Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

-~7_8_6 ___________ o_~_~_e __ <: ___ o_N_s_r_I_a_A_c __ IE ________ Se~ ---:. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t. THisisAhi/hai'smotion. Therebethreemotivesinit: 'Theparricis 01 . 'AbiJhai's Momze. • Goo hath fent youopportrmrtte. l I w1ll take lt upon me. Enmlrrem. <ion. us willing to takerevenge; opportunity, able ; and ifanother will do~'thal-e.; the rather for thac;for,thenwe {hall bearc no blame: Threefhrewd motive eb" 1 • they meet: and here they meet all in one. Let us weigh them: which I doet~,w ere willingly, becaufe all three meet alfoin this daye's attempt. 1 Enmiti<, that ~~~ore colour,an old wrong; [o, thereweretnboth, the fame pretence. 'Andthef: the v4ntage in both. For, the Kingwas fhurupindeed, and that literally. l An/he;. was at Church,he f:hould not have doneit, not he: AhijhAi f:houldhavedoneir e~ at thechamber. Ofthefemotivesthcn. ' ein He is an tntmie. But not every enemieis tobedejlroyed, but they thatwo ldd The fisfimoJlroy us. All cnmitieis not deadly fewd : Sau!s was; nothincr would fetv• h~ bl· ~~',;;im• Davids life; and many wayes he fought it indirectly. • By ~atchincr hi~w~hut ownedaughter, and laying on him, fora dvwry, {o many fore-skinsof~h1 Phi!~· ts fo he might fall by their hands. • That would not doe: he wem to it direcl! 1 .'7'' threefeverall times Glll: his j•ve!inat him, to havenailed him to thewall. 'Wh~~h~~ efcaped him fo: _thengav~ he expref:fe charge openly to all men, to kill him, tvhere _ ever they met htm. l,vyhe_n that woul~notbe, fenrtohtshoufeforhim; when tHIUfl• t Adtadfy rnemt". Ch:~p.sS tf. s,.J.o. Chap. 19 , , word ~ame, he was.fickem111Shed, bad bnng h1m bed and all, that hemighr fee him 19-' r flame m h>s owne prefence. vVas there cverthelike ~ who would not have beene '2. An rncmie with{)llt caHft· Pfol.7-J. quit of [uch an memie? Irmaybe, therewascaufewhy: andrhenitholdsnot. Nay,noc•ufe. ToGod he proreRs, Sau! without any eau(', was hisenemie. For, no caufe.hecravehim to bee his enemy ; He never hurt him: But great caufe to have beene his go;d Lord, hehad ~any wayes done him good fervice. Not to fpcake of his Harpe (whcrewithheliid Clup. 1 6.•J· nd htm ofmany afurromfit ofmelancholy,or aworfe matter:) with hisJling,ir cannor be denied, he did him, and the whole Realme good fervice, in the overthrowof Chop , 7.~9• Colin;, and tooke away the rebuke.from Ifrael. Yea many times after, pm hisJi•ltin Chop.t 9 .rhi; bands (as Ionatbanpleaded for him)thatis, venruredhislifcto doe him fervicein his warres, and ever with good fuccef:fe; and yet for all this,[ought his life. And who would fave thelife offuch an enemy ? A ,.-, Ycs, there may be hope to winne an enemy, and in that cafe he would nor bedt- ~,o;;~~;c',.,. jlr6yed. Nay,no hope ofever winningSaul. He was an encmieout ofenvi<,and rhey '' outol tnvie. will never be wonne more. from the time, the fond women made that fooliihrime Chtp ' 5 ' 6 ' ofathDr1andaod tenne thou(and he could never abide to looke right on him. Envie was the matter; that, is the dangerous enmity, that never will be pacified. Well Prov., 7 .•• faith Sa!omdl<, Anger i;fierce, andhatred i; cruel!, h11t 1vbo fhafljlandbe(oremvit1 As who il1ould fay there be meanes, to fat isfie both thofe: But the enemie frommvze, no appeafing him, no hope ever to doe it. Ifought would, whenhefaved htshfear Ch.>p.•<~- 1 s. thec~ve, and f:h~wedby cmtingajhredfrom his mantle, he might have gone further ••. ifhe would; S4ul himfelfe confell:, it was agreat favour : yet that wouldnot wmne him; he fought his life frill : And even after this here, yet he fought it (hll. There W •'S r.o hopeto appeafe him. And who then would not make fureoffuchanmenml Verily if ~ny mmit1 might have ferved, here invas. 4 Ao '"'"'"'" :Rut there is yet:t worfe enmity than all thefe. Saul was not onely an enemy ro his • fint. David; but Saul's life, anenemieroDavid's rijing. Davidwas, in reverfion(we Ch•p- ' 6·i'· know :) So.Saulll:ood in his way. There was not onely the flingofrevengt;burrhe Mltth. " · 1 s- edge of ambition, to helpe this motion forward. Iovas but occldam11s mm; he~: