Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

ofthe Gowaus. Neither was this apeculiar prophecic i:oKing Davidalone. Theprayer is faid, ·. ! I r: dtheprophecie taketh hold of other;as well before,as fince. Aske of Cm,herofe Theprophocid !"ainfrM~fts: Howfpedh_e ~Hewent rohellquickeforit: .As)<e of Baaf)aandRe. P"I"••IJ. ' .Ctt6 that rofe agaiufr then Lord: Looiteoverthepooleof Hebron.; there, !!:and Nwn.,6.a J; ehei; uarterson poles; Aske of BigthanandThllres; what of them. ~ Fairely b.a11- ~&:m·~·"· .t ed a(the corirt-gau. Time will not ferve, to enquire_ofall. The lh.o~t is: allthat . '· ~·!S: ~ereas Abfalom,came to his end. Sdmehanged,and theli:, hear~ openedbemgyet alive (So was A6folom : ) and their bowelspl~ckt out, to make~hem hke Iud,u. Some their A1lsr. 1 1i, .heads frrucken off,[a wasSheba. Someqt~artered,arid the1r hands, feet and head fet r1p 'ss,m.••·.. onpoiu;tharthe Ravensmig~r pluckeouttheireyes,as Ba~11a a.nd ilechah ;thar,upon • am.;.~~· them mightcome;all rhe pumfhments due to~hem, that rifeWith AhjAlom. For, all thepunifhm,nts of traytours,as now they aremu[e With us,may feeme to ~ave beene colleCled anddrawne together, from thofe feverall e~amples; that.fiand tnthe hooke ofGoo. . . . .', ... All to fhew that aKin<> is Alk11m, rtorifing dgainjl him: Or,if ariy riCe, heehad Prov.i~· l•; better fit !till. F~r,no foone;rife they up, but our Prophet firaighti:rietiJ: Rife up,rife• 01 1' ~ sp,4ndput onJlrength,thou arme ofthe L ? 11. v,~~ife tip tU i11 oldtime,inthegenerations of Efa. S.'·!~ the world. Art not thou thefamethatd!dlHmlteAh(a!ombyloah; andarrnotthou the fame that didll: fmite Ioab byBenai4 r That fettefithy felfe (!ill to bring them downe,that rife up againfi Alku.,, againll:whom there is no riling~ . · . . . .For,Kingsbeingftom G~d(faith Gamaliel) we cannot Jet ou; felvuagainjl theml Alh1·l?; but we mull: be found (even) ""~<•:xfivto fight agamfi Go o. Bemgordamedof Go o . (faithGamaliel his Scholler, Sr. Fa11l) torefijlthem, is to reftfi the ordinance of Go o; R9 m,ri.o: and as good put our felvesinthefaceof allthe Ordinance in theTower ofLoml1n, a~ -- -· withll:and Go i/sordinance. Nonemight better fay it,tliart he :it was told him fro!ll Heaven, when he was about fuch another bufine!fe; per(ecuting C H. R r s.r in His ch11rch (and CaR r s r is perfecmedinHischiefemembers, aswellasHisinferiour) he \vastold plainly;in fo d~ing,hedid but lcicke agAinfi theprk~,His h~elesmight AC!s i.l'~ :ake and runne of bloud; rhe pncke not remove, but iland where 1t dld filii. There~ fore,as here Ct~foi, in the Old, fo St. Paul, in theNew',falleth to prophecie; tbey that Rom,r P' refefi fhaU receive to t/Jem{elves dAmnation, is Saint Paul's prophecie. And,a true pro. -· phecie, evenaswasMofe'sof Core : Thattheyihouldnotdyethedeathof 1thermen; . • but bevifited with (1me jlrangeextrll~rdinary vijiJation_; bur have their end in bloud. N•mb. ra.~,. All, as Cufhi prayed tbcy might,.and prophefiedthey fhould. And his prayer was heard, his prophecie came to palfe,nor aword of c~ther fell to' the ground. Having now dealt with it as aprAyer firfi; arid then, as apnphecie;let us now fee And rc:>.ehtth how it fuiteth with the bufinelfe in hand, and \vhethenhe force and vigour of thefe to o.r rime~ have reached to us and our times: Iti~ with Go 1> no new thing (this)torewardfuch.asrifeupagainll: Kings. Of thatwh1ch IS wnh H1m no new,but old (as old,as David; nay,asMofes) He givethu~ new examples, every otherwhile, to ihew, His eare is fiill open to thisprayer· and that His ar~e is ftre.tched out to reach them lhll•. Yea,~ dare be bold to fay, rhe(e is ~o one o.fH1s prom1fes bath [o many Seales hangmg at 1t,byway.of confirma_tioo of 1r, as th1s bath '. No one, C?manyjnd~unmts,upon record,. as it. In every ll:ory of ~very land,there IS lh~l fia.ndmg fame G1bbet or other,and their quarters hanging on Itthere!hll,to put us mmmde of the truth of Cujht'sprophecie. . . . ThlS yeeldcth us o~eoffrefi1 memqry(but feven yeares fince) wberei? The,Appliu– mour Sover•tgne, Go o hath giVen a memorable example, of the bearingCtl/bte s "'" toth•d•J: rayer, and the accomplifiling hispre4iE1ion, not in one,but in acouple of A6falomt. coup.le of Abf•loms, I may well termethem; In many other points like him,but namely mthefe two:' Like, in their rifing,. and •like in their fall. For;~hat Ah(alom was aforme, and there but fNGjeEJs, italtereth not the cafe much : Sonnes and fubjcch Zz z are