Sermon r. ofthe Go wR 1 J£ s. weUiam ft 1 re:) Go o's hand was much more eminent in this, rhan inrhat: praifed be 5• ./\nd lafiof aJl, Davtd(her~)heard of his delivery by c 11 • Jb i. Oursfaw 1thLmfelfe :and yet Cl cannot tell well, w_hat tofay)the danger was fo rcar,and the fwe mull needs be accor_dmgly;~-vhethent had n~t ~een to be wifhed• ~hat [omeCujbi had rather brought udmgsof -lt ,_th~~e ~te~c 1t lumfelfe. But fince: it leafed. Go n, fo from Ifeaven ~o !hew Htmfelle.mlt(lf everHeed1d, inany) ana though with fL\Ch feare; yet WithOUt any harme, iJu/CJS /abommpr£terttommme~ mori~. · · . . . · '- r 1 . t· ji'' r1 ft' 1 l'' David heardhis; Segmm zrrttant : ·ours 1JW 115, oc11 ts uv]e'"' ae tvuo; the imprdfion of joy was the gr~ater,and ~id workboth the flronger and r?e longer. The fironger, iO: a vonve thankfgtvl?g tlilen unde~rak,u-: Thelonger, m the con-: tinuall renewing tt, not onely from yeare to ycare, but from weeke to weeke all the yeJrcJong. '· · And what !haUwe fay then~ Whatbut'J.SlAhimaak..before at the l8. Ver.. Blef– fcdbethe Lo Jt "./;;.Go n tlwh•ththisda~given fentence_forhim,uponthofe, that r~fc up againft lum. ~nd then fecondly, WithCHjln, So bezt to all thereft,aslt was. with thefe. Thoughtt be to goe mto mount Eba/,let us.not feare, Go n goeth be– fore us, and faith it beforeus; Ictus no{make danger,to goe after, and to fay after Him. 'They be Hirmemies, fo proved: fay we boldly, So perijb alithine memies,o Lo ._ o. • They beenemies of mankinde,_ in.beingcnemiestothem,by whom order and peaceis kept in mankind, and without whom there would in mankind be nought but contufion: TheSerpentscur[c be upon them,and let thetr heads be trodtopeeces. l They be Sio/15 malignant enemies: let them beasgraJTeupon thehoufe-top,M thofe th~tperijhedat Endor,and became dlmgfor the earth. Let then~ be asftubblefcattered,as wax melted,as fmol:e driven, no man can rell\vhither. Let them perifl1; peri!h,asSi– {era,and oreb, as Ab(alom. Iaels hammer, on their heads; Gideons axe,ontheir n~cks; Ioabs dart in·dicir hearts. One; nay three: one,for theenemies of Go o :another,for thememies of mankinde ~a third,for the enemies ofSion. Let Cujbi be bothPrieft and __ Prophtt; this his prayer never retiune emptie, this his Prophej_enever wane fuccdfe. Pfal_,;~,!J AndLet the KttJ.gtverrt]oyctmthy jltength (0 L oB:DJ. Let htm beexcudznggladof thy falvation. Ever thmft thott back his enemies,and;(readt~em dorvnethat rife"Pagai11jl him. Let their [r11ords goe thmrv their srrme hearts, and their mifchicfe light upon their 61MheAds. Let f1i; eare flill heare f1 iJ deftre 11pon His enemies,andH u eyeftillfee · the (aUof thervtcl:edtbat rife up againji Him. Be h~asDavid; we, as Cr~fhi: they,asAb(alom. Go o,bywhomtbisprayerwasal-: lowed, receive and gram it: Gon,by w!Jomth.ispr~phe. cie was infpired,make it good,and fulfil! ir,as this · day, fo for ever : Evenforeverandevcr for His C H R xs T s fake-, (***) Zzzz ASER:! .. ""