Ofthe CoNsPIRAc u Se~ ~le{fed; _Ebal, whe~e theyg~ve thecurfe :) they fay, We muft crupe imoEb~ tPI6 Gmz~m (that ts) be fwtft eo one and l)ow to the other. We are then nonor,"P fweare gomg totomount Ehat utterly; but to be well advtfed, yer we goe into· or– doe tt, but not todoe it, where G1d blejfuh: which Balaam wa_sfiill itching tlt/o Thecaufe it is, which maketh the curfe fall ; othenvife, ifit be caufeldfe, it w~U ~e. light but flyeover as abird. Therefore,to know well, both men and matter ag . 0r\ whomweletitflye. And wecannot better know them, thanifwetakeo'urtat~ fromGod:ifwedoeit,butwhere,andwhen, andforwhat Goo dothit we~~/ not be fcrupulous : never fearcto follow, where He goc:th before us. A;d 'by hd grace ofGod, we will be well ware, not to wifh ought to any, in this point b~t fut h,e ;IS fhall have warrant even·fro111 q oo's owne 111outh. · ' c The fpeciall point ofadvice thus being, toknow the parties well,again!! whom ~~~"i" we fend it fonh,it will concerne us (and our next pqil)t it mufi be) to take perfeCt no. rice ofrhefe men. They offer themfelves rous, iQ two tennes : 1 The enemies ofthl Ki11g; •They that rife agai11ft Him: joyned here, and as here,fo infundryotherpl~ces: P{J.3.1· Pja/.59·1· Pfa/.44·5· ·, ~e •••!hits The wordE»emie is byDavidhim[eife, glotfed * Pfal.55· It was notantntmie ]fr;l.~~·;~: didit 11 me (meaning, akPonme,1pen, profeffidmernie ;)for then (faith he) I tDUid h 4111 beeneprovidedfor him : io may we take it. ;;J.~;;._ph,;:., T~eother of rifing againfl, the phrafe is firfi u~ed of Cai11 (and lightly, the firl! phrafc IS the key ofthe rell:J whenAbet and he weremthe field cogethenyalking it Gen.+·'· is [aid, CaiJJ r~ft l!f again.ft kim, and knocked him on the head : So is meant, off~cb. as keepe their malice [ecrer, to doe one amifchiefefuddenly. Andthen~xttime it ~""!' !~+ is ufed, is ofCore,andhis Complic~s :· ofthem,!t is ~aid (tfu"1.16.) Th~1ro(eupagainj <..Mofes, In the former ofCam, tt 1s treachme .- m th1s latter ofCore, itis plainere. hellion. In a word : all that rife againft, are enemies; but not backward. for, fllemies may be fuch, asfiandoneven ground; as one King, or St•te, with another, 1/.ifing, in propriety effpeech, isoffuch, as are ofinferio11r place,andyetlift them· [elvesup, againfi theirlawfull Superiours. In the end, both prove snunies, anddoe the part ofenemies : but,the for111er have many times no bond ofallegiance;thclat· ter ever have. · ~ 11 ,.- 4 ,,.; We may not e"'!:••a., (to ufe Saint Pettrs owne phrafe)thin/:it s1range;thatbotl! thefe forts, !Cings have them; yea, though rhey be good Kings (as was David)yer that they have them. Heare David himfelfe fpcakc: !foware minememiesimre•– Jtd! manyaretheytbatrifeagaillflme. Neither the place of a King, northevertue ofa goodKi11g, could quit him, but he had both. l:)e had e11emies: !fobofoeth,H•· ntm, Hadadefer, theStates ofthePhtliftms. He had thofe that rofe agatnfi htm: vlb· falom,v.fchitophel, <Ama(a, here: Sheba, <.A,do11i~, Ioab, afterw~rd ; he had both. And let us not ;.. i(.. a.,, thinke this firange, fince C H 1t 1 s T Htmfelfe; yea, fince Pfal.gt.f. . Go ·n Hiinfelfe hath them too. For, lo t~ine memies 0 Lord, lo thi11eenemiu, and ' ' thofethat rife qpl/g•il!ffthce (itis theXCII.Pfa/.)Thatwemayceafetqmarvell,that Kings havethem; or thinke it is, becaufe it is not as it fhould be. Be they neverfo, as (!_ Sam.:,;. 14 . they fhould; be they, as ?avid, ~mrdingto Go o's ~wne heart; nay, b~etlley as · ·Cw 11. I s T, as Go o Htmfelfe ; both the[e they lhall have, Let not this make us fiumble,burtnat\vemaygoefor\Vard. · · · Qfthefetwothen,ifwe{hallfit ourfelves tq thcprefenr, we fhallnot need to fpeake ofthe one fort, ofe!'emies: Tbe Ki11gbathnon~: No f-ing, nor swe, pro· fetfethemfelves for fuch;l)or nev~r may do.The latter,lt !hall not b~ am;~eco ll~i~ little, andlook betteron, who they be. "Thisdayes peril! was ;allhts penll, b_ot b . .A,uguft, and '.l{gvember! is from them, that (likeC4in) ri[ettpagain.ft hu11. AKm; ~ ~rov. J•·l '· natureisRexAlkum,[alth Salomon,Prw.XXX. One, agat~i.ft wkomtheres;Ngrifi:g Fl•hP.rr~~ SoGodwould have it. Su~jefls (faith the Apojlle) to lye downe_before them/~~ "f•gain{J is cleanecontrary to that; andfo, contrary toCods wtll: He woul d I)O rijing: The th111gbt to rife ( 1JQ/H.er~nt inft~g~~~ in Regem) i~ [aid'. of Btgth~~~rs