Sermon I. cfthe GowRhs. 777 'IbJrer, two ofAhajhtlti'IISchamber(marke.t!1at vQ!umint in{ilrgere) was endugh, td . atraint them: therijing:but ofthewtll! tobn~ them ro.the Gal/owes. Norrhe tongue En<r•.,,. isnotto ri(e, orlifr up ttfelfe: _core~td bu_rgame[ay _; hiS tongu_e was,but up, and he, nd all that rodke his parr, penlhed m thetr gamfaymg, thegamtfaymgofCore, But Iudc '"' ahiefly none either(with Jud111) to lift uphis heeleto betr~J ; or (withCain} to lift up I~hn •3·•8< ~he hand; ro doe violence. Noparty; nop4rt of anyparty, to rife ~gain~ th~_King. Gcn.J. Yet ri(ethey will and doe: boththe thought [well; andexHrgent evobi.<(fatththe J\d . . 6 , Ap~(tle) perverfe l~qt•entes, yea, andper<verfafacientes; lewd fpecch ufed) and worfe - '~~ !-: rhanfpeech, prefumpmous deeds too. . Now ofrhefe,that thus rife, two forts there be: For they n{e againll th~ very flare it felfe ofKings; the very authority, they exercife(that is) would have no . KingJat all; f.1yingwith t\1em, f2.r!,u eft Domimu nofter,_Who tl_ Lm!overm (as much pf, rofay, as by thmgood wtll, none:) Or fuch as onely nle agamftthm perfons, as he in the XX. chapttr, that faid, We have nopart in David; and they in theGo.fPell,that cha~.:i.~.1; l fay, Nolt•mtu hunc, we will not have thiJ man. Rule, they would not have quire taken Luk~•.tEf; away, but ngt thisperfon, to rule over them. 0 f the firfr fort ofthefe ri{ers;are the Anabaptijhof our age ;by whomj all fecu; Jar jurifdietio'n is denied. Mo Law-makers they,but theEvangelijls : No courrs,but Prcfbyteries: no punilhments, but church-cenfr•res. Thefe, ri(eagainft theveryftate ofKiugs: and that lhould they finde and feele; ifthey were oncqjrowneenoughto, make a party. . A fecondfort thete be, that are but bufrlingthemfelvestori{e; not yet rife!\;at leafr, not to this fieppe: but in aforwardnelfe they be; profter at it, that, they doe~' Theyrhatfeeketobririgparitie, notimothe Common-wealth by' no mcariesf but onely into theChurch._ A_ll Pari01es alike, ~veryone ab~olute, emire ofit felfe. Noi depcndencie, or fupenonty, or fubordmanon. :.Bur, thts once bemg had, doe we not know their fecond pofition ~ Have they not broached itlong fince ~ The churchis the hot~ft; the Common-wealthbut thehangings. The hangings muft be made fit ro the houfe, that is, the Csmmmon-wealth falhioned to the Chnrch: not the houfe ro the' hangings : Nd, take heed ofthat. And wlienrhey were takenwith ir, and charged with it,how fleighrly iri theit anfwer doe they flip it over~ Th~fe,whcn they are got thus far may rife onefiep higher: and asAaron, now mufi not, fo (perhaps) neither mufr Mofes, then, exalt himfelfe above the congregation; fecing that All Gods people ~um;t6.J~ ue holy, no leffi than he. Thefe two rife againfr their States. Againfi theirperfons,twoother fort5 ofper.: fdns, bo_rh difcontemed. •Bur the one was, of ambition: as Abfalom lilt:re, t_hae cliop.:Y!I thought It w:ts wonderful! great pity, that all caufes were not brought before !urn, confidering how ableaman he was for it, and the Kingbeing negligent in looking to his SubjeC!s griefe. But, when heJ]mada tent aloft, and did you know what,notto be Ch G , told, and that inthefightof•lli{rad; Sure, herbat could committhat villanous aCl: 'P·• ·'~ in rhe eyesofall ~(rael, he that could charge H11jl!Ai~ as with a foul.e fault, for for{ts~ Ch'P· , 6. 17~ hng hu ftzend, himfelfe; then bemg marmour agamfr his owne Father, \Vas not fo -- very fir a man todoejtlffice. No matter: fohetookehimfdfe; that was enough, to ~i{e. 'The other, out ofrevengt: the cafe ofBigthanandThares (and ofour two; as Eficr!·!•; tSthougbr.) They were~ngryat fomewhat, it is not faid what, norit skilsnotwh_at~ , - but,volteemnt znfi~rgere, nfe they would for It (that they wouLd.) Thefe did nor wtlh government quite taken away: oncly the Kings perfon they heaved at; Him, for. fame purpofe, rhey mufrneeds have out ofthe way. , By this rime we know the parties reafonable well. Bethefe they whom Go Di Angds?andSaints hold fm' e:<ecrabte? They, whomCujl!i may pray agait1ft, and we Wttb lum ~ Thefe be they. It was Core one ofthe crue,againfr whom Mofesprayed, they mtghr he"'ifited tvith aftrange vifitation, and not dye the common death ofother men. No more bee did. _It wasAchitophel, another ofthem, againfi whom~avid Num: -, 8.•iJ penned the Pfo/meofbmertmprecations. They ofMeroz, whom the Angel!gtvcth ..... ·' Warrant, and charge both; tomrfe; wherefore was it~ Bec~ufe they came not to help~