Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon .7• Ofthe N Ar I v 1 r lE. 59 5 And fifthly, to mak~ ~t Himfelfe, andma~e it ofHimfelfe;in femetipfo,and de [emetipfo ;tomake themedtcme,andbe the mcdlCJnC. . . 6 Andhow,orof what~Sporswtll outwith water; Some wtllnor,wtthany thing butwithbloud: Witho11tjheddmg of bto:.d,.there t.r no takmgAn~ay Stn, as Cbap.zx. ver. :u. And not every bloud wtll ferve; bur, tt mufl: beLambs bto11d; And aLambe,with- 1 Pc:.1,t?·. out JPot. And nor ev.ery Lambe netrher; but theLambe ofGod : or (ro fpeake plain- Ioh. 1 . >!f. 1 ) Lam6e that is God: Hts bloud,and nothmg elfc,wtll fervero doe rim. Y. aAndfe~enthly,notany bloud ofHis ;not,of a veine,(one may live fl:ill, for all hJr .) but His befl: moft pretioa<,HisEl eart-blot~d, whichbringeth cerraine death wirh ~ 'Withd~at bioud,He was to mak' the medicine.Die He mufr,and His fide be opce· ~;d,rhat there might ilf~e both thewater and the blo11d, that ~as to be d1c Ingredients , ' ofir. By Himfelfe, Hts owne felfe; and by Hunfelfdlame: by Htsdearh,and by His bloud-01edding, and by no other meanes : f<!jtS twdwtt talM? The Phyfiuan Qaine. and of His flelli and bloud, areceipt made, that the patient might recover ! And now, wemay be at our choice,whether we will conceive,offin,as offome outward foile, in the foule; And then,thep11rgingof it, to beper viambalnei, needs a bath, with fotne cle:mfingingrediems, as the Prophet fpeakes,of the herbe Boritb: Icr.• •'-. And this waypurgedHe us; made a bath of thewaterthat came our of Hisfid~, to that'end opened, that from thence might flow a{o1tntaim for fin and for uncleannejfe (Zach.II .I.) Water, and mixedwith His bloud; as forciblc,to rake out the !l:aines of Zrch.r~;r, the foule, as any herbeBoritb in the world, to take away the foile of the skinne. or whether we will conceive of lin,as of fome inward pe!l:ilemhumour in the foule a~d confcience,calling us into peril! of mortall (or rather, imm.ottall) death: Then therurgingofus, to bee by way ofCome Ele6l:uary, or Potion: (And fo Hee p 11 rgejhour lins,too.)To that end He hathmadean Ele6l:uary ofHis own body,~ Take; M1tth. ><f. i6; eatit: J and remperedac11p wtth ij_is owne bloud,[Drmke yee a!l~ftt:]whtch by ''· theoperation of His eternal! Spirit in it,is able effe6l:u<!lly topurge the confciencefrom . tleadworkes(or a6l:uall /ins) and from the deadly effe6l: of rhell).: No balfame,or me- H,b? 1 ~· dicine,intheworld,likeit. · ; 1' · Tile Summe of all is: There be two defiling /innes, and two wayes Hepurgeth them. c!e.mewe are, from the firfl:, as wafi1ed from.theoriginal! uncleannelfe of our Nature,and that, by theLtver of regeneration. And, wholewe are, aspurgedwithin, Tit.l " from thea81Mil/ins of ourperfons ;and that,by thempofthe '110;wTeftament,which 1 Cor. 10 . , 6 , we hlejfeinHi& 'l(.ame, And the bloud ofh sus CH R I s T p:~rgah 110 from ourfins. , Ioh.q. lly both,He purgeth us from botb. And this,for Hispurging• .LAnd uJet downe.] Of which, we are not to conceive, as of a thing mcerely 1 And {<twit! touching Him; (that, His.labp.urbeing done, Heroqke His reil:; :md there is all:) mh• rigllt ' But,thar this Hisfitting downe is,a taking po!feffion ofthat His dearc made pcrchafe: ,,.,.d,i<o. And rhar,not in His owne Name. He had it before; He was inglory, and in thefelfcfameglory with His Father;before ever the world was. This H£res faEim po-tainerh to u;, as, done for us;; nor, for Himfelfe,who Geededit not,nor could have any ufc ofit. . · · Thefetwo(betweenethem)comprehendall, even all we can willi: 1 To bepur– gedof the one; • and,to be (eazedofthe other. They follow well: For,to what end f"rgedHe us~ To leave us,rhete ~No:· but,for fome further matter: wl1ich though lt be !aft in execution, was fir!l in intention. Having fo cleanfedus, not content wirh that,lt was Hts purpofe furrher,to bring us toglory; that is,to no lelfc matter,than to fit onHisthronewith Him,purchafed byHim for no other end. • And thefetwo,PIIrging,andSitting downe in the throne,as thet..dlph& and omeg&, the fir!l: and the !all of that,Hedoth for us. And fo,in them, is all well reprefemed; P~rgmgorerfins, the fir!l:; Sitting in the throne, thela!l:. Topurgeourfins, He began, ~Is day,the.~r!l: day, of Hisbirth: wherein Hepurifiedand lan6l:ified,byHi> 1 ~y Nattvmc, theongmall unclea!lndfeof ours. And,Sit in tin throne, was Hts .:, '~orke,on the Iafl: day ofHis LAfcenfion : Thentook He polfeffion,in our names, ch<p. 6. P"ft : · ~·~9- (faiththeAp~k) as forertmner for us. •1 '· ·• . ~e