Ofthe Co NSP IRA CIJt s - ermo11 1, hetpe_tbe L o 1t ~. that is, Debl>ra, the_Lords Li~vetenant,againll:the forces ofM . a11. If to be curfed, becaufe they la1d not theu hand to helpe Him much AJ,_ trow) if they would feeli.e to lay their hands on him, to mifchiefe' and m~ohe_(l Marker.f.-sr. away. It was IudM,he was one ofthefe, againll: whom C 1111. Is T cri·~; lm G<n·l·•~· quem, And it was theferpent,whom GoD curfed: and why, what washis(')'~ What, but that hefought to Withdraw our parems from their due fubjeClion. tau .r,· againll: Gob, tobegods themfelves, and never acknowledge Him 0r any for~ht_c Superiour. The(e be they (cenainly)againil: whom (GoD, Angels, andSaiors etr proving it) we~ay fay Cufhi:rus praye:, everyfyllableofit. May, nay,ought; ~~~ even bound to 1r. Y~t, ~o g1ve full fans~aClt~n; that there be no !hiving, but that all may fay Amentost,u!hallnotbeamllfe, 1flmay, w1thyour good favour la . before you fome reafons, and thofc foinforcing, tharwe !hall hold ourfel;esfo bound, as rhat we cannot avoid, but yeeld to it. I care nor much, lfl keep thenum– Thc "afinsof ber ofvfb(aloms darts: they are three. tlusmft•€· · 11: lh ld' fi 1 "f k G ; · I F!r , o lt ore eere,1 we new any were on senemus,wewouldnoneof Jlec.,~fcthc us make any CJ.Ueftion? b~t fay (withCtljhi,weneed nor, it is fer downe to our hands) i:~"':".of~od Soperifh allthttle fnemtes oL o R n. So : ho\y ~ Eve» as St(era : lmle difference,in ef– " g s.I -· feet, berweene h1m and Abfalqm, Siferapen{hed wuh A natle 1 driven into hu heAJ: v1bfalom, with adart rhrult through his heart. To thee»emies ofGod, you fee, we have warrant. But, they thatrifeagainft the King,are G 0 os emmiu: for Go 0 and the Kingare fo in a league, fuch a knot, fo flraight betwcene rhem,as on;cannot bee etmnie to the one, bur he muft be ro the orher. This is the knot. They are, by Exod.po.~ Gon, oforfrom God,forormfteadofGo o. c.Mefesrodde, Gons; Gideons !i~~;~~:o:, .Jword, Go n s; Davids throne, Go n s. ~nHis place they fit; His perfoo, rhey !'fal.S,,6~ 3 reprefent: they arcrakmmto the fellowlh1p ofthe fame name; Egodtxi, He hath -- - · -· faid it; and we may be bold to fay it, after Him, They are G1ds: and what, would we more~ Then muft their enemies be Gqds enemies: Letthineenemiesknowthen, they have to deale with God, nor with them; Iris Hiscaufc, rather thantheirs: they, but His agents. Ir fl:anderh Him in hand; it roucherh Him, in honour. He can no lelfc, than mainraine them, than hold their enemies, for His owne. Saint r.,enn. ·, 3 .,; Pant is plaine, He that refijleth them refij/eth God : he that, theregal!power, thedivine ordinance. The enditemen't was rightly framed (in judgement of all Writers) though it .!l1,<z.it.tr. weremifapplied, Naboth maledixit Deo &Regi; 'N..aboth did neirher,therefore irwas cvill applied; Bur,ifhe had done the one, he haddonetheother: and fo it was tru– ly framed. Even as he in the New Tellament framed his confdlion aright, Ina.;e Luke, f.,s. ji11nedagainjl heaven and againfl thee. For, no man can trefpalfe againll a lawfulllu– pe~iour, bur withall he muft doeitagainft heJven firft; and fo hemuft confetfe,ifever he have his pardon for it. But, there is no more pregnant reafon to prove, Gods enemiesthey be, thefethat Ch•p; 10 •, ; rifeagainft Kings,than this; ye !hallobferve frill they are called the fonnes ofBeltal, Belial Gods profelfedentmie. Shtba is fo called in exprelfe termes, in the next cbapter fave one, that rofe up againff David. And indeed,what was r~edrift of thelirft ten:.1· tion, but onely to have made Adamand Eve the adopted children of&!tal, tham, ~.Chro.u.,s. to be under no yoke? nor Gsds; much lelfe, mans; to brooke n?fuperior. They are all his, by adoption, that carry fuch mindes. It cannot otheriVlfe,be. And 1f lt wehe theSpirit ofGod, that fcll onvfmafawhen hefa1d, Thmeareweo Davtd, am/on 1 1 fide tho11[1nne oflfhai: what fpirit could it be but ofBelial, or whofefonne sh:ba bu~ his that cned, We have nopart m Davtd, nor any portton t» thefon ofljhAt? If ltwer :• Cor.t.•f. th; finger sfGod that touched rheir_hearts that went_after _Satd, their lawfull Lie~: Lord: whofe clawmull: it be, the prmt whereofwasm them, who r~(e and went nd oainft him~ Whofc but Belials? Et qu-e conventto chrif/z &Beltal? CH~ I sr (, 'Betialfo out foat ods;that no hope ofever agreeing them: Now then bewgrhe ons ofBelial;and rhey, and iJelialtheirfarher, Gods ene'!'ies, make we any doubr, but we may fay aftertheHoly Ghojl, So perijb 411thmw1emus 0 !-ord~ This