1hey may 'be as~hfJom. And two things are lri tlut wijb (ifwe markethemwell:) • Be, AS He; (that is) not perifh onc:ly (that is nor all) • but peri~, and.foperijh asHedid. How was that ~ Vidi Abfalcm pei.dentem, and fo hAPgingyet 11live, thruft throttgh with three darts. Ashe, in his end: as he, io themannerofhis rnd. That theheadJ that contrh:e; may hangas higb. as his: and the hearts that effect, be thtttft through as !lis was: thrice through, though oru;e would ferve, .. And when we have done with it,as aprayrr, thenwill we begin with it,as ape: phecie. That, fo he \vithed :and that as he wifhed, fo he foretold :andasheforetold, foit came ro palfe. All that ro[eafrer, fell as fall: as they ;rofe: Et (•fli'(unt jic11t pt~erlLfle;,_ f 11 h h; . •~ , . ' . JL , D ·v d ' a" o a , t at t tS prayer or pr~pritcze, :s not pent or murup m avtas ayes : not ro end, with him. It reacheth umo thefe ofours : bath his force and vigor!till; harh and !hall have;unto the worldsend. Go n heard him praying,and infpircd him prophefying. Asitcametopa!feinvfh{AI~m, fo did it inrhofeth~t rofe;~frerhirn: rhat rofe again!l:David, that rofe again!l: many Others fince David, andnamely, a– gain!l: ours. So ir bath beene hitherto: and fo ever may it be. Cnjhinot o~ly ~ l'riljl, topray thatfo they be; but a!_ruphtt, to foretell, that fo they lhallbe~