Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Thut.•,•• f, ProV.JS.J7, lKitlg.q.t. t:ll:JN ludgc.s.r. Ofthe Co N s P 1RA c u -;:;-----..., Sermon 1 arc both under one commandement, asi'aterandRe;~ lecb] the name of rhe firft Kings of CanAa/1. If under one, then under . '"''· If they .<loe bur j]Jeake evill, under Mofts's curfe, inmount Ehat; jf but l~~ecurfe: them Wtthafc~rm[lllleye, under Salomo11s curfe, that the Ravenspi.·ke thofi upon The fame, :~gainft afother, to reach mcth more toAhiam, Pater Populi. cS'1~::t' lomon name hisnephew;)Abiam, afatherof Inda; even asDebora,wasa 0 h Sa. Gen., i5. Ifrael. In a word: what N1ah might wifh to a badprme (Cham ;) and Ei:J, 1~tn .•King.f .>1. to abadfervant (Gehezi ;) ho caufe in the world, but Cujbi might wifh the fa aw,fh bad fuhJea. All is one cafe, This then breeds no unlikelineife; and inallt~et~a exceeding like. . ere , Asthatyoung man (to keepethc words ofthe Text.) For, thofe wereyou.. Th · N r - r "o mm, too. etr yeares, not many. or many : nay,' o tew, 10 greene, as it ma U feeme ftrange,rhat ther~could fuch inveteratemalice and mifchiefe be harched w[, young yeares. As he, in that (firft.) ,m o ~ As in yeares, fo in malice; bloudy-minded both. Said not Abfolom to his Aj( <'Sam.•~.:iS. jims, Whm I give you a (igne, fee youfmite, kill him, feare mt,ba'Venot 1 comm•nil:d 3 · yo11? Said not they the fame to him, whom to that end, they had armed and placed todoethatwickedact~ Inthar like,fecond. ' As in this malicious bloudy mind; fo in raking it up,:md keeping itclofe divcrfe yeares together. Not only (as Ab(alom in this) to fa}' neithergoodnor 6ad:bu~in rhis too ; to entreat the Km_g, and all hts cornpany to thetr houfe; to emerraine and feaQ htm,and belides promtle, and pretend, I know not what, and all to coverand con· ceale their devilliQI intent. In this like, thirdly: thisyoung man, and rhcfe. · 4 And not in this kinde onely ofoutward diifembling ; but in aworfe kindeofre-· , S:lm.•f .8. ligious hypocrilie, He madea religious vow; itlay on his confcience, he could nor b.e qu~et, till he ha? got leave to goe pay it,and then,even then, went he about allhis· v!llame. And wastt notfo here~ He,foholy,as to aSermo» hemuftneeds;toG•ds word; no remedy, he mighrnotbefromitinanywife: andthat,whenhettufted, the deadly blow lhould have bfenegiven. In rhis,Iike. And yetfifchly, the fame man, like .A/,falum, when hewas inGejf11r. Ab{alemin Gejfur, and this in ltJiy, as devout at his Majfesthen, as he was here zealous for his excrcifeoftheWord. Alike at both, as they ferved his tume. Likein thisroo. 6 And,laft ofall, in this too : that for all this goodlymasl:eofreligion, whenhe Chap. as.••· fawhistreacherywasdifcovered,:~s AhfAI~mblewhutrumpet, fo he w:~s comrntto uncafe himfelfe, and to rufhfonh and appeare for fuch as he was•.In which all, he perifhed, as Abfalom: got in his heart, that Ahfa/,mgot in his: only that wasadm, 7 and this was adagger. For (fitre) being rhus like in their conditions, and in fo many circumLbnccsbe– fides, pitie bur they fhould be like in their ends too: And they were. And, rharfo they were, is the matter of the publike gratulation of this day, ofthedayofthe weeke all the yeare long; ofthis, die day it felfe, fpccially above all: thatrhcpr1J11' andpropbecieofCujbi tooke place; bisprayer heard, his propbuie fulfilled, nolelfcm thefe yotmg men, than in tbat; no leife in the enemies ofour King14mes,chanmhis Lord King D4vid. . . , In the freafons, little difference or none :in the delivery, fomedilference; but, all for thebetter. For firfi, in farre greater peril! was his Majeflie, farre greater than ever was DAvid. r. David was butpurfieed: bur hewas even caught, and .wnh; in (I know not how many) lockesand doores. 2. D4vidwasall thewhtle wuhou the reach ofany blow: how neerethe blow.was to his breft, ic is ableromakeaoy man chill, but to thinke. ~· David had his Worthies flill about him: The K~$ was in torcufarife/u!, in the very preife alone, & vir de gentibsu, and not oneofli Id people to fland by or aflift him. 4· That Davidwas delivered, it mult ?~afcn ~ to the providence of Go o ; but, ia that it was a.foughr field, his anmemull.t~f~ ·part ofthe praife. It was another manner ofprovidence, thar was lbewcd h~rc{maY more neerc regard, ofa more ftrange operation. I dare confidently atlirmc tt ( well