Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon z. of the Gow R u s. on the 1 0 R Ds Annointcd; but they il1al1 be found,and handled, asgttiltie perfons. F r 0 they were; and rbetr b!oud was upon tbctr o1vn hMds. Both cafes fuitino- fo well or,•• c h. d . "' ' rhisTexrmighrwellfetve,ort ts ay. There is, in the former verfe, amoti0n madeb~ Abijhai fo~ aMorp at Saul, rhus : Th.Divift•~; see, &c. There be three perillous monves mtt: 1 llllmtmm, He ts your enemy; • c 0 '!. I, dujit ; here is anotportumty; l Smc me, theaCt (hall not be yoms, let me alone, I w 1 11 rake it upon me. There is in the latter, Davids utter diilike of the motion, thus: Dej}ny not, &c.' 11~ Whereio,firfr there is a doublecharge to the contrary : 1 Olleadocstlti'!'; Deflroy hiln not. > Theorhertifirig our of rhe rcafon,yer plainec"nough. He had fatd, Deflray him not: Not that; fl.!!,is enim mijit maiulm? for, a Ielfe matter thandiar, youmay not doe,nor layyo11r bands,not fo much: which is (as it were) a furcharge tothe former; or (if I may fo fay) a fecond edition of Ne perdas. No talke of deflroymg: fofarre from that, as nojlirring thehandcoward it. r. Then upon this double chargc,followethadouble reafon; two retentivts (as it wei·e)againft the firft motion. • He is the Lords Amrointed : that, may !by you, if youbeagoodfubjeet. . . . . .., . , 2. Be you good fubjetl: or no,tfrhatwtll not,ttJtS mull; To11 jhaft110t begutltlelfe; If notgt~ilt!e!f.e,rhen!{"iltie: and :vimbec?mes of them that beguiltie,we~ll k~ow. That is, doe tt not ; tf you doe, tt il1all bnng you tbgutltte or notgm!tte : tf you laJ. J8Ur hand, you IJJall holdtiJyour handfor it: it is as much as your life is worth. 3· Thirdly,iris not indeed, Non erisinfons. For, if it hadbeene fo,irmight have beene thought to have reached to Ahifhai, to this particular,and no further. But he chafe rarher,routter it by ~is? For, by asking fl.!yil Who il1all ~Heplainly im. plicth Neqt~istmqttam, that none ever may: Not he, not Abifhai; nay,not _any. So, there is a double charge: •Deflroy not, •!ay notyour hand. Adouble retentive: 1 He is God's .4nnointtd; ' rouj/Mflnot begui!t!ejfe: land a fl$is upon all,to binde all,and to fhew, the charge is general! without exception. 1, lnall which, there isaprotec1icn for Sa11l rhe fir!l King, and all after him, not only fromperditid, defrroying, givingdf theblo1v; bur frommifio mamu,flirringof theb,znd. 2. There is a necke-ver!e for Ahijbai, andall undmakersin chat kinde; theyare allc•Jl, they are all fouhdgt~iltie,yerrbey come to rhe barre; they areartainted; eve~ ryone. 3· There is an Euge for David: who fhewerh himfclferhrciughall. 'Inhis charge (deflroy not)agoodfubjeet: >Inhis rea[on (He t5 GoD's Annointed) agood Divine : l In his fenrence (Non eris infons) a good I11dge: +Inhis chafleng~ (~rs mittet? ) a !l:our chan;pion, to any that fhal! mainraine the contrary. 4· But for that, befides this reafonin the Text (of inimici1m truim,)there have beene other reafbns framed in our dayes, to the fame end; and all of them inSattl,rhe panieinrheTexr: we will make them in roo,ro rule this cafe once for all. For Sattl's cafewillbefound to have in it,al that can be alleaged,Why any King fhould be:ifany Kmg might be touched. All (I fay) will be found in him: Bur,he for all rhem,may not touched: therefore none may. · 5· And this done, we will come (as the duty of the day requireth)tolay thefe cafes, cafe to cafe; ours ofthe day,ro this in the Text. Where we!hall fee that we have as greatcaufe: nay, of the twaine,rhe greater caufeof gratul~tion, for;he bap~ pteNeperdMof this day. Zzz 3 'fhiS