Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon r• of the GowR tits. . r•~ The one might be enough. Bucthere were three darts in A~.f.iloms liearr oae . z . ~vo~ld have [erved the rurne; Co, this one Would fuffice, but I will cafi yet a fe~ond, The cne.,iei and third atthem. Ifthea fecondly,we knew any that w:re not oaclyHof/u Dei,but of m••tiRtl. hojfu humanigeneris,-wouldwe yet doubt to pray, he m1gh~ be as Abfalsm? l truQ nor: e[pecial!y,[eemg wdhou~d therem but follow G.o. os owne example. Hee • cur[eth theSerpent, evenfo: this caufe, that he was enemte to thtwom•n and a/J her Gen.,•t; feed aad fouahttheutter nuneofboth. Thofethat are fuch,well may all men pray ag•lafi them~ for at all mens hands they well deferve it• .Now thus re~[oneth Saint !'at.!. Rulmnot onely come from Go o; but they come from Hun 1n particular; Rom.• d : Tibii'!bonum;for thy good, whofoever thou art. Thy good, thou Nobleman, thou · Genile.oian, thou Church-man, thou Merchant, thou Husband-man, thou Traderman: Thyggod : (that is)for our good they come, and are Cent for all our good, for thegenerall good ofus all. Vs all: nay,even ofallmankinde. Mankinde fhould be asaFmjl(iaith Mofes) the!hongbeafis would devouretheweake; asaFijh-poole,: (faith Abalcuk) the great fifh devoure the [mall, wereit not for thefe. Without thefe, H•b. '·'•· mankiade could not continue. They thea; that are eaemies to them, mankinds ene. mies: andfo, ofthe (erpentsfeed certainly, to be curfed with the fcrpcnts curfe, con~ terattlr c~tpnt eomm; Now then ofthis great Moaarchie ofMankind,ofthe whole world;the feverall Monarchies of the world areemiaent parrs. What the e!bte of Kings is, in the whole; that, is the perfon ofevery p:irricularPrince,in his feverall fovcraignety:David, in his of It1rie: Ours, in his of Great Britt4ine: the health and fafety ofthe Kingdome,fafi linked with the Kings health aad fafety. The HMd of the Tribes (fo ts'am.Jf.l;; 1 is Davidcalled ;) _Thelight oflfraet; Tupafces, the Shepheard 1{theflock; The C1r- >Sam.u.•;.'a!. ner-Jfoneofthe bmldmg. I Will content me Wlth thefe. IftheHeadbe dead!y hurt,I pfa\, 11 s_.~•, would faine kaow, what lhallbecomeofthebody? lfthelight be put out, is ought but darkenelfe to be looked for ia lfrad ? Smitethe Shepheard, mull: not the flocke be in peril!~ If theCorner-jlonebe lhaken,will not both the wals feele a wrack ~ Verily; all our weale and woe dependeth on their well-fare, or decay. Therefore bleife we them, 3nd they thatblelfethern, bebleifed; and they that fetthemfelves againll: them, accurfed evea with the capitall curfe,the ferpelits,all our enemie; as the firfi of all, fo the chiefe ofall, as from Go n's owne mouth. ·Tothefcnvo I adde yet one morc,aad that by good warrant, both oftheoldand i NewTeftameut; let them be cgnfounded4nd turned 6ackw4.rd (faith the Pr#phet) fo mlt- TheBnemieo . ny tU have willwill at Sion; Vtinam ahfcindantur (faith the vfpojllt) qtli vos clintur- oftlhe Cb•r<h, bant, Againfi them wellmay we pray, that maligne.the peace aad profperity ofthe PI> ·• 'f-f·~ Church: ia which and for which we and all the world to pray; as that,fcir which;all, world and a! was made,aadis ll:ilupholden; for, were thechurchoacegathered,the Gal.f.ti' world diifolves firaighr. Godis too high( as for any our good,fo) for any our evi 11 ' or enmity to come neereHim. 'He reckoneth ofno enemies but His Chu~ches. They; that perfecute her, perfecute Him ; they that touch her touch theapple ofHis eye. Now they that are enemies toD4vid, at'e eaemies toSion : [o neere neighbour·hood hetweeneDavidaad 9ion,the Kingand the church,as thereis between hisPalace and theTemple, both ll:and upon two tops ofoae aad the fame hill. The Kino- is Nutri- ec, 14 ; . it< Ius Eccleji.- : Ifelfemies to theNurfe, then ro the Child; it cannot otherwiCebe. Ex- - ·· penence teacheth it dayly,when the~hildhath a good aurfe,to takefllch a oneaway, IS butto expofe the Child,to the evident danger offierving or pining away. I know not, men mar enterrainc what fpeculations they will ; but (fure)in praxi, how rnuch the Churches welfare bath~one by the good and blelfed inclinatioa ofKings,it is bur too plame. Socrates long fince truly oblerved it,ia the beginning ofthe fifth hook of his ll:one. Confider me in the Common.wealth ofthe Iewt!,the[e foure King; immcdtatelYfuccceding each the dther ; Istkam, Ah4Z, Ezefia, and Ma>~alfes : .Conli:" derrhefe foure Emperours in the Primitive Church likewife in fucceffion i Conjfanc p;[• Conjf~tntim! lulian, _and Iovini•n:_ Confider ~e here at hom_e, th~re!all:. . nee> before hiSMa)eltle, and the waxmg aad wamng, the alcer;mon and a!terg.~; trO!il